Neurological patients Flashcards

Aim for sensation testing in Neuro patients

To see if the receptors are working Test function of
parietal lobe

How may times should you test?

Test five spots on the opposite side, but the same
Five spots on the normal side Five spots on the
abnormal side

Where to start?

Normal side or unaffected side

How to ask patient about sensation?

Ask once
Therapist >> Do you feel the sensation? Patient
>> Reply with yes or no.
N.B Explain to the patient that when they feel the sensation they
must say yes or no, You don't have to ask them everytime

Types of sensations

Soft touch Irritable touch Sharp touch


Same direction of the body hair


Opposite direction of the body hair


Use a prickling object

When to use SHARP TOUCH?

When the soft touch is normal

How to test touch sensation

Patient should respond with yes or no when the feel the stimuli