NICET top 100 pg 3

Detectors used directly for release shall

be listed for door release

how many wall mount door release detectors do you need

2 are required (one on each side)

how quicklly is water flow initiated

initiated within 90 seconds of water flowing (retard time)

what is the control valve supervisory

within 2 revolutions or 1/5 travel distance

what is the pressure supervisory change acceptable

with change pf +/- 10 psi

what color will a manual pull box be

manual pull box (pull station) will be red

what is the height and distance to egress for pull stations

pull station mounted 3.5 - 4' (42-48"), within 5 feet of door at
each egress path exit on each floor

what is the maximum travel path to pull stations along path of egress

maximum travel distance along path of of egress to pull station is 200'

where are pull stations required to be on group openings over 40'

group pull stations over 40' require pull station on each side

when will there be a strobe

ambient sound levels above 105dB require a strobe

what dB at minimum hearing distance is

sound level shall not exceed 110dB at minimum hearing distance

are systems that stop or reduce anbient sound level permitted

YES, systems that stop or reduce ambient sound level ARE permitted

what are the dB levels for private and public mode audibles

public mode audibles shall be 15dB above ambient, private mode 10dB
above ambient

according to ANSI S3.41 audibles shall

audibles shall be Temporal 3 (ANSI S3.41) and synchronized in
notification zone

what is the minimum notification per floor

minimum 1 notification per floor

where shall audible appliances be mounted

audibles appliances shall be mounted with tops at least 90" AFF,
and at least 6" below ceiling level

what is the required tone for sleeping areas

sleeping areas require 520 HZ tone

how will strobes be mounted

strobes will be mounted so the entire lens is at least 80" AFF,
and not more than 96"AFF

how will strobes on ceilings above 30' be mounted

strobes on ceilings above 30' shall be mounted not higher than 300'