reconstruction test

13th Amendment

abolished slavery

14th Amendment

guarantees citizenship; no citizen could be deprived of their rights without due process of law

15th Amendment

gives african american males the right to vote


charge with misconduct; takes place in congress trial takes place in senate


to excuse of a crime

share cropping

african americans and poor whites would work on a land owned by another in return for small pay or some crops

share tenancy

much like sharecropping, except that the farmer chose what crop he would plant and bought his own supplies


building transportation and communication systems; railroads canals roads etc.

Tenant farming

a farmer rents the land that he or she grows their crops on


northern Republican opportunists who moved to the south following the Civil War


white southerners who supported carpet baggers


period after the civil war that was meant to reconnect the south to the union

What did the Freedmen's Bureau accomplish?

They provided food,clothes, and shelter for newly freed enslaved people. Helped former slaves and poor white people with legal issues

Why did Radical Republicans in Congress oppose Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction?

They thought it was too lenient towards the south. They saw the south as guilty for starting the war and thought they should be punished

What did both Lincoln and Johnson insisted upon in their plans?

Immediate elections in all southern states, and getting them in the union ASAP. southern approval of 13th amendment

Why did Congress pass a series of laws including the Civil Rights Act?

Protects civil rights of african americans; and make sure they abided by the 13 14 and 15 amendment

What was the goal of the Freedmen's Bureau?

To provide food, shelter, and clothing for newly freedmen and poor white people

What were President Lincoln's hopes for Reconstruction?

To peacefully bring in the south to the union with a tone of forgiveness

What did Rutherford B. Hayes do when he became President in 1877?

Oversaw the end of the reconstruction and led civil service reforms; removed troops from the south

What was the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan?

terrorize african americans and restrict them from exercising their rights

What was a major success of Reconstruction in the South?

Public schools and state funded schools created

How did southern governments try to improve conditions in the South during Reconstruction?

Building railroads and businesses and infrastructure jobs

How did Southern state governments restrict the rights of former slaves?

Passing the black codes, poll taxes, grandfather clause, literacy tests

What was the harshest reality of Radical Reconstruction?

That it did not resolve tension between the north and south and did not do much for african americans

What was the verdict in President Johnson's impeachment trial in the Senate?

Senate votes were 35 to 19 and fell short by one vote to be impeached and was equitted

What was a major failure of Reconstruction?

Racism still was prominent

How would you describe the South at the end of the Civil War?

The south was broken down and in ruins

What did the Reconstruction Act of 1867 do?

Divided the former confederacy into military districts

Where did much of the money for improving infrastructure in the South come from?


Why was President Johnson impeached?

He violated the tenure of office act

ida b wells

African American journalist. published statistics about lynching, urged African Americans to protest by refusing to ride streetcars or shop in white owned stores

booker t washington

a born slave in 1856 and argued that african americans needed to accommodate themselves to segregation

w.e.b du bois

A Harvard trained professional who called for equal rights immediately for African Americans. He founded the NAACP that aimed to help African Americans improve.

civil rights act of 1875

law that banned discrimination in public facilities and transportation

jim crow laws

kept whites and blacks seperated

black codes

Laws denying most legal rights to newly freed slaves; passed by southern states following the Civil War

ruling of plessy v. ferguson

established the separate but equal rule.

compromise of 1877

Compromise that enables Hayes to take office in return for the end of Reconstruction

10% plan

This was Lincoln's reconstruction plan for after the Civil War. Written in 1863, it proclaimed that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10% of its voters in the 1860 election pledged their allegiance to the U.S. and pledged to abide by emanc

enforcement acts (ku klux klan acts)

made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizen's right to vote