Eating disorders Flashcards

BBC investigation has found that steroids are being used illegally
sold to boys as young as 14

Source B

�The UK has seen a 43% jump in refferals for eating disorders.�

Source B

�Imagine being a six-year old child bombarded by ads and images of
women with society�s view of a �flawless�body� (Thant only 5% of
American women have)

Source B

�Adolescent and teens are influenced by society�s expectations of
beauty more than any other age group because they worry a lot about
people criticizing the way they look�

Source B

�Ideals are brainwashed into everyone�s minds�

Source B

�Men and women struggle with anxiety, they struggle with social
issues, they struggle with feelings of perfection, and feelings that
they belong or don�t belong.�

Source B

�Crippling fear of not living up to the physical ideals they see
widely disseminated in popular culture and on social media.�

Source c

�Hospital admissions for eating disorders in young women and girls
jumped by 172 percent�

Source C

�One fundamental ways the brain keeps track of how we�re doing is
comparing is to those around us.�

Source C

�Body image troubles used to be thoughts of as a primarily female
issue, but males are succumbing in even greater numbers�

Source A

�Data from other 40,000 people across the UK, Canada, and the US,
found that the obsession with seeming perfect in order �to secure approval�

Source A

� ages 12-25 average 90% of those with eating disorders�

Source C

�2017 study shows that two-thirds of women recover from eating disorders�

Source A

�In 2011 studied find that children as young as five are being treated.�

Source C

�In 2013 �binge eating� is twice as common as bulimia.�

Source C