353: Chapter 18 and 19: Pain Management in childbirth nursing care during OR procedures

tissue ischemia

during contractions, blood supply to uterus is diminished esp during acne

sources of child birth pain

tissue ischemia, cervical dilation, pressure and pulling on pelvic structures, distention of the vagina and perineum

factors influencing perception and tolerance of pain

intensity of labor, fetal position and size, characteristics of the pelvis, fatigue, intervention of caregivers

psychological factors that influence perception and tolerance of pain

anxiety and fear, previous experiences with pain, childbirth preparation, support system


respiratory alkalosis caused by blowing off too much CO2 causing dizziness, tingling fingers, stiff mouth

regional anesthesia

provide pain relief without loss of consciousness. examples are pudendal block, spinal, epidural, combo spinal epidural

pudendal (saddle) block

given in second stage (pushing) to numb perineum and vagina. does not relieve uterine pain or contractions, can be used for pain relief with perineal repair and is safe

epidural block

popular regional block for relief of pain in labor and birth. local anesthetic is injected into the epidural space, given after labor is established or before a CS, stop infusion at end of 1st stage to increase effectiveness of pushing.

epidural space

outside the dura mater, between the dura and spinal cord

adverse effects of epidural block

maternal hypotension, bladder distention, prolonged second stage, migration of the epidural catheter, fever, metal taste in mouth and ringing in ears indicates med in blood stream

adverse effects of epidural opioids

nausea and vomiting, pruritus, respiratory depression

epidural concerns

check BP every 5-15 minutes, regional blocks often result in increased chance of forceps or vacuum delivery, after delivery a spinal headache is possible

what is the treatment for spinal headache?

blood patch

IV opioids onset, peak, duration

onset: 5 minutes
peak: 30 minutes
duration: 1 hr

IM opioids onset, peak, duration

onset: 30 minutes,
peak: 1-3 hrs
duration: 4-6 hrs

before any pain medication or regional anesthesia.....

do cervical exam

preferred meds for labor

stadol ( 1-2 mg O 2-4 hrs)
nubain ( 10-20 mg)


nitrous oxide is the most common inhalation agent used for labor management. must be self administered with oxygen at a concentration no greater than 50%. the woman MUST hold the mask herself

side effects of inhalants

dizziness, N/V and dysphoria

induction or augmentation

stimulation of uterine contractions, all time high in the US, induction for convince has led to rising C/S rates, should only be initiated when the benefits of birth outweigh the risk of being pregnant.

reasons for induction

post term gestation, prolonged ROM< gestational hypertension/diabetes, renal disease, chorioamniotiis, dystocia, intrauterine fetal demise, isoimmunization, diabetes

pitocin (oxytocin)

utertonic agent used for induction and augmentation, produced naturally by the posterior pituitary response varies widely among women, high risk drug

what is the most important intervention concerning pitocin?

time and length of contractions with EFM

goal contraction pattern for using pitocin

duration of 40-90 seconds, frequency of 2-3 minutes, dilation= 1 cm/hr

uterine tetany

contractions too close together which can cause fetal distress. contractions are tetany if they are q 2 minutes.

what happens if tetany occurs when using pitocin?

turn off pitocin and restart per protocol once the tetany is resolved


midline or mediolateral

indications for cesarean

dysfunctional labor pattern, cephalo pelvic disproportion, fetal distress, malpresentations (breech, shoulder), multifetal pregnancy, active genital herpes, hypertensive disorder, diabetes, placenta previa, umbilical cord prolapse

cesarean section care pre op

full physical assessment- determine last meal/drink, desire NPO prior to surgery due to anesthesia, notify anesthesia if PO intake

post op cesarean care

bubble- he

psychosocial assessment cesarean section

feelings of loss, fears for self and abby, expectations missed.