Pregnancy & Diabetes

Pregnancy (decreases/increases) the body's insulin requirements.


Can pregnancy convert a non-diabetic woman into a diabetic?


Whatname is given to diabetes that is brought on by pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes

Diabetes with pregnancy is (more/less) common as the woman ages.


What is the #1 cause of infant illness when the mother has diabetes?


When is infant hypoglycemia most likely to occur during labor and delivery?

In the hours immediately following delivery

Hormones of pregnancy work against insulin (T/F)


A sign of gestational diabetes is excessive (weight gain/weight loss).

Weight gain

(Obese/very thin) women are most likely to become diabetic during pregnancy.


In gestational diabetes, the client experiences a (decrease/increase) thirst.

Increase (polydipsia)

In gestational diabetes, the client experiences a (decrease/increase) in urine output.

Increase (polyuria)

Gestational diabetes is associated with (hypotension/hypertension).


Gestational diabetes is associated with what OB history?

Previously large baby (over 9 lb), unexplained still birth, miscarriage, congenital anomalies

Women who have gestational diabetes tend to deliver infants who are (small/large).

Large for gestational age

Gestational diabetics tend to get ________ infections.

Monilial (yeast) infections

What test confirms the diagnoses of gestational diabetes?

3 hour glucose tolerance

What are the 2 main treatment methods in gestational diabetes?

Diet, insulin

How often should a woman visit the doctor prenatally if diabetes is present?

Twice a month, then once per week in the 3rd trimester

How many pounds per week is the diabetic woman allowed to gain in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters?

1 pound/week

Is severe carbohydrate restriction required in gestational diabetics?

No, it could lead to ketosis

Of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, which ones (percent-wise) increase in the diet of gestational diabetes?

Protein and fat

When is insulin used in the treatment of gestational diabetes?

When dietary control does not keep the blood sugar within normal limits

If insulin is used, the dose is the same in all 3 trimesters (T/F)

False, it varies

Oral hypoglycemics should never be used during pregnancy (T/F)

True, they cause birth defects (teratogenic)

When should a diabetic delivery?

Between 37 and 39 weeks

What IV solution is used during labor for the diabetic?


The mother's insulin requirements will (fall/rise) markedly after delivery.


During pregnancy, what complication is most dangerous for the fetus of a diabetic?


If ketosis is a big problem for the baby during pregnancy, what is the big problem after delivery?


Why is hypoglycemia such a dangerous problem?

Brain cells die without glucose, there is brain damage