

Spore producing heterotrophs that include chitin in their cell wall


Little asexual reproductive bodies


Require carbon from outside source


Nitrogen containing polysaccharide


Body of a fungus


each filament in the mycelium

Relationship to other Eukaryotes

more closely related to animals than they are with plants heterotrophic Chitin, (exo-skelleton)

5 mayor groups of Fungi

I. ChytridsII. Zygote FungiIII. Glameromycetes IV. Sac Fingi V. Club Fungi


primitive, early ancestor, require moist or wet environments they produce spores that swim (with flagellum) decomposers= saprophytes, recycle remains thus recycling materials they infect/ harm amphibians because of human movement

Zygote Fungi

produce zygospore during reproduction 2 hyphi join and exchange genetic material into a zygospore= only diploid stage-most of their life cycle is spent as a haploid mycelium [They are common in moldy bread, fruit or veggies because they are sapping nutrients


Most important in plant root cells 90% of plants have an association with roots and fungi in soil. Micronutrients and and phosphates from soil exchange of rare micronutrients, and photosynthesis by the plants. -They are known to produce asexual -mutualism between fungi and roots -fungi offers micronutrients -plant offers sugars (carbohydrates)-soil fungus= mycorrhizae

Club Fungi

Important decomposers of woodhave the largest most complex fruiting bodies of all fungi Cap/ StalkCap= underneath the cap are where the spores are reproduced


are not just fungi made out of sac fungus + green algae or sac fungus + siano bacteria

Mutually beneficial partnership with plants

Fungi can live in stems, leaves or roots


alage - ascomycetes ascomyceted - siano bacteria

3 main groups

i. Fruticose ii. Folioseiii. Crustose each indicates growth form of lichens