Portal Venous Flashcards

Supplies left lobe of the liver

left portal vein

Vein formed by union of the splenic vein and superior mesenteric
vein; serves as the posterior border of the pancreas; enters the liver
at the porta hepatis


Supplies the right lobe of the liver; branches into anterior and
posterior segments

right portal vein

Main portal vein enters the liver at the _______ _______.

porta hepatis

What does the portal venous system drain? [4]

digestive organs

What is presinusoidal portal hypertension?

thrombosis in the mesenteric, splenic of portal vein

What is intrahepatic portal hypertension?

offending process occurs at the hepatic level

What is the most common cause of intrahepatic portal hypertension?


What is posthepatic portal hypertension?

offending process after the hepatic level
thrombosis of the IVC or hepatic veins

Hepatofugal blood flow may be seen in the main portal vein in
patients with?

Portal Hypertension

The portal triad consists of what three things?

MPV, Hepatic Artery, CBD

A 30 year old patient presents with abdominal pain and abnormal liver
function tests. The abdominal ultrasound reveals a dilated portal and
superior mesenteric vein with hepatofugal blood flow. This is most
characteristic of?

Portal HTN

What is the waveform of the portal vein?

low resistance with some phasity

The MPV divides into _____ and ______ branches.

Left and right

The RPV divides into ______ and ______ branches.

anterior and posterior

The portal vein should not exceed _____mm.

13mm (1.3cm)

Portal veins have ______ walls than the hepatic veins.


The LPV divides into _____ and _____ branches.

Medial and lateral

What are 3 sequelae of cirrhosis?

portal vein thrombosis, portal hypertension, splenomegaly

Normal flow toward the liver in the portal veins is termed?


What carries the majority of the oxygen and nutrients to the liver?

Portal Vein

Which portion of the liver receives both right and left portal branches?

Caudate lobe

Define Hepatopetal.
Define Hepatofugal.

Flow toward the liver
Flow away from the liver

Which vessels are considered to be intrasegmental within the liver?

Portal triad

The caudate lobe is bordered ________ by the proximal LPV.


The caudate lobe is bordered__________ by the MPV.


Describe the sonographic appearance of acute hepatitis.

hypoechoic, large, hyperechoic portal vein walls

Describe the sonographic appearance of chronic hepatitis.

hyperechoic, small, decreased echogenicity of portal vein walls

What are the clinical signs of portal hypertension?

ascites, splenomegaly, varices

In patients with portal hypertension, transjugular intrahepatic
portosystemic shunts (TIPS) decompress the portal system. How is the
functionality of the TIPS assessed?

flow within the shunt, presence of hepatofugal flow within the right
and left portal veins

With a properly funtions TIPS, what is the flow direction in a
patient with a recanalized umbilical vein?

left portal branch may flow hepatopedally, exiting not by way of the
shunt, but thru the recanalized umbilical vein collateral

What does the presence of portal venous gas indicate?

bowel infarction seen in ulcerative colitis or necrotizing enterocolitis

What is the sonographic appearance of portal venous gas?

linear echogenic branches in the periphery of the liver, echogenic
foci within the lumen of the portal vein

Periportal collateral channels in patients with chronic portal vein obstruction

cavernous transformation of the portal vein

Arises from the celiac trunk to supply the liver


Formed by the union of the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic
vein near the porta hepatis of the liver

portal vein

Caused by increased resistance to venous flow through the liver;
sonographic findings include dilation of the portal and splenic and
mesenteric veins, reversal of portal venous blood flow, and the
development of collateral vessels

portal venous HTN