Week 3: Olfaction and Gustation

Olfaction and gustation

AKA "chemosensory system"
- Signals are created in response to molecules
- Monitors chemical content of the environment
- Note: "pheromones" do NOT play a role in sexual attraction in humans (that we can observe)


Roof of nasal cavity contains olfactory epithelium
- High surface area "hairs" with a thin mucous coating
"Sniffing" allows air to carry molecules to the olfactory epithelium and activate olfactory neurons

Olfactory bulbs

Mirror symmetry of glomeruli (bulb clusters)
Organized chemotropically (in an unclear fashion)
Olfactory receptors last a number of weeks

Primary olfactory cortex

Less evolutionarily advanced vs vision and hearing
- Cellular structure of 3 layers vs 6
- Includes multiple structure-regions
Further dispersed through the limbic system

Brain regions of importance in smell



Processes "pheromones" of other people, other species, and potentially harmful species, sends to hippocampus


Stores memories related to smell


Motivational/emotional responses from smell


Taste occurs via activation of taste receptors within the mouth
- Mostly located on tongue (taste buds, papillae)
- Some on palate, cheeks, epiglottis
Olfaction contributes ~ 80% of taste as well

Taste buds

Clusters of 50 - 100 receptor cells
Located around papillae
Gustatory receptors survive a few weeks
5 primary "flavors" with protein- coupled receptors
- Sweet, bitter, sour, salty, savory (umami)

Transmission of Gustation

3 Cranial Nerves --> Brainstem --> Solitary Nucleus (medulla)

Somatosensory System

Sensation derived from cutaneous stimulation (skin)
Touch, pressure, pain, temperature
Works with skeletal muscle to sense positional information
- NOTE: Pain will be discussed in detail later

Association cortexes

Posterior parietal association cortex
- Spatial information and attention
Dorsolateral prefrontal association cortex
- Decisions to initiate voluntary movement

Motor Cortex and Association

Directly anterior to central sulcus
- Brain region in posterior frontal lobe which sends output to muscles of the body
--- Directly involved in control of movement
--- Neurons in different regions connect to different muscles
- Remember the homunculus!

Cortical Areas' Role in Voluntary Movement

Prefrontal cortex: decides to move
Supplementary motor area and premotor area: movement is planned in conjunction with thalamus and basal ganglia
Primary motor cortex sends signals via lateral pathway
Lateral pathway signals spinal motor neurons to initia

Primary Motor Cortex Function

Orchestrated movements
Stimulating the same brain region can produce opposite movements
Mapped out somatotropically

Pyramidal vs Extrapyramidal - Descending Motor Pathways

- Goes from cortex to muscle
- Goes from basal ganglia and other structures of the central nervous system
Physiologic movements
- Voluntary
- Involuntary

Pyramidal neural system

Higher cognitive type movement
Cells from cerebral cortex
Move contralateral and form a corticospinal tract

Extrapyramidal Neural System

Posture, reflexes, and stereotypical (repetitive) movement
Fibers mostly are ipsilateral
Main contributors are basal ganglia and cerebellum

Movement and the Cerebellum

Receives information from motor cortexes, brain stem nuclei, and somatosensory & vestibular information
Complex internal structure with multiple cell types and lobes
Rapid, automated movements like swinging, dancing, etc
Removes tremors and jerking

Movement and the Basal Ganglia

Receives information from the cortical areas and transmit to cortex via thalamus
Involved in cognitive functions and motor output
Circuit to the motor cortex and association areas
Basal ganglia regions --> ventral anterior nucleus and ventrolateral nucleu

A little on pain

Noxious stimulus
Indicator of actual or potential bodily harm
Can be influenced by psychological state
Include multiple brain regions including the anterolateral system

What are muscles?

Cells that induce movement
- Usually innervated subconsciously by PNS
- Cardiac, blood vessels, gut
- Attached to bones and structures
--- Movement of limbs
- Mostly voluntary

Skeletal Muscle Structure

Muscles attached to structures via tendons and ligaments
Muscle fibers
- Covered by sarcolemma
- Packed with myofibrils which respond to neural impulses by contracting
- Innervated by alpha motor neurons


Sarcomeres are the segments that interlock
- Actin /thin filaments
- Myosin/ thick filaments
Striated with M lines and Z lines, with a myosin-only center (H zone)
Function by sliding over one another and "hooking" to create muscular contraction

Summary of events in Muscular Contraction


Your real 6th sense!

Systems involved in proprioception

Muscles, tendons, and joints
- Stretching, velocity, pressure
Visual system
- Seeing movement, orientation
Tactile senses
- Pressure on the skin
Vestibular system
- Fluid in semicircular canals that sense gravity and movement with hair cells, sacs, and ot

How muscles balance us

Specialized proprioreceptors: muscle spindles
- AKA "stretch receptors"
- Informs the CNS on position and contraction of skeletal muscles
- Initiation of reflexes when load bearing occurs
- Reflex arcs!

Reflex Arcs

Unconscious motor response to a sensory stimulus
May not directly involve the brain!
1. Receptor senses change
2. Sensory neuron carries impulse into CNS
3. Interneuron carries impulse within CNS
4. Motor neuron- carries impulse away from CNS
5. Effector

The spinal polysynaptic reflex

Stretch reflex

- Extension of muscle fibers excite stretch receptors
- Receptors relay information to spinal cord
- Alpha motor neurons contract
- Stretch is then counteracted

Withdrawal reflex

Polysynaptic reflex
Works similar to the stretch reflex
Sends excitatory input to interneurons in response to noxious stimuli

Other considerations

Golgi tendons
- Provide information to CNS about muscle tension
Muscle spindles
- Respond to muscle length
Reciprocal innervation
- Physically permits smooth movement
When one muscle contracts, opposing muscle relaxes