PHA 456: Burns

Skin can tolerate temperatures up to _____ degrees.


A sunburn is an example of a ____ degree burn.


Blisters appear with a ____ degree burn.


With a third degree burn, healing will not occur without ______.


The classification of burn surface area for adults uses the _____
_____ _____.

Rule of Nines

The classification of burn surface area for children is called the
_____ ______ ______.

Lund Browder Diagram

Burns should not be treated if they are larger than ____ inches.


Seek medical attention if you have burns on the following areas: (6)

1. Hands
2. feet
3. face
4. groin
5. buttocks
6. joint

To recieve ibuprofen, a child must be at least ______ old.

6 months

Cool burn with _____ ______ water. Do not use _____.

cool, tap;

It takes about ___ to ____ minutes to cool a burn.

10 to 15

What is CCOOT?

Oral acetaminophen
Topical/local anesthetics

Topical anesthetics give relief from pain for about ____ to _____ minutes.

15 to 45

Maximum use per day for local anesthetics is ______ per day.

3-4 applications

Benzocaine comes in strengths from ___% to ____%.

5 to 20

Lidocaine comes in strengths from ____% to ____%.

0.5 to 4

Pramoxine comes in only one strength; ____%.


Menthol comes in either ____% or less.


A patient has a burn that covers a large portion of their body. Which
local anesthetic should not be used?


Lidocaine can be applied ___ to ____ times per day.

3 to 4

Hydrocortisone is not FDA approved for burns; however, ___ to ___%
concentrations are typically used for sunburns.

0.5 to 1

What can be the problem with skin protectants?

If an antibiotic ointment is used, patient could have an allergy

Ibuprofen is _____ to ______ mg, every ____ to _____ hours.

400 to 800; 6 to 8

Ibuprofen daily max is _____ mg.


Naproxen is _______ mg every ____ to ____ hours.

440; 8 to 12

Acetaminophen is ________ mg every ____ hours.

1000mg; 6

The max daily dose for acetaminophen is _______. No more than ____
alcoholic drinks.

3-4 grams; 3