
The teacher asks the student for reformulation or clarification. For example: "What do you mean?" or "Could you please explain that again?

Form of Assessment

Forced choice
Short written responses
Oral reports
Teacher observation
Student self-assessment
Performance tasks

Three highest levels of "Bloom's Taxonomy

analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

peer assessment

students get information from their classmates about what areas they should revise and what areas they're good at.

norm-referenced tests

the performance of each test taker is measured against the norm of the group. Norms can only be determined comparatively, by having other groups of students take the test and comparing results.

Formative assessment

The assessment of student's progress toward a goal, conducted at regular intervals, with the teacher issuing feedback to help to improve the students' academic achievement. Ask open-ended questions and check students' understanding of the task. while read

Exhibition Assessment

requires students to display their understanding of a course or experience as a whole, often without defined requirements. This work is often judged by a panel, or may even be displayed in front of the student's parents or peers, and thus requires a great

Standardized Assessments (tests)

are designed by experts and come with explicit instructions for administering them. They are taken by a large quantity of learners under the same conditions. Questions, administration, and scoring are consistent for every evaluated group.

religious freedom

Allowing this is part of ethical teaching. A great deal of importance was not attached to religious freedom until public schools made it mandatory for students to take part in religious practices such as saying prayers. Engel v. Vitale verdict, reading bi


occurs when a teacher hurts or causes bodily harm to a student on purpose. For example, if a student is being disrespectful to you and you strike that student, you'd better get yourself a good lawyer: you'll probably be sued, be arrested, and lose your jo

Modeling Moral Behavior" concept

The ability to identify and analyze conflicting and competing moral interests involved in any given situation is very important when faced with ethical dilemmas. The most important trait in dealing with moral considerations is the ability to adhere to the

code of ethics

A personal set of guidelines that you'll use to determine the right course of action in a given situation. knowledge, empathy, reasoning, appreciation for moral considerations, courage, and interpersonal skills.

Title IX

prevent the use of federal money to support sex discrimination in education institutions and to give citizens effective safeguards against those practices.


happens when a teacher neglects to provide information or guidance that could have prevented bodily injury to a student. For example, a science teacher fails to teach students proper safety measures and guidelines for an experiment, and a student subseque

Annual percentage of sexual harassment cases in U.S.

50% of U.S. students in seventh through twelfth grade experienced sexual harassment.

Consequences to "Teaching to the Test

pitfalls of basing curriculum and in class lessons on standardized testing are wide-ranging. When a narrow scope is applied to what is taught in K-12 classrooms, other valuable lessons are excluded. There is also the issue of spending too much time preppi

18. Reasons some oppose "High-Stakes Tests

Dropouts increase
Redefinition of teaching
Low reliability
Teacher stress

example of a basic rubric rating scale

Excellent progress
Expected progress
Unsatisfactory progress

Metalinguistic clues

The teacher helps the student to spot the mistake by supplying extra information or asking questions related to the student's answer.

interpersonal skills

In ethically tinged situations, teachers must know how to formulate their words tactfully and how to use the right expressions and put them forth in frank manner, so they appear neither too harsh nor too feeble. Tanika should be able to prepare herself ad

data-driven instruction

Teachers can use the information and scores from formative and summative assessment to plan effective lessons that ensure that all students are learning at an optimal level.

Due process

fairness should be rendered in all areas, and that a teacher's or student's rights as individuals should under no circumstance be violated.


The ability to logically and coherently analyze situations and perspectives represents an important element of the code of ethics associated with the teaching profession.


Possessing adequate and appropriate blank is crucial in solving ethical issues. Having adequate blank of both the situation in question and what is expected of them helps teachers visualize multiple approaches to ethical dilemmas.

Procedural due process rights

delves into the fairness of the process used in delivering justice.

