Reproductive Flashcards

Delayed puberty

Secondary sex characteristics have not appeared in
girls by age 13- not breast development, no pubic hair
boys by age 14- Penis enlargement, pubic hair
95% of cases: constitutional delay
5% caused by some type of disruption of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
--social implications like bullying, low self esteem/ confidence

Avg age for breast development

10.4 Yrs causation
9.5 African American
should have breast development by age 13

Avg age for period beginning

12.6 white, 12.1 AA

Puberty before age 8 prevelance

5% white, 15% AA
-Social limitations, bullying, pedophile attention

Precocious puberty

Sexual maturation before:
age 6 in black girls
age 7 in white girls
age 9 in boys


painful menstruation. 50% women.
Complain of cramping in lower pelvic/ back/ thighs.

Primary dysmenorrhea

10% (of the 50%) incapacitated for 1-3 days
More common in adolescents
Believed cause of painful periods= 10% more prostaglandin
(myometrial stimulant causes vasoconstriction-> uterine
hypercontractibility-> decreased blood flow to uterus->
increased nerve sensitivity)
Related to the duration and amount of menstrual flow

Secondary dysmenorrhea

Painful menstruation related to pelvic pathology- ex: ovarian cyst,
STD. can be corrected by removing stimulus.
Can occur any time in the menstrual cycle

Primary amenorrhea

Absence of menstruation by age 14 (avg).
Has secondary sex characteristics, but no period 13-14
Has no secondary sex characteristics or period by 15-16
--May be caused by hormonal imbalance or congenital defect. Investigate.

Secondary amenorrhea

Had periods, then they randomly stop for 3+ cycles/ 6months
First thing to rule out: pregnancy
May also be caused by: decreased adipose tissue (anorexia,
athletes), contraceptives, medication side effects, drug use, stress,
disease processes (PCOS)

Where is estrogen stored?

Adipose tissue

Causes of Primary Amenorrhea

-Congenital defects of gonadotropin production
-Genetic disorders- turners syndrome
-Congenital central nervous system defects
-Congenital anatomic malformations
-Acquired CNS lesions
-Pituitary tumor- increase prolactin-> stop period

Causes of Secondary Amenorrhea

Dramatic weight loss (Malnutrition or excessive exercise)
Hyperprolactinemia- pituitary tumors
Hirsutism- excessive hair growth in female: facial hair, areola
hair, abdomen/ lower back hair. Underlying hormone imbalance


Only a little bit of bleeding on period
Contraceptives, hormone levels, stress, Athletes, pregnancy


excessive amount of bleeding
More than 5-7 days or 70-80mL of flow
Cant really measure. More than a pad/hr
Causes: steroids, changing contraceptive (deproverha over time),
med side effects, hormone levels (after birth), thyroid levels,
disease processes (Endometriosis)


bleeding between periods`


Heavy menstrual bleeding & bleeding between periods

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Difficulty becoming pregnant (don�t ovulate), leading cause of infertility
Signs: scant/ no periods. High androgen levels (male
characteristics), ovary full of cysts on ultrasound
Systemic: affects whole body. May cause hyperisulinusm,
hypertension, and high lipid levels
Education on management and health choices: exercise, diet, keeping
levels down

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Cyclic physical, psychological, or behavioral changes that impair
interpersonal relationships or interfere with usual activities
Greater than 200 physical, emotional, and behavioral signs and
symptoms (Every woman is different)
Bloating (pelvic and breast), irritability, mood swings, headaches,
food cravings, fatigue, breast tenderness
Occur week before period starts

Suggestions to decrease PMS

increase B6 Levels: egg yolks, pork, milk, legumes. Believed to
increase serotonin levels and reduce symptoms

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

3% to 8% of women
Exaggerated PMS. Requires Meds (SSRI, antidepressant). Mood disorder

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Some part of the female reproductive tract is inflamed (acute, caused
by infection)
Complaints: Pain with intercourse (Positive Cervical Motion
Tenderness:CMT), Spotting after intercourse, abdominal pain, pain with
movement, infection=discharge
STD Screening (STDs are big culprit)

PID Types

Salpingitis- inflammation of fallopian tubes
Oophoritis- inflammation of ovaries
--Polymicrobial infection- caused by a variety of MO�s


