Calendar vocab

divulge; Joanna's cubicle neighbor refused to divulge the name of the coworker who left the surprise birthday balloons on her desk.

to make known (something such as a confidence or secret)

homage; The leather shoes on the cover of the singer's album are an homage to his grandfather, who was a cobbler.

1: expression of high regard : respect - often used with pay 2: something that attests to the worth or influence of another : tribute

oblivion; The names on the stones in the old graveyard were difficult to read, their stories having sadly faded into oblivion.

1: a state marked by lack of awareness or consciousness 2: the condition or state of being forgotten or unknown

aper�u; "The author...offers enough dime-store aper�us in her closing chapters to make you hear them in the voice of Forrest Gump" -Jennifer Senior, The New York Times, July 12, 2017

1: a brief survey or sketch : outline ": an immediate impression : insight

watershed; Many fans hoped that the hiring of the dynamic young coach would serve as a watershed for the struggling team.

1: a crucial dividing point, line, or factor : turning point 2: a region or area that drains to a particular body of water

empyreal; "...aurorae...were once thought to be a range of empyreal things, from ancestral spirits, dragons and demons to bridges to a deific realm." -Robin Andrews, Forbes, August 27, 2018

1: of or relating to the firmament : celestial 2: sublime

erne; An erne circled over the harbor as crews returned to shore after a day's fishing.

eagle; especially : a long-winged sea eagle (Hali�etus albicilla) with a short white wedge-shaped tail

whimsical; "On warm evenings, the stand, a repurposed shipping container painted with whimsical colors, attracts long lines along the Avenue..." -Christina Tkacik, The Baltimore Sun, June 26, 2019

1a: resulting from whim or caprice b: lightly fanciful 2: subject to unpredictable change or erratic behavior

ninny; My sister's boyfriend was a complete ninny who could not keep up with my quick-witted family's dinner conversations.

fool, simpleton

excursion; While mostly a figurative painter, she made a brief excursion into surrealism near the end of her career.

1: an expedition or trip especially for pleasure 2: a deviation from a course : digression

reconcile; The neighbors finally reconciled after a yearlong dispute over ownership of the tree that straddled their property line.

1a: to restore to friendship or harmony b: settle, resolve 2: to cause to accept something unpleasant 3: to settle a financial account