Nutrition Midterm quiz Flashcards

What term describes how quickly glucose is absorbed from a food after
ingestion, how high blood glucose rises as a result, and how quickly
blood glucose returns to normal?

Glycemic response

Typical foods chosen by a person with bulimia nervosa during a binge
include all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following are NOT water-soluble fibers?


Which of the following factors has the most influence on the body's
metabolic rate?

Amount of lean body tissue

The average daily cholesterol intake (mg) of U.S. women is about


A person who eats in response to arousal is most likely experiencing

stress eating

A person with a fasting blood glucose concentration of 129 mg/dL
would be classified as


In the time between meals, what organ releases glucose to help
maintain normal blood glucose levels?


A major feature of the Mediterranean diet is liberal intake of

olive oil

If the diet is lacking an essential amino acid, what will be the
course of action?

Protein synthesis will be limited

In which form are most dietary lipids found?


In what organ is most of the body's glycogen found?


Which of the following breads has the highest fiber content?


When consumed in excess, all of the following can be converted to
body fat and stored EXCEPT

vitamin C

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a source of
high-quality protein in human nutrition?


Among the following, which has the greatest power to suppress hunger?


What is the primary absorption site for digestible carbohydrates?

small intestines

Inspection of hair, eyes, skin, and posture is part of the nutrition
assessment component known as

physical examination

MyPlate was created to

illustrate the five food groups.

What type of compound is lecithin?


How many subgroups comprise the vegetable food group?


Which of the following defines the body's set point?

Point above which the body tends to lose weight and below which it
tends to gain weight.

At rest, the typical body stores of glycogen can provide energy for a
maximum of about

one day

Among the following groups, which has the highest metabolic rate?

younger individuals

A major cause of rancidity of lipids in foods is exposure to

heat and oxygen

The feeling of satiety from weight-loss diets is best achieved by
diets rich in

complex carbohydrates.

How many different kinds of amino acids make up proteins?


A person diagnosed with milk allergy would be sensitive to the milk's


Which of the following is an example of a micronutrient?

Vitamin C

What component accounts for the usually sweet taste of fruits?

simple sugars

The 5 most common causes of death today in the United States include
all of the following EXCEPT


What is the primary storage form of carbohydrate in the body?


Nonnutrient substances found in plant foods that show biological
activity in the body are commonly known as


What is the AMDR for fat?


Aspirin works to reduce the symptoms of infection or pain by
retarding the synthesis of

certain eicosanoids.

Which of the following is a feature of vitamin B12
nutrition in vegetarians?

The vitamin B12 in fermented soy products may be present
in an inactive form

Waist circumference can best be used to assess

abdominal fat stores.

A "functional fiber" is one that

is extracted from plants and has a beneficial health effect.

What serves as the body's chief storage site for lipids?

white adipose tissue

What would be the approximate weight gain of a person who consumes an
excess of 500 kcalories daily for one month?


Which of the following may best explain the relationship between
excess body fat and higher risk for cancers of the female reproductive system?

Excess body fat produces more estrogen, which may promote tumor development

In the study of protein nutrition, what term describes the amount of
amino acids absorbed from a given amount of protein consumed?


What is the upper range of fat intake in the AMDR?


Visceral fat is stored chiefly

around the abdominal organs.

In the MyPlate icon, which nutrient is shown as a separate food group?


Why does use of the BMI overestimate the prevalence of obesity in the
African-American population?

Blacks have denser bones and higher body protein concentrations than whites.

For most adults, what is the recommended minimum amount of fat that
should be consumed, as a percentage of total energy intake?


What is the percent digestibility of most plant proteins?


Food labels express the nutrient content in relation to a set of
standard values known as the

Daily values

How much fruit juice (100%) is equivalent to 1 cup of fresh fruit?

1 cup

What is the reaction that links two monosaccharides together?


What term describes a food that resembles and substitutes for another
food but is nutritionally inferior to it?

