Urinary system - game Flashcards

which of the following empties urine directly into the renal plevis

major calyx

which region of the nephron has abundant microvilli


which of the following glomerular filtration mechanisms involves
macula densa cells


hormoanl control of sodium reabsorption is controlled by ___ and
occures in the ____


when urine enters the collecting duct, it is ____ to the blood


podocytes are part of the ____

glomerular capsule

the portion of the nephron that maintains the hypertonicity of the
renal medulla is the ____

nephron loop

what is the NFP is PHGC is 60 mmHg, OPGC is 35 mm Hg, and HPCS is 15
mm Hg

10 mmHg

if your urine contains fewer potassium ions than your filtrate, then
the potassium has been

filtered and reabsorped

which of the follwing would be an abnormal pH for urine


whihc type of nephron plays an important role in producing
concentrated urine

juxtamedullary nephron

which of the followign blood vessels is associated with the nephron

efferent arteriole

which of the follwoign resuts when systemic blood pressure increases

afferent arterioles constrict

when glucose spills over into the urine, it has ____

exceeded its transport maximum

the renal medulla is also called the ___

renal pyramids

which is NOT foudn in normal filtrate


most of the filtrate's nurtrients are reabsorbed in the ____

proximal convulted tube

which part of the nephron employs a countercurrent mechanism

nephron loops