A&P 2 Human Development Flashcards

What is the primary function of the reproductive system?

Nurturing and transporting of ova and sperm
Secretion of hormones
The female reproductive system has two functions: The first
is to produce egg cells, and the second is to protect and nourish
the offspring until birth.
The male reproductive system has one function, and it is to
produce and deposit sperm.

The prenatal period extends from?

Conception to birth

The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will form the?


The testes are housed in the _________ , outside the
abdominal (which lowers sperm so that the testes are slightly cooler.
This difference in temperature helps sperm production.)


The postnatal period extends from?

Birth to death

What metabolic effect would you expect if someone developed an
autoimmune disease in which the person�s interstitial cells were destroyed?

Testosterone production would plummet

The______ of the penis fill(s) with blood during sexual arousal,
causing an erection?

corpora cavernosa

Which part of blastocyst forms the embryo?

Inner cell mass �ICM� or embryoblast

The penetration of the endometrium by the blastocyst is referred to as?


Which components in semen stimulates the uterus to contract
in reverse peristalsis?


Unlike females, males produce gametes throughout life due to the
presence of _____________ in their seminiferous tubules


The period of gestation when organs and organ systems complete most
of their development and the fetus looks distinctly human is the
______ trimester


A man and his wife have been unable to conceive a child. When
examined, the man�s sperm are viable, swim unidirectionally, and are
present in higher than average quantities. What could explain the
inability of his sperm to penetrate an egg?

- The acrosomal cap is deficient in the
enzymes necessary to penetrate the egg

What is the function of Progesterone?

it targets the uterine endometrium to prepare for implantation
causes it to be thick, glandular and vascular inhibits the
release of LH and FSH

What is the function of Human Placental Lactogen (hPL)?

Regulation of metabolism decreases use of glucose by
mother so fetus can have more releases fatty acids from fat
deposits to provide alternative source of energy for the

Labor is regulated by ______feedback control?


In a female, which structures houses the oocytes?

Ovarian cortex

The _______ layer of the uterus receives the embryo and provides
nourishment until the placenta is formed?


During which stage of development the organ systems are mostly
formed, although immature?

Fetal stage

The pH of the vagina is normally acidic, which keeps bacterial growth
in check, but the vagina is still home to many bacteria and yeast in
balance with each other. Occasionally, when a female takes antibiotics
for a bacterial infection, a secondary yeast infection results. Why
might this happen?

The removal of bacteria from the vagina allows yeast to grow
at a faster rate than normal.

Compared to adult hemoglobin, fetal hemoglobin binds oxygen?

It has greater affinity for oxygen, and there is a
larger concentration

Separation of the inner cell mass from the trophoblast forms the?

- amniotic cavity

In females, the _______ is (are) the homologous structure to the
glans penis in males?


What is the major difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Spermatogenesis produces small, motile spermatozoa
Oogenesis the ovum is spherical, not motile and is much larger
with more food reserves and cytoplasm

Differentiation during the first few days of development is the
result of?

An unequal distribution of regulatory molecules in the
cytoplasm of the egg

A woman who wants to ensure conception might buy an �ovulation
predictor� kit. Which of the following hormones, when detected by the
kit, would be the best indicator of imminent ovulation: Estrogen,
GnRH, LH, FSH? Why?


List hormones produced by the placenta?

Estrogen Progesterone hCG hPL

What percentage of sperm carry the Y chromosome?


The process of cell division that occurs after fertilization is called?


________ is the stage of life in females when reproductive hormones
decline and menstrual cycles become erratic?


The stage of labor during which the fetus emerges from the vagina is
called the ________ stage?


What is the function of Estrogens?

- development of secondary sex
characteristics of females.

-Enlarging of breasts, buttocks, thighs, etc

During fertilization of the oocyte, ______ spermatozoa create a
puncture of the ______. Then ___ spermatozoa contact(s) the
membrane of the oocyte for activation?

-Many; corona radiate; one

The hormone oxytocin aids the birth process by stimulating?

uterine wall contractions

Which enzyme is involved in the penetration of the oocyte during fertilization?


Improper development of which of the extraembryonic membranes affects
the cardiovascular system?

Yolk sac

During gestation, powerful uterine contractions are suppressed by
elevated levels of?

- progesterone

The head is disproportionately large compared to the rest of the body
at the beginning of which stage of development?

-fetal stage of development

What is (are) the important function(s) of the placenta?

Serves to maintain the fetus: oxygen and
nutrients diffuses from maternal blood to fetal blood, carbon
dioxide and wastes diffuses from fetal blood to maternal blood, a
protective barrier against most microorganisms, serves to
maintain pregnancy via secretion of hormones.

The foramen ovale is an opening that allows fetal blood to pass from the?

- R atrium to the L atrium

What are the important roles of hCG in maintaining pregnancy?

