Gov 1 Flashcards

In democratic,society, who is responsable for personal development?

Parents, miniester, and politocal leaders

What is the major barrier tompolitical thinking

Unwillingness of citizens to make effort

Which of the following is not one of the core values of America
political culture ?


According to the declararion of independence, government get their
"just power

The consent of the governed

According to John Locke, inelianble rights in social contract

Belong to individuals and cannot be denied by government

The inallienable rights enumerates in the declararion of independece are

Life, liberty , and the pursuit of happiness

Which of the following was not provided by the articles of comfederation

Chief executive, or,president

Shays Rebellion

Convinced manh political peaders that the national government was too weak

Under the New Jersey plan, each stars have ___ vote(s) in congress


Under the Virginia plan

Large states would have mor representatives in congress

The great compromise produced

A bicameral congress

The "three-fifths compromise" was a response to

Conflict over the institution of slavery

The therm of office for a U.S. Senator is_______ years, while that of
a member of the U.S. House is ______ years .

Six; two

________ opposed the ratication od the U.S. Constitution

Patrick Henry

Sovereignty refers to

Supreme and final governing authority

Which of the following is national power only?

Increase comerce

The cosntitution allows states to

Make comercial agreements with other states without the consert of
the congress

The elastic clause is relates to which of the following consepts?

Impiled powers

The United States has certain rules inplace to keep politics within
paceful bounds.These include all of the following exept


the united states economy operates primarily as a

Free market system with major elements of socialism

The first plan of government for the United States was a

Articles of confederation

The first plan of government for the United States was a

Articles of confederation

In order for the constitution to go into effect, at least this number
of states would need to ratify it


Presidents are

Subjected by votes of Electoral Collage

The federalist gained enough votes to get the constitution ratified
when they promised this

A bill of rights to be quickly added to the constitution