Peds Ch 15 - Health promotion of the adolescent and family (Nichoson) Flashcards

**Sexual maturation for females

Thelarche (8 to 13 years): Breast buds Adrenarche (8
to 13 years): Pubic hair growth Menarche: About 2 years
after thelarche, menstruation begins Puberty delay if
breast development hasn�t occurred by age 13 years

**Spirutual development

Some may question the values and beliefs of the family
Capable of understanding abstract concepts and interpreting
analogies and symbols-�But you don�t understand� Best
response: �It�s true most adults don�t understand adolescents.�
Tendency for introspection and emotional intensity

**Injury prevention

Motor vehicle crashes are the single greatest cause of serious
and fatal injuries in teens Firearms and other weapons
Sports injuries Water safety Poisoning,
tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs