According to Powell's piece in The Guardian, the Rohyinga people being driven from Myanmar is an example of ________. *


According to Powell, "othering" is _________. *

the conscious or unconscious assumption that a certain identified group poses a threat to the favored group.

Powell cites Canada as a place where "bridging" has been successful. In the Canadian example, what has been done?

the government has encouraged groups to keep their identity

According to the lecture, the case of the Hutus and Tutsis is an example of ______. *

othering an outgroup

According to the lecture, one of the methods used to raise the Hutu majority against the Tutsi minority was to ____________. *

Demean and minimize the Tutsis by referring to them in non-human terms, such as "cockroach

According to Ditmer's piece on the "Global South," the term is flawed because it _________. *

assumes geographic determinism is the key factor in societal advancement

According to Ditmer, what's a good alternative to "Global North" and "Global South"? *

Specific description

Pressman argues in his Time piece that 21st Century news outlets can be successful being objective.


American journalism once prided itself on its obstensible objectivity, Pressman writes. But in 1968, they were called out when ________ said "The time for blind acceptance of their opinions is passed and the time for naïve belief in their neutrality is gone." *

Vice President Spiro Agnew

Pressman argues that the 1940s and 1950s practice of objectivity reduced American reporters to being _______. *


EXTRA CREDIT: Per noted travel journalist Lil Baby, what are you doing if you travel overseas?

Buying drip in other currencies

In the Biggins piece, when he says "If everyone is a journalist, then no one is," what is he referring to?

That part of the job of journalists is to filter and discern information.

In Tutheridge's pieces, what is the blurring of the lines between news and public opinion attributed to?

Social Media

When a digital editor at Reuters news agency in London chooses not to publish a story from Cameroon because she believes it is "insiginificant," she is practicing _______.


Trutheridge cites a study that seems to argue that gatekeeping is a necessary part of professional journalism. Why?

Gatekeeping is neccesary to protect brand and reputation

In the Mass Communication Theory article, the argument is made that humans are their own gatekeepers. Why?

Because an audience member chooses whether to keep or discard information based on its relevance

In the lecture, Singer is discussed saying that information on the Internet has weakened the role of the journalist, but the journalist still has a role to play. What is it?

Journalists can still serve a role in sorting, interpreting and lending credibility to news on behalf of the public.

In Bruns's article, he talks about "gatewatching." How does he define it?

Pointing out disparate sources of information to help the audience understand a story

Gatewatching is considered by many a "democratization" of media. How does Bruns see it as an advantage?

stories have the potential to be more deeply informative, since readers are able to explore the source materials directlythe speed of news reporting increases since new stories can be posted as soon as source information is found anywhere on the Net, without a need to wait for journalists to file their stories or gatekeepers to complete their evaluationthe newsgathering process becomes more transparent, and readers are not prevented from checking a report's sources for themselves, but instead encouraged to do soall of the above

You are the editor of a small, struggling but still influential newspaper chain in Taiwan. A mainland Chinese investor wants to invest as a silent partner -- their role will not be disclosed. From a gatekeeping perspective, how could this be bad?

The silent partner could demand certain things be kept out of publication as a condition of their investment

EXTRA CREDIT: What does Gabby Barrett hope?

That the next woman you fall in love with comes along and wrecks every one of your plans?