Imitation food

Tissue swelling that results from water accumulating between cells is
known as


An example of a behavior modification technique for weight control is to

Keep a record of your eating habits

Which of the following sweeteners contains a significant amount of iron?


What type of protein would the body make in order to heal a wound?


Which of the following is a characteristic of structure-function
claims on food labels?

They can be made without any FDA approval

Which of the following is a feature of the minerals as nutrients?

Some become dissolved in body fluids

Approximately how many kcalories per week should be expended in
physical activity in order to maintain a weight loss?


What is the AMDR for protein?


What is the most likely reason for a person to have abnormally high
blood ammonia levels?

Liver dysfunction

What is a normal range (mg/dL) for blood glucose?


A common feature of the plant sterols is they

inhibit absorption of dietary cholesterol

According to the principles of the USDA Food Patterns, the foundation
of a healthful diet should consist of

nutrient-dense foods.

What is Prader-Willi syndrome?

A genetic disorder resulting in obesity

Which of the following hormones is most responsible for signaling
satiety as well as reducing food intake during a meal?


The body's need for water increases on a diet high in


Which of the following fish is generally highest in mercury?


Who would be the most appropriate person to consult regarding
nutrition information?

Registered dietitian

A high risk of heart attack correlates with high blood levels of

low-density lipoproteins.

What term is given to the condition of a female athlete who has an
eating disorder and develops amenorrhea and osteoporosis?

Female athlete triad

An index of a person's weight in relation to height is called

body mass index.

A triglyceride always contains 3

fatty acids.

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of metabolic syndrome?

low blood glucose

Which of the following is NOT a common dietary source of
trans fats?

whole milk

A food label that advertises the product as a "rich source of
fiber" is an example of a

nutrient claim.

Which of the following is a characteristic of egg nutrition?

Although it is high in cholesterol, the egg is low in saturated fat

What is meant by the amino acid sequence of a protein?

Order of amino acids in the peptide chain

Approximately how many nutrients are considered indispensable in the diet?


A person who eats a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast every day is most
likely making a food choice based on


What does the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of a nutrient represent?

The maximum amount from all sources that appears safe for most
healthy people

All of the following are features of the process of nutrient
enrichment of flours EXCEPT

fiber levels are similar to those in the whole grains

An essential nutrient is one that cannot be

made in sufficient quantities by the body.

A reference protein equals or exceeds the essential amino acid
requirements of all of the following population groups EXCEPT


A person wishing to increase consumption of polyunsaturated fats
should choose

vegetable oils.

What is the AMDR for carbohydrate?


By law, a serving size on beverage food labels is

8 fluid ounces.

A popular eating plan that promises quick weight loss is known as a(n)

fad diet

According to body mass index figures, what percentage of people aged
2-19 years are overweight or obese?


An important aid in any weight-loss diet program is to

increase physical activity.

Which of the following is a feature of an essential amino acid?

It must be supplied by the diet

Ronnie eats a fairly balanced diet, but wants to include a good
source of omega-3 fats. Which of the following should be your recommendation?


Bile is known to assist in the absorption of

fat only

What amino acid is used to synthesize the neurotransmitter serotonin
and the vitamin niacin?


Which of the following is a feature of diabetes?

Dietary management should focus on total carbohydrates intake rather
than the type of carbohydrate consumed

Which of the following food groups is actually consumed in amounts
greater than recommended by the USDA?

Protein foods

What lipoprotein is largest in size?


Which of the following foods provides discretionary kcalories for the
person on a weight-reduction diet?

Canned pears in syrup

A person is at high risk for signs of illness and diminished work
capacity when the BMI first drops below


All of the following provide about 15 g of carbohydrate per serving EXCEPT

1/2 cup of green beans

What type of fatty acid is found in high amounts in olive oil?


A food label ingredient list reads in the following order: Wheat
flour, vegetable shortening, sugar, salt, and cornstarch. What item
would be found in the smallest amount in the food?
