Unit 5 NC Flashcards

Andrew Futagawa

M: a basic truth or assumption
HS: Constitution=7 principles that prevent abuses of power

Popular Sovereignty
Andrew Futagawa

M: people hold the supreme power
HS: The"just powers" of the government come from the
Consent of the Governed

Andrew Futagawa

m: People exercising their right to vote for representatives
h.s: Decisions are made by the elected representation

Andrew Futagawa

M: divided power between the federal and state governments Example:
Federal gov't: national affairs, State gov't: local affairs
h.s: prevents tyranny by preventing the national gov't from becoming
too strong.

Seperation of Powers
Andrew Futagawa

m: Division of power into 3 separate branches and defines each
branches' role.
h.s.: prevents tyranny by preventing one group or person from
becoming too powerful

Checks and Balances
Andrew Futagawa

m: Each branch of gov't has powers to oversee (check) the others
h.s.: Prevents tyranny by preventing one branch from becoming too
powerful. Ex: President can veto a law

limited gov't
Andrew Futagawa

m: national gov't has no duties or powers other than those powers
specifically granted to it in the constitution.h.s.: these are
the "just powers" given by the people in the DOI EX: no one
is above the law Magna Carta 1215 limited Kings power

individual rights
Andrew Futagawa

m: Freedoms guaranteed to citizens
h.s.: Bill of Rights

political systems
Andrew Futagawa

m.: the method by witch a country is governed EX: The U.S. is a
democratic-republic Britain had a monarchyh.s.: As a
democratic-republic, all citizens have a say in gov't by exercising
their right to vote for representatives

legislative branch
Andrew Futagawa

m: article 1 of the constitution defines the role of the legislature
as a law making body (MAKES THE LAWS) h.s.: congress=legislature
branch bicameral legislature: house of reps & senate

executive branch
Andrew Futagawa

m: article 2 of the Constitution defines the role of the executive to
enforce or carry out the lawsh.s.: the president , vice
president and he cainet

judicial branch
Andrew Futagawa

m: article 3 of the Constitution defines the role of the Judicial to
interpret and apply the laws, ensuring they are just
h.s.:supreme court and federal courts

Andrew Futagawa

m: change or addition to the constitution
h.s.: the bill of rights are the 1st 10 Amendments

amendment process
Andrew Futagawa

m: proposal by 2/3 of congress/states and ratification by 3/4 of the
states legislature h.s.: to reflect changing times and to
maintain a "living" document