Fluid and Electrolytes

What causes dehydration?

diabetic ketodosis, vomiting, diahhrea, sweating to much, lack of water

What is diabetic ketoacidous?

loss of electrolytes, glucose, and fluids

What are the effects of dehydration?

low bp, low pulse, fatigue, mental cognition levels, low hematocrit levels

Attempts to compensate for fluid loss?

increase heart rate, increase fluid intake, pee less

What factors effect blood pressure?

cardiac output, flow of the blood, and the vasodilation and vasoconstriction

What is third spacing fluid?

third spacing fluid is when fluid is pushed out the vascular space
into the body cavity and tissue and cant cant come to the vascular space

What are the electrolytes and which are anion and cation?

Cation: potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium
anion: bicarbonate, phosphate, and chloride

What is hyponatremia? What are the hormonal cause?

Hyponatremia- not enough sodium in the blood system
The hormones effect increase of ADH, decrease in aldosterone, and
adrenal insufficiency

To little sodium in the blood steam will do what to cells and why?

The cells will swell up due to not enough Na+ in the blood stream ?
the water will leave the capillary and go into the ISF ? the ISF
naturally has a low osmotic pressure amount which will make it go into
the cell (which has a higher osmotic pressure amount) ? eventually
causing to much water to get into the cell and the cell swells and dies

What are the effects of hypernatremia?

Thirst, weakness, edema, dry mucous membrane, increase blood pressure

What is hyperkalemia?

too much potassium

How is potassium excreted out the body?

through urine

What does insulin do to the potassium?

Insulin promotes potassium to move into the cell