physio4pharmd part 2 10%

Distribution of photoreceptors in the retina

contains only cones� High density of photoreceptors�
Lack of bipolar, ganglion cell layer� No convergence

Peripheral retina
� contains mostly rods� Density of cones decreasing with
increasingdistance from fovea� Convergence between rods
and bipolar cells,bipolar cells and ganglion cells

Optic disc
� Region where retinal ganglion cell axons bundle toform
optic nerve� No photoreceptors: blind spot


contains only cones� High density of photoreceptors� Lack
of bipolar, ganglion cell layer� No convergence

Peripheral retina

� contains mostly rods� Density of cones decreasing with
increasingdistance from fovea� Convergence between rods
and bipolar cells,bipolar cells and ganglion cells

Optic disc

� Region where retinal ganglion cell axons bundle toform optic
nerve� No photoreceptors: blind spot

Photopigments confer light sensitivity to ..........


Photoreceptors have membrane stacks called..... in outer segment


� Disks contain photopigment: .........

Proteins withcovalently bound light-absorbing retinal (cofactor)

� Different photopigments: Rods have,,,,,;............... have
either of three different opsinsabsorbing light at different (overlapping)wavelengths


Light leads to .................. The opsin initiates a signallingcascade

isomerization of retinal(conformational change from cis to
trans), andactivates the opsin.

.................. dissociates fromopsin and is converted back
to cis-retinal beforere-binding opsin

Light-activated trans-retinal