Infection of the vagina, usually caused by bacteria or yeast (fungus)
Sexually transmitted: bacterial vaginosis, and Candida albicans
If not an STD, it may be caused by: Douching, sexual intercourse
(sperm is alkaline), bathing, thongs, tight clothing& sweat,
strong scented soaps

Vaginitis symptoms

Bacterial: milky white vaginal discharge with fishy odor. Requires an antibiotic
Yeast: Cottage cheese discharge. Anti-fungal medications to treat

Vaginitis and pH

Acidic nature of the vagina provides some protection
Best way to avoid: maintain acidic Ph


Inflammation or infection of the cervix
Most often caused by chlamydia or gonnorhea
Mucopurulent discharge (yellow-green) with red, inflammaed cervix
that bleeds easily


Inflammation of the female external genitalia (vulva)

Causes of Vulvitis

Irratants, STD (trichimonis), inflammation
Contact with soaps, detergents, lotions, hygienic sprays, shaving,
menstrual pads, perfumed toilet paper, or nonabsorbing or
tight-fitting clothing
Vaginal infections that spread to the labia


Inflammation of one or both ducts that lead from the vaginal opening
to the Bartholin glands
Caused by microorganisms that infect the lower female reproductive tract
Not normally palpable. Infection= large and visible. Painful, may
become cystic
Pretty common

Pelvic Relaxation Disorders

muscle (perineal and endopelvic faschia) lose tone with aging
Fails to maintain organs in proper position
More common in females
Pelvic floor muscles relax (childbirth)
Bladder, uterus, rectum

Pelvic Relaxation Disorders: Cystocele

bladder has dropped, prolapse.
Symptoms: Urgency to pee, stress urinary incontinence (sneeze=pee)

Pelvic Relaxation Disorders: Rectocele

weakness between vagina and rectum
Rectum protrudes outwards (prolapsed).
Pt complain about incomplete emptying or manually expel stool by
pushing in vagina

Pelvic Relaxation Disorders: Urethrocele

Urethra comes out through vagina

Pelvic Relaxation Disorders: Vaginal prolapse

vaginal walls collapse.

Pelvic Relaxation Disorders: Uterine prolapse

Uterus protrudes out from vaginal opening.
Main complaint: pressure.
Very common in women who had vaginal births

Benign ovarian cysts

Produced when a follicle or number of follicles are stimulated but
no dominant follicle develops and reaches maturity (it doesnt rupture
and cause a period, it just stays)
Will usually rupture o their own

Follicular cysts

suppress ovulation, Birth control to treat

Corpus luteum cysts-

formed from granulosm cells that are left over after ovulation.
Go away on their own

Dermoid cysts (teratoma)

Contain hair, teeth, nails, muscle fibers, cartilage, bone, and
elements of all 3 germ layers.
May be cancerous in rare instances.
Removed with surgery.

Endometrial polyps

Benign mass of endometrial tissue (in uterus)
Don�t show up on ultrasounds. Cant see with naked eye. Have to find
with scope (hysteroscopy). Most post-menopausal
Symptoms: Intermenstrual bleeding (between periods), sometimes
excessive bleeding, bleeding with or after intercourse.

Leiomyomas (uterine fibroid)

Benign tumors of smooth muscle cells in the myometrium, cause
abnormal uterine bleeding, pain, and symptoms related to pressure on
nearby structures
1:5 women over age 35
Can grow to be very large, can be displaced by full bladder
Hysterectomy if problematic. Do nothing if non problematic.
May complain of: heavier or more painful periods. Usually asymptomatic.
Fed by hormones: bigger during pregnancy, common in menstruating
years, go away after menopause.

