Restorative Art Terms 1/2 Flashcards

Anatomical Position

The position of the body standing erect, arms to the side of the
body, and the palms of the hands turned outward (forward).


Before or in front of; refers to the ventral or abdominal side of the body.


Lack of symmetry or proportion; similarity without identity.


Refers to two sides.

Bilateral View

Referring to an inferior or superior view, which allows comparison of
two sides of an object or facial feature.


A visual sensation; a property of material objects, including sources
of light, by which they are visually distinguished as possessing the
quantities of redness, browness, greenness, grayness, etc.


Having a spherically depressed or hollow surface.


Curved evenly; resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere.


Having a spherically depressed or hollow surface.


Curved evenly; resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere.

Deep (internal)

Away from the surface.


A hollow or lowered region; the lowering of a part.


A prominence or projection of a bone.


The external shape and appearance apart from color.

Frontal View (Direct View)

Anterior; the anterior view of the face or features.

Horizontal Plane (Transverse Plane)

Cuts across the median plane at a right angle.


A line which is neither horizontal or vertical.


Beneath; lower; the undersurface of an organ or indicating a
structure below another structure; towards the feet.


Toward the side.


A vertical dimension.


Middle; nears the medial plane.

Median Plane (Mid-sagittal plane)

Vertical plane which divides the body into equal right and left halves.

Norm (Model aka Standard)

The most common characteristics of each feature; typical, common, average.

Oblique feature (Inclination)

Slanting or inclined, neither perpendicular nor horizontal.


The study of the structures and surface markings of the face and features.


Toward the rear or caudal end; toward the back; dorsal.

Profile (silhouette)

An outline of the side view of an object, specifically the human head.


The act of throwing forward; a part extending beyond the level of its surroundings.


State or condition of being thrust forward or projecting


The withdrawal of a part from its normal position.

Restorative Art

The care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color.

Superficial (external)

Toward the surface.

Surface plane

A surface exhibiting a minimum curvature, but differing in direction.


Toward the head.


Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts that
are on opposite sides of the face.

Three Quarter View

View which is taken from 3/4 of the view between the profile view and
the frontal view.


Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, balanced.


The dimension of an object measured across from side to side.

Alveolar process

The ridge projecting from the inferior surface of the maxilla (and
the superior surface of the mandible) which contains the sockets of
the teeth.

Alveolar prognathism

Sockets of the teeth protrude.

Angle of the Mandible

Angle formed by junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the
mandible and the inferior surfaces of the body of the mandible.

Buccal cavity

The space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of
the oral cavity.


A specialized type of dense connective tissue; found between bones
and also comprises structures such as the septum and ear.


A rounded eminence at the articulating end of the bone; the posterior
process of the ramus of the mandible.

Coronoid process

Anterior nonarticulating division of the ramus.


The part of the skull which encloses the brain.


The topmost part of the head.

Dental prognathism

Oblique insertion of the teeth.

External auditory meatus

Ear passage; the deep hole located in the inferior portion of the
medial 1/3 of the ear on the anterior border.


Anatomically, the region from the eyes to the base of the chin;
physiognomically, the region from the normal hairline to the base of
the chin.

Foramen Magnus

Opening in the occipital bone through which passes the spinal cord
from the brain; midway between the two mastoid processes.

Frontal bone

The anterior 1/3 of the cranium, forming the forehead.

Frontal eminences

A rounded prominence on either side of the median line and a little
inferior to the center of the frontal bone.


Located between the superciliary arches and the inferior part of the
frontal bone at the root of the nose.

Hard palate

The anterior portion of the roof of the mouth.

Incisive fossa

The area between the mental eminence and the inferior incisor teeth.

Infranasal prognathism

Base of the naval cavity protrudes.

Mandibular fossa

Glenoid fossae; the small oval depression on the zygomatic process of
the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible articulates,
just anterior to the external auditory meatus.


The horseshoe-shaped bone forming the inferior jaw.

Mandibular prognathism

Inferior jaw protrudes.

Mastoid process

The rounded projection on the inferior portion of the temporal bones
just posterior to the lobe of the ear.


A paired bone with several processes that form the skeletal base of
most of the superior face, roof of mouth, sides of the nasal cavity,
and floor of the orbit.

Maxillary prognathism

Superior jaw protrudes.

Mental eminence

A triangular projection on the inferior portion of the anterior mandible.

Nasal bones

Directly inferior to the glabella and it forms a dome over the
superior portion of the nasal cavity; triangular form.

Nasal spine of the maxilla

The sharp, bony projection located medially at the inferior margin of
the nasal cavity.

Occipital bone

Lowest part of the back and base of the cranium, forming a cradle for
the brain.

Parietal bone

Superior portion of the sides and back of the cranium, as well as the
posterior 2/3 of the roof of the cranium.

