Microbiology - Week 8 Lecture Quiz

____________ of deaths globally are related to infectious diseases
while only 4% of deaths in the US are (prior to COVID-19).


Microbes in food ______.

children < 5 years

Most food-borne diseases (cases of "food-poisoning" or
"stomach bug") _____________.

have an incubation period of 2-4 days

Consistent and correct condom use reduces risk of transmission.
(choose all correct answers)

trichomoniasis gonorrhoea HPV infection
herpes chlamydia syphilis

Skin-skin transmission possible, body fluids not required. (choose
all correct answers)

HPV infection

Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
incubation period much longer (3-4 weeks) than is typical
with foodborne diseases:

hepatitis A

Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
extremely hardy pathogen can survive on surfaces for

norovirus gastroenteritis

Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
associated with contaminated water; epidemics frequently
related to disruption in water, sanitation, and public health


Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
effective vaccine available:

hepatitis A

Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
most associated with cattle and cattle-manure contaminated

E. coli infection

Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
associated with deli meats, soft cheeses, and other
refrigerated foods:


Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
symptoms of projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea
promote viral spread:

norovirus gastroenteritis

Match the food-borne disease name with the description.
vertical transmission during pregnancy can cause miscarriage
or stillbirth:


Match the disease with the description.
causative agent is Yersinia pestis :


Match the disease with the description.
easily transmitted via contact with blood and other body

hepatitis B virus

Match the disease with the description.
causative agent is Plasmodium spp.:


Match the disease with the description.
infection in children can result in physical and cognitive
growth delays:

helminth infections

Match the disease with the description.
transmission typically occurs via fecally contaminated

helminth infections

Match the disease with the description.
has caused the only drop in the global human population in
the past 10,000 years:


Match the STI with the description.
issues of multi-drug resistant strains:


Match the STI with the description.
>80% of sexually active people will be exposed over their

HPV infection

Match the STI with the description.
no screening for men or women; diagnosis only:


Match the STI with the description.
caused by a protozoan:


Match the STI with the description.
causative agent is Treponema p


Match the STI with the description.
increases the risk of several cancers:

HPV infection

Match the STI with the description.
increasing rates of infection among men who have sex with men
and pregnant women:


Choose one prevention strategy that would be effective to reduce the
global burden of disease:
malaria: hepatitis B: helminth

malaria: bed nets hepatitis B:
vaccine helminth infections: sewage

Match the STI with the description.
at risk population is older than for most STIs:


Match the disease with the description.
widely available vaccine can reduce possibility of acute and
chronic infection:


Which of the following can be transmitted "sexually" but
that is not commonly referred to as an STI? (check all that apply)

Ebola virus disease, Zika virus, Strep throat, EBV, meningococcal
meningitis, chickenpox