
Jenny Phung

Med 61


QUIZ: EHR: Chapter 4

Name three prerequisites for EHR success.

*Executive Management Support

*User involvement

*Medical Staff

Name two members of the Executive
Management Team:

*CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

*CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

*CIO (Chief Information Officer)

Name two characteristics of EHR Project:

*There is something new to change

*Need teams of specialist, staffs availability.

*New innovative ideas

Explain the EHR Steering Committee:

*Usually a volunteer staff member
who were selected because of their field of expertise or specialist to do a
specific task in the project.

Explain EHR Organization Structure:

*An organization where teams are
broken down into different group or department of specialty. Each department
has specialist teams working on specific tasks in the project. For examples:
The executive members, CEO, CFO, CIO, etc. Financial dept., The Health teams,
The IT, The Steering Committee, the Project Management, etc.

Explain �Gantt Chart�:

*A software program that project
management use to aids in managing the effectiveness and productive of the
project. It manages the Start and End of the project, the timeline, the
progress of the project and duration of the project so that the project is delivering
in a timely manner.

Explain the changes in the Health
Information Management (HIM):

*HIM had make a huge changes in
adopting the new technology, accepting the new concepts of going about using
new electronic information and realizing the usefulness and great benefit of EHR
has plays in the healthcare industry. Also the changes in project management
and organization structure.