
What quadrant is cancer most commonly found in?

The upper outer quadrant is the area most targeted by breast cancer.

Orange peel (peau d'orange) is associated with _______

Resulting from edema, an orange peel (peau d'orange) appearance of the breast is associated with cancer.

_____________ is typified by a crusty, red scaliness of the nipple.

Paget's disease

_______: layer of subQ fibrous tissue and multiple fibrous bands that supports the breast. These suspensory ligaments extend from the connective tissue layer and run through the breast, attaching to the underlying muscle fascia.

Cooper's ligaments

_______: a number of sebaceous glands located within the areolar surface, aiding in lubrication of the nipple during lactation.

Montgomery's glands

______: temporary condition that occurs during puberty where the male breast may become slightly enlarged.


______ first child born after age 30, which is a risk factor for breast cancer.


________: nipple that is recessed as opposed to protruding, which can be a normal or abnormal finding.

nipple inversion

_________: nipple that is pointing or pulled in a different direction, suggestive of malignancy

nipple retraction

________: breast development that initially begins in preadolescence and continues through adolescence


________: localized accumulation of lymph fluid in the interstitial spaces caused by removal of the lymph nodes.


___________: refers to a variety of conditions associated with multiple benign masses within the breast caused by ductal enlargement and the formation of fluid filled cysts, commonly seen in middle aged women

fibrocystic changes to the breast

_____: common benign breast tumor among young women that consists of glandular and fibrous tissue


_______: benign breast disease char. by inflammation and dilation involving one or multiple subareolar ducts that affects perimenopausal and postmenopausal women

ductal ectasia

_______: small, benign, wart like growth in the major ducts, usually within 1 to 2 cm of the areolar edge. One or more ducts may be affected. Most commonly occurs in women 40 to 60 years of age.

intraductal papilloma

______: inflammatory condition of the breast usually caused by a bacterial infection that occurs most frequently in lactating women secondary to milk stasis or a plugged duct.


_______: inappropriate lactation caused by endocrine related disorders such as pituitary tumor, systemic diseases such as renal failure, and by the side effect of many medications, esp. those that interfere or suppress dopamine, codeine, morphine, metoclopramide, phenothiazines, reserpine