FERPA, Buckley Amendment

The act makes clear who may have access to a student's records and who may not. The move was largely beneficial for parents who were previously denied access to record that were very likely to affect their children's lives. The act made it mandatory for s

High-Stakes Tests

assessments that have a high-impact outcome, where, for example, passing the test would allow the student entry into a grade or permission to graduate.

criterion-referenced model

what extent all the students in the class have reached the goals set at the beginning of the year. the students are not compared to a norm group, but rather are required to reach a predetermined standard.

Formal assessment

implies that a test will be administered, and afterward students will receive a mark or grade.

Procedures prior to suspending/expelling students

Provide the student with a written notice of the alleged charged against them.
Provide a full and detailed notification of the time and place of the hearing well in advance.
Share with the student a clear-cut description of the procedures to be followed a


allows the display of a particular set of skills and knowledge in response to a realistic set of requirements. The selection of portfolio content and material should be based on goals and standards, and should include a broad rang of accomplishments. Stud

sexual harassment

In most such cases, the teacher will be suspended and have his or her teaching certificate revoked, but some argue that school authorities should also be penalized in such circumstances.


the ability to appreciate a situation from the point of view of the various participants involved. It enables decision-making that aims to provide the greatest unbiased benefit to all parties. opens up multiple pathways for reaching a decision that includ

Tort laws

resolve issues of liability. cover wrongful acts, damages, and injuries. In the context of school-related matters, there are four types of cases: corporal punishment, search and seizure, negligence, and defamation of character.

School's authority to curb student freedom

While students are, without a doubt, endowed with freedom of speech by the First Amendment, this does not mean that they can behave in any manner they please. It's very much within the jurisdiction of the school authorities to prevent or prohibit students

Authentic assessment

This type of evaluation demands that students provide answers to real life situations by means of critical thinking. Emphasizes problem solving by integrating content students have studied. Oral presentations are an example of this type of assessment. Rol

substantive due process rights

which deals with the issue per se.


A tool to ensure that a teacher has the preparation to be competent in the profession.are issued for specific time periods, such as 5-year or a 10-year term, and limit a teacher to teaching specific subjects and ages. Most states require ongoing professio

Scopes trial

John Scopes, a biology teacher, was charged with breaking a state law by teaching the theory of evolution to students. Scopes was found guilty. However, the verdict was overturned on a technicality, and he never served jail time for breaking the law.

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

is a measurement defined by the United States federal No Child Left Behind Act that allows the U.S. Department of Education to determine how every public school and school district in the country is performing academically according to results on standard


something that someone is responsible for. The case involved an eighth-grade student who had suffered an accidental eye injury during an athletic field trip organized by the school. Even though the primary culprits were clearly other boys in the class who

informal assessment (monitoring)

evaluated by descriptive criteria.observing students' oral production or asking them to complete self-assessment sheets.

corporal punishment

Cases of assault and batter are fairly common lawsuits against those in the teaching profession. Still legal in many states.

Advantages of Teacher-designed tests

They are better aligned with classroom objective.
They present consistent evaluation material, having the same questions for all the students in the class.
They are easy to store and offer accessible material for parents to consult.
They are easy to admin

Teacher certification process

standardized for all applicants and are tested in the courts before their implementation, so the procedure is fair and just. Law does not intervene in the specific requirements by individual states and intervenes only in instances of violation of human pe

Purpose of achievement tests

measure knowledge in specific areas such as math,reading, and social studies. Also used as placement tests to understand a student's mastery of certain skills and therefore categorize the student appropriately. IQ tests

Authentic assessments

encourages students to analyze and interpret their own learning experiences. They generally require students to use higher levels of thinking, integrate the knowledge they have constructed in different areas, and use it for problem-solving situations.


Occurs when a teacher does not adequately perform his or her supervisory duties, and as a result a student is hurt. For example, a teacher leaves the classroom to drop something off at the office, and two students engage in a fight in the interim. The tea


A chemist inspects some liquid he has collected in a test tube. At first glance, he can describe its density,smell, and color. He is assessing the material. A teacher might assess the level of interest in environmental matters in her classroom by asking f

The purpose of assessment

to gather relevant information about student performance or progress, or to determine student interests to make judgments about their learning process.