LEGL 2301- Chapter 6 Quiz Flashcards


like statutory law, administrative law is created by legislatures


business has little incentive to try to influence the regulatory
environment through lobbying


administrative rules simply declare policy and do not affect legal
rights or obligations


an administrative rule may be arbitrary and capricious if the agency
failed to provide a rational explanation for its decision


all federal agencies must follow specific procedural requirements
when fulfilling their basic functions


unlike statutes, administrative regulations do not have a binding effect


when the meaning of a statute's language is unclear and an agency
interprets it, a court need not follow the interpretation even if it
is reasonable

the federal regulation takes precedence

state and federal transportation agencies may issue regulations that
conflict. when a state regulation conflicts with a federal regulation
a. the federal regulation takes precedence
b. the state regulation takes precedence
c. the regulations are mutually void
d. the regulations are of equal effect

(key words: favor the creation)

persons who favor the creation of a federal biotech agency to
regulate the production of genetically modified agricultural and
animal products should concentrate their lobbying efforts on
a. congress
b. federal administrative agencies that oversee such products
c. the United States Supreme Court
d. the president of the United States

congress, through enabling legislation

information security inc. pays income and other taxes collected by
the IRS. like other federal administrative agencies, the IRS was
created by
a. congress, through enabling legislation
b. the courts, through the adjudicatory process
c. the U.S. Constitution, in Article 1, Section 8
d. the president, through an executive order