American History Midterm: Identify

taxed all paper goods in the colonies; was the first internal tax

Stamp act

(1773) Colonists protested the tea act by dumping tea into the river; the intolerable acts followed this event

Boston Tea Party

October 1777; turning point of the Revolutionary War; 6,000 British troops surrendered. The French decided to give the US aid in the war after this battle

Battle of Saratoga

Where the British General Cornwallis surrendered to the US on October 19th 1781


This treaty said that:
1)Britain recognizes American independence
2)British allow fishing rights off of Canada, Newfoundland
3)U.S. allows Britain to navigate/trade on the Mississippi River
4)U.S. agrees to pay pre-war debts
5) New U.S. boundaries(north=great lakes, south-fl goes back to spain, east=atlantic ocean, west+mississippi)

Paris Peace Treaty (1783)

Author of the declaration of independence; president that authorized the louisiana purchase

Thomas Jefferson

Doubled the size of the U.S.; gained the land between the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains; sold for 15 million by Napoleon

Louisiana Purchase (1803)

3rd Chief Justice who presided over the case of Marbury v. Madison; established Judicial review

John Marshal

those who favored war against Britain, the war of 1812 during Madison's presidency; Congress members who pushed this were Clay and Calhoun

War Hawks

God's will that we should spread to the Pacific ocean; James K. Polk ran using this as one of his platforms

Manifest Destiny

Law that created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and allowed voters there to choose whether to allow slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)

Most well known leader of the underground railroad

Harriet Tubman

Slave who was taken into free territory by his master and after his death, he sued for his freedom b/c he had been taken into free territory therefore, he was a free man; Supreme court ruled that he couldn't sue b/c he wasn't a citizen and that he wasn't free due to the fact he was his master's property when entering the free state.

Dred Scott

Most important general for the confederacy who previously served in the Mexican war of 1846

Robert E. Lee

General for the north who used total war and war of attrition tactics; was the eigtheenth president of the US

Ulysses S. Grant

States who didn't suceed from the Union and in return didn't apply to the Emancipation Proclamation; Dlelware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and later West Virginia

Boarder States

Took care of freedmen after the war with food, clothing, shelter, education, and legal help

Freedman's Bureau

laws that divided the former Confederate States, except tennessee, into military zones and required them to draft new constitutions upholding the Fourteenth Amendment

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Northerners who went to the South to run their governments


secret society created by former Confederates in 1866 that used terror and violence to keep African American from obtaining their civil rights

Ku Klux Klan

Southerners who favored Radical Reconstruction and approved the Northerners


laws that enforced Segregation in the south and was reinforced by the supreme court under the "seperate but equal" clause

Jim Crow laws

Supreme court case that established the "separate but equal" doctrine for public facilities

Plessy v. Ferguson