oral pathology exam 3 Flashcards

the embryonic structure that becomes the oral cavity to henrtwigs
epithelial root sheath in the 3rd week


median nasal processes and lateral nasal process.

frontal process

max processes and the mandibular process come together from what

first branchial arch

upper part of the cheeks and lateral portions of the upper lip and
part of the palate

maxillary process

lower part of the cheeks the mandibular and the part of the tongue
come together

mandibular process

tongue tie. when the Tongue is bound extensively to the floor of the mouth


epithelial lined tracts at the corners of the mouth. fusion of mx and
md process

commissural lip pit

small mass of thryoid tissue located on the tongue.

ectopic lingual thyroid nodule. lingual thyroid

abnormal pathologic sac lined by epithelium enclosed in a connective
tissue capsule. usually no concern for malignancy. space is often
filled with fluid or fragments/tissue


related to tooth formation


not related to tooth development


within the bone


in soft tissue


well defined one compartment


many lobes or parts

multi ocular

forms around the root of a nonmetal tooth. most common cyst. follows
a periodical granuloma.
etiology-caries,trauma, pre existing periodical granuloma, deep
restoration,puplpitis and periapical inflammation

odontogentic cyst

well defined unilocular radiolucency a radicular cyst that remains
after extraction of the infected bone but sac is still there

residual cyst

well defined unilocular radiolucency. forms around the crown of an
unerupted or developing tooth. most common 3rd molars. if it is not
removed a neoplasm may develop

dentigerous cyst. follicular cyst

well defined unilocular or multi ocular radiolucency. most common 3rd
molar. develops in place of a tooth-intraosseous/asymptomatic. it can
turn into an ameloblastoma(destructive benign tumor)

primordial cyst

well defined usually multi ocular radiolucency. microscopic
appearance. Sean in mandible. high reoccurrence rate!

odontogentic cyst

unilocular or multi ocular intraosseous. most often seen between root
of md canine and premolar.

lateral periodontal cyst

soft tissue cyst that forms around the crown of an erupting tooth. no
concern. ameloblastoma may develop. most common 1st permanent molars
and incisors

eruption cyst

lateral periodontal cyst that occurs in the soft tissue. few
recurrence. involves soft tissue only. small bulge swelling in the
interdental papillae

gingival cyst

not related to tooth development. named based on location within the bone

nonodontogenic cyst

well defined radiolucency lesion that is often heart shaped. located
near the incisive papilla. occurs within nasopalatine canal or
incisive papilla. common above max centrals. surgical excision
prognosis is good

nasopalatine canal cyst

well defined unilocular radiolucency located in the midline of the
hard palate. posterior. to incisive papilla in the midline of the hard
palate more posterior than the nasopalatine canal cyst. remove entire
mass without rupturing it (enucleation) good prognosis

median palatine cyst

well defined pear shaped radiolucency located between the root of the
maxillary lateral incisor and canine. teeth are vital reoccurrence is rare

globulomaxillary cyst

well defined radiolucency located in the midline of the md incisors.
surgical removal surrounds vital teeth. prognosis is good. rare

median mandibular cyst

is the removal of the entire mass without rupturing it. cystic sac is
curettage. excellent prognosis.


swelling in the mucolabial fold by the mx canine and floor of the
nose. surgical excision reoccurrence is rare

nasolabial cyst

raised nodule in the skin of the face and neck. round well defined
semi firm palpable mass

epidermoid cyst

orally it is located in the floor of the mouth with a dough like
consistency more common in other parts of the body. ovarian cyst.
histologically develops from entrapped epithelium sebaceous glands
hair and teeth

dermoid cyst

dermoid cyst that also contains teeth, bone,muscles,and nerve tissue.
if malignant type teeth are not present

benign cystic teratoma

pinkish yellowish raised nodule usually on the floor of the mouth and
lateral borders of the tongue.

lymphoepithelial cyst(branchial cleft cyst)

smooth bulge or swelling near the midline of the neck(below the hyoid
bone) may have difficulty swallowing(dysphagia)

thyroglossal tract cyst

not a true cyst, are lined with epithelium


well defined cyst like radiolucency located in the posterior region
of the mandible between the mandibular canal and the inferior border
not a true cyst


well defined unipolar or multi ocular radiolucency that shows
scalloping around the roots of teeth.radiolucency 1-7cm round oval
elliptical multilocular projections extend between rooths/teeth

simple bone cyst(traumatic bone cyst)

honeycomb or soap bubble radiolucency.similar to giant cell
granuloma. multi ocular giant cells. fibrous connective tissue

aneurysmal bone cyst