Parietal eminences

The marked convexity on the outer surface of the parietal bones.


A recession in the temporal cavity.

Supra orbital margin

The superior rim of the eye sockets.

Supercilliary arches

The inferior part of the forehead just superior to the median ends of
the eyebrows.

Temporal bone

Inferior portion of the sides and base of the cranium, inferior to
the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone.

Vomer bone

Bone of the nasal cavity situated between the nasal passages on the
median plane; it forms the inferior and posterior portion of the
septum of the nose.

Zygomatic arch

The processes on the temporal and the zygomatic bones; determines the
widest part of the face.

Zygomatic bone

Diamond-shaped surfaces; forms the cheekbones.

Buccinator (Trumpeter's muscle)

Compresses the cheek, retracts the angle of the mouth.

Corrugator (Frowning muscle)

Draws the eyebrows inferiorly and medially.

Depressor Anguli Oris (Triangularis Muscle)

Depresses the angle of the mouth.

Depressor Labii Inferiorus (Quadratus)

Draws the inferior lip inferiorly and a slightly lateral.


Draws the hyoid bone anteriorly and posteriorly.


The attachment of a muscle which moves the most when the muscle
contracts; the ending.

Levator Anguli Oris

Elevates the angle of the mouth.

Levator Labii Superioris

Elevates and extends the superior lip.

Levator Palpebrae Superioris

Raises the superior eyelid.

Levator labii superioris plaque nasi (common elevator)

Elevates the superior lip, dilates the nostrils.


Closes the mandible; mastication.


Elevates and protrudes the inferior lip, wrinkles the skin over the chin.

Occipital Frontalis Muscle

Epicranius; draws the scalp posteriorly and anteriorly and raises the eyebrows.

Orbicularis Oris (Puckering Muscle)

Closes the lips.

Orbicularis oculi

Closes the eyelid; compresses the lacrimal sac.


The attachment of a muscle which moves least when the muscle
contracts; the beginning.


Wrinkles the skin of the neck and chest, depresses the mandible and
inferior lip.

Procerus (Concentrating muscle)

Draws the skin of the forehead inferiorly.

Quadratus Labii Superioris

Raises the wings of the nose, deepens the nasolabial sulcus.


Draws the angle of the mouth anteriorly.

Sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM)

Rotates and depresses the head.


Closes the mandible; mastication and is the strongest chewing muscle.

Zygomaticus Minor (emphasizes the nasolabial fold)

Draws the superior lip superiorily and anteriorly.

Zygomaticus Major (Laughing or Smiling muscle)

Draws the superior lip posteriorly, superiorily, and anteriorly.

Acquired facial markings

Those developed throughout your lifetime, as a result of repetitious
use of certain muscles.

Angulus oris eminence

The small, convex prominence, lateral to the end of the line of lip
closure of the mouth.

Angulus oris sulcus

The groove at each end of the line of closure of the mouth.

Bucco-facial sulcus

The vertical furrow of the cheek.

Common transverse sulcus

furrow of the upper eyelid found approximately 1/8� - 1/4� from the
line of eye closure

Cords of the neck

Vertical prominence of the neck.


Shallow depressions located on the cheek or chin; rounded or vertical.


An elongated prominence adjoining a surface.


A crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations.


An elongated depression in a relatively level plane or surface.

Inferior palpebral sulcus

The furrow of the inferior border of the inferior eyelid.

Interciliary sulci

The vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows.

Labiomental sulcus

The junction of the inferior lip and the chin, which may appear as a furrow.

Linear sulci

Eyelid furrows which are short and broken, which run horizontally on
the palpebrae themselves and may fan from both the medial and lateral
corners of the eyes.

Mandibular sulcus

The furrow beneath of jawline which rises vertically on the cheek.

Nasal Sulcus

The angular area between the posterior margin of the wing of the nose
and the nasolabial fold.

Nasolabial fold

The eminence of the cheek and adjacent to the mouth; extending from
the superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose to
the side of the mouth.

Nasolabial sulcus

The furrow originating at the superior border of the wing of the nose
and extending to the side of the mouth.

Natural facial markings

Those that are present from birth; hereditary.

Oblique palpebral sulcus

The shallow, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelids.

Optic facial sulci

Crow's feet; the furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye.


The vertical groove located medially on the superior lip.

Platysmal sulci

The transverse, dipping furrow of the neck.

Submental sulcus

The junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area,
which may appear as a furrow.

Superior palpebral sulcus

The furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid.

Transverse frontal sulcus

Furrows which cross the forehead; an acquired facial marking.


Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon, balanced.


Surface lying at right angles to the source of illumination which
reflect the maximum amount of light; the brighter or whiter part.


Surfaces which do not lie at right angles to the source of
illumination or are obscured by other surfaces and which reflect
little or no light.