Proliferative Conditions: Endometriosis

Uterine tissue and metrin tissue (which should be in uterus) grows
out into peritonesl cavity (bowel, bladder, etc.)
Tissue responds to hormones during period and cramps
Symptoms: alot of pain and discomfort on period, excessive bleeding, infertility
Diagnosis: has to be visualized with scope. May be lasered off.
Pretty common

Possible causes of Endometriosis

Retrograde menstruation
Spread through vascular or lymphatic systems
Stimulation of multipotential epithelial cells on reproductive organs
Depressed Tc cells tolerate ectopic tissue
Genetic predisposition

Female Reproductive Cancer: Cervical cancer`

Cervical dysplasia (CIN): concerning because precancerous.
Moderate to severse dysplasisa: intervention. Remove bad cells
Cervical carcinoma in situ: Mild Dysplaisa
Invasive carcinoma of the cervix

Testing for Cervical Cancer

Screening starts at 21 (papsmear)
Diagnostic test: biposy

Cervical Cancer Risk Factors

Multiple sexual partners (increased STD risk)
Smokers (weakened immune system)

HPV Types

High risk: cause cancer on cervix, penis, and esophogas
Low risk: don�t kill you. Penile warts

Female Reproductive Cancer: Endometrial cancer

best prognosis if detected early.
Easy to treat (surgery).
#1 problem: post-menopausal bleeding.
At risk: pts with previous history of breast cancer and on meds.
Diagnosis: biopsy to obtain uterine cells. Pts on unopposed
progesterone therapy.

Female Reproductive Cancer:Ovarian cancer

no early symptoms (if there are, theyre vague.)
by the time theyre diagnosed, its spread.
Most lethal female cancer

Misc Female Reproductive Cancers

Vaginal cancer & Vulvar cancer (pic)
Note: Skin lesions, Change, new problems, itchyness

Sexual Dysfunction: Disorders of desire

inhibited sexual desire, decreased libido
women more than men.
No meds to fix

Sexual Dysfunction: Vaginismus

muscles of vagina tighten.
Causes pain and discomfort

Sexual Dysfunction: Anorgasmia

Orgasmic Dysfunction
Can't reach Orgasm, causes sexual frustration

Sexual Dysfunction: Dyspareunia

Painful intercourse
Increases with age because of decreased elasticity.
Recommend lube.


Inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse with
the same partner
--85% Trying to conceive will conceive within 1 year
Fertility can be impaired by factors in the man, woman, or both

Types of fertility Tests

Structural- egg viability, sperm count,
Hormonal- lab work, thyroid functioning

Benign Breast Lesions: Fibrocystic Breast Changes

Most common benign breast lesion in females.
Cysts in breast.
Cyclic and influenced by hormones. Get worse before period and
better after.
Lumpiness and tenderness.
Diagnosed based on signs and symptoms. Ultrasound to rule out cancer.

Benign Breast Lesions: Fibroadenoma

Solid tumor in breast.
2nd most common breast disorder.
Not cancerous.
More common in adolescents/ young 20�s.
Diagnosed on ultrasound/mammogram -> referred for biopsy

Benign Breast Lesions: Mastitis

Most common in breast feeding women.
Caused by pathogens getting into skin through break in skin.
Acute. Fever, malaise, breast pain and swelling, elevated WBC�s.
Treated with antibiotic
encourage to continue breastfeeding.

Breast Cancer

Most common cancer in American women (1:8 women in lifetime)
Leading cause of death from ages 40 to 44
Second most common killer after lung cancer
Black women more likely to die from it (financial, education,etc)

Risk Factors for breast cancer

Reproductive factors- not having any children
Hormonal factors- exposure time to hormones (early menarchy, late menopause)
Environmental factors and lifestyle
Diet- Alcohol. Obesity (adipose tissue=estrogen increases)
Chemicals (xenoestrogens)- Estrogen therapies
Physical activity
Familial factors and tumor-related genes- 1:100 Ashkanazi Jewish
decent, heredity (1 of 2 bracket genes passed onto you)

Manifestations of Breast Cancer

Painless lump
Dimpling of skin
Blood from nipple
Present for 5 years before palpable
Most diagnosed after age of 55 (Better prognosis as age increases)

Treatment for Breast Cancer

Based on stage of cancer- do most conservative option
Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Hormone therapy, Biologic therapy,
Bone marrow transplant

Types of Mastectomies: Lumpectomy

Remove only mass and surrounding tissue

Types of Mastectomies: Simple mastectomy

Remove just breast tissue

Types of Mastectomies: Modified radical mastectomy

Remove breast and some lymph nodes

Types of Mastectomies: Radical mastectomy

Remove breast, lymph nodes, and muscle

What is the most common site for re-occurance of cancer

on incision line