Stimulates continued secretion of estrogen and
progesterone by corpus letrum

The external genitalia of the fetus can be distinguished as male or
female by about ___ weeks after fertilization?


Which stage of development is the first and second stage of development?

Embryonic stage, Fetus

Why is it more detrimental for a pregnant woman to be exposed to
teratogens, alcohol, or drugs during the first trimester than later in pregnancy?

Can cause congenital malformations by affecting the
embryo during its periods of rapid growth and develeopment

Sperm cannot fertilize an egg until they undergo?

- capacitation

The hormones that maintain the uterine wall during the last 5 to 6
months of pregnancy are?

Placental estrogen and progesterone

Neural tissue is formed from which germ layer?


Colostrum contains ____ than breast milk?

High protein, low carbs and fat. Contains protective
antibodies, IgA

Which embryonic layer is considered loosely organized connective tissue?


Use the key choices to identify the embryonic stage or process
described below: blastula, cleavage, fertilization, gastrulation,
morula, zygote
fusion of male and female pronuclei? solid ball of
embryonic cells? process of rapid mitotic cell division
without intervening growth periods? combination of egg and
sperm? process involving cell rearrangements to form the
three primary germ layers? embryonic stage in which the
embryo consists of a hollow ball of cells?

fusion of male and female pronuclei?

solid ball of embryonic cells?

process of rapid mitotic cell division without intervening growth periods?

combination of egg and sperm?

process involving cell rearrangements to form the three primary germ layers?

embryonic stage in which the embryo consists of a hollow ball of cells?


Define zygote?

a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a
fertilized ovum.

The period of gestation that is characterized by rapid fetal growth
is the ________ trimester?


The ectoderm forms which tissue type?

skin nervous system

What is the importance of cleavage in embryonic development?

First round of cell division. From a zygote to morula.
Increase cell number

How is cleavage different from mitotic cell division, which occurs
later in life?

mitosis: cells grow and divide
Cleavage: Keeps dividing and becomes smaller

The first stage of labor is the ________ stage?


The cells of the human blastula (blastocyst) have various fates.
Which blastocyst structures have the following fates?
Use the following key once or more than once: yolk sac, trophoblast,
allantois, inner cell mass
produces the embryonic
body? becomes the chorion and cooperates with uterine tissues
to form the placenta? produces the amnion, yolk sac, and
allantois? produces the primordial germ cells? an
embryonic membrane that provides the structural basis for the body
stalk or umbilical cord?

produces the embryonic
body? inner cell mass becomes the
chorion and cooperates with uterine tissues to form the placenta?

Trophoblast produces the
amnion, yolk sac, and allantois?
inner cell mass produces
the primordial germ cells?
Yolk sac an embryonic
membrane that provides the structural basis for the body stalk or
umbilical cord?

What is the function of the amnion and the amniotic fluid?

Protective membrane encases the embryonic body
shock absorber help regulate fetal temp
prevents adhesion between skin of fetus and other tissues

A major difference between fetal blood flow and adult blood flow is
that in the fetus the?

Fetus: Vena cava is oxygenated

The hormone measured in a pregnancy test is?

hCG, it is secreted when implantation occurs by the corpus
luteum, supporting endometrium lining thus maintaining pregnancy.

Explain the process and importance of gastrulation?

Development of three distinct primary germ layers. Where all
the body tissues will develop from. Develops from ICM of blastocyst.
Top layer will proliferate and form amnion and amniotic cavity.
Ectoderm will become the skin and nervous system tissues. Endoderm
will become the inner lining (internal organs). Endoderm will also
form a yolk sac. Mesoderm will develop as connective tissue between
endo and ectoderm and will form muscles and bones.

Describe the process of implantation, noting the role of the
trophoblast cells?

Blastocysts will adhere to the endometrium after the zona pellucida
disintegrates. The trophoblast will develop into two layers.
Cytotrophoblast is composed of distinct boundary cells.
Syncytiotrophoblast will secrete enzymes that break down the
endometrium for implantation.

How many days after fertilization is implantation generally

Day( 7 -14)then attachment and penetration of implantation
The proliferation phase where a new functional layer is
produced in the uterus

Which two organ systems are extensively developed in the very
young embryo?

Nervous system and cardio system

The cells of a blastocyst that give rise to the body of the
developing offspring constitute the?

inner cell mass

When does the human embryo come to be called a fetus?

8th week until birth

Fertilization of the ovum usually occurs where in the uterine

Upper portion of fallopian tube.

Germ layers are formed during which period?


Muscle contractions of the uterine walls and ________ in the
semen aid sperm cell movement through the uterus and uterine


The solid ball of cells that is formed after several rounds of
cell division following fertilization is called a?


What is the usual and most desirable fetal position in utero?

Head Down

During gastrulation which layers are formed?

3 distinctive germ layers, ecto, endo and mesoderm