Muscles of the Knee Flashcards

Tensor fasciae latae (includes IT band)

PA: outer surface of ant. iliac crest between
tubercle of iliac crest and ASIS

DA: IT band (ant. surface of lateral condyle of tibia)

Innervation: sup. gluteal nerve (L4-S1)

Blood: sup. gluteal artery from int. iliac artery

Fxn: assists with IR, abduction, flexion of thigh at
hip and extension of leg at knee


PA: middle of 3 facets of lateral surface of lateral
condyle of femur

DA: medial 2/3 of triangular area above soleal line
on post surface of tibia

Innervation: tibial nerve (L4-S1)

Blood: popliteal artery

Fxn: ER, flexion of femur at knee


PA: lateral supracondylar ridge of femur

DA: medial aspect of post surface of calcaneus

Innervation: tibial nerve (S1-2)

Blood: popliteal artery

Fxn: assist with flexion of leg at knee, plantar
flexion of foot at ankle


PA: medial head: upper and post part of medial
condyle of femur behind adductor tubercle to popliteal surface of femur
lateral head: lat surface of lateral condyle of femur and lower
part of supracondylar line

DA: middle of 3 facets on posterior surface of calcaneus

Innervation: tibial nerve (S1-2)

Blood: posterior tibial and popliteal arteries

Fxn: plantarflexion of foot at ankle; assists with
flexion of leg at knee

Adductor Magnus: anterior part

PA: inferior pubic ramus and ramus of ischium

DA: medial margin of gluteal tuberosity of femur,
medial to glute max

Innervation: posterior division of obturator nerve (L2-4)

Blood: femoral artery

Fxn: adduction of thigh at hip, assists with IR of
thigh at hip


PA: lower half of body of pubis, inferior pubic
ramus, ischial ramus

DA: upper part of med flare of tibia, below medial condyle

Innervation: ant. division of obturator nerve (L2-3)

Blood: obturator artery from internal iliac artery

Fxn: assists with flexion, IR of knee


PA: inf portion of ASIS

DA: upper medial surface of tibial shaft at tibial flare

Innervation: ant. division of femoral nerve (L3-4)

Blood: femoral artery

Fxn: assists with flexion, ER, abduction of thigh at
hip; flexion of knee

Adductor magnus: posterior part

PA: inferolateral aspect of ischial tuberosity

DA: linea aspera and prox part of med supracondylar
line and by small rounded tendon to adductor tubercle

Innervation: tibial portion of sciatic nerve (L4-S3)

Blood: femoral artery

Fxn: adduction, extension of thigh at hip

Biceps femoris: long head

PA: upper and inner surface of posterior side of
ischial tuberosity conjoined with semitendinosus

DA: styloid process of fibula to form semicircle
around LCL. splits into 3 laminae: intermediate fuses with lateral fib
collateral ligament and the other pass superficial and deep to the
ligament to attach to lat condyle of tibia

Innervation: tibial portion of sciatic nerve (L5-S1)

Blood: internal iliac, popliteal, profunda femoris arteries

Fxn: flexion, ER of leg at knee; extension of thigh
at hip

Biceps femoris: short head

PA: middle third of linea aspera, lateral to
supracondylar ridge of femur

DA: styloid process of fibula to form semicircle
around LCL. splits into 3 laminae: intermediate fuses with lateral fib
collateral ligament and the other pass superficial and deep to the
ligament to attach to lat condyle of tibia

Innervation: common peroneal portion of sciatic nerve (L5-S1)

Blood: internal iliac, popliteal, profunda femoris arteries

Fxn: flexion, ER of leg at knee

Vastus Intermedius

PA: ant/lat aspects of upper 2/3 of femoral shaft and
lower part of lat intermuscular septum of femur

DA: into quad tendon along with rectus femoris and
other vasti muscles, enveloping the patella, then by patellar ligament
into tib tub

Innervation: post division of femoral nerve (L3-4)

Blood: femoral artery and branches from profunda
femoris artery

Fxn: extension of leg at knee

Vastus lateralis

PA: upper aspec of intertrochanteric line, base of
greater trochanter and onto ant surface, from the proximal portion of
the lat lip of linea aspera, lateral supracondylar ridge and lateral
intermuscular septum

DA: into quad tendon along with rectus femoris and
other vasti muscles, enveloping the patella, then by patellar ligament
into tib tub

Innervation: post division of femoral nerve (L3-4)

Blood: branches from profunda femoris artery

Fxn: extension of leg at knee

Vastus medialis

PA: lower part of intertrochanteric line, along
spiral line to medial lip of linea aspera, medial intermuscular septum
and aponeurosis of adductor magnus

DA: into quad tendon along with rectus femoris and
other vasti muscles, enveloping the patella, then by patellar ligament
into tib tub

Innervation: post division of femoral nerve (L3-4)

Blood: femoral artery and branches from profunda
femoris artery

Fxn: extension of leg at knee

Rectus femoris

PA: straight head: from ant inf iliac spine
reflected head: curved line along upper part of acetabulum at ilium

DA: into quad tendon along with three vasti muscles,
enveloping the patella, then by patellar ligament into tib tub

Innervation: post division of femoral nerve (L3-4)

Blood: femoral artery and branches from profunda
femoris artery

Fxn: extension of leg at knee; assists with flexion
of thigh at hip