A wedding for Christmas

wishing tree

dilek ağacı


flowers that are tied together in an attractive wayçiçek demeti, buket

check in on smb(Before I meet you at the mall, I need to check in on my grandmother to make sure she's feeling OK.)

To actively monitor the security or safety of a person or thing.birini kontrol etmek

go above and beyond(He's always been a good friend, but while I was ill he really went above and beyond.We have a very dedicated team of people who go above and beyond what is required.a medal for bravery that goes above and beyond the call of duty)

to do more or better than would usually be expected of someone:daha fazlasını yapmak, beklentileri aşmak

amp smt up(v)(/æmp/)(They are amping up the pressure on their opponents.If you're ready to amp up the adventure, you can climb up via the waterfall.)

to make something stronger, more extreme, or more exciting:

lifeblood(n)(Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy)

the thing that is most important to the continuing success and existence of something else:can damarı

outspend(v)(outspent | outspent)(Democratic candidates tend to outspend Republicans.Rich businessmen tried to outspend each other at charity dinners.)

to spend more money on something than someone else:


someone who sells and arranges flowers in a shopçiçekçi, çiçek satıcısı

grow on smb(I wasn't sure about this album when I bought it, but it's really grown on me.)

If someone or something grows on you, you like him, her, or it more and more than you did at first:zamanla birinin hoşuna gitmeye başlamak

the rat race(ph)(He decided to get out of the rat race, and went to work on a farm.)

a way of life in modern society, in which people compete with each other for power and money:

reputable(a)(You are well advised to buy your car through a reputable dealer.)

A reputable company or person is reliable and can be trusted.saygın, itibarlı

be up front about smt(He's been upfront about his intentions since the beginning.)

not trying to hide what you think or do

once in a while

sometimes but not oftenzaman zaman, arada sırada, bazen

get off on the wrong foot

to make a successful/unsuccessful start in somethingkötü bir başlangıç yapmak

fall through(They wanted to turn the estate into a private golf course, but the deal fell through.)

If an arrangement, plan, or deal falls through, it fails to happen.(plan, anlaşma) başarısız olmak

not a day goes by(Not a day goes by when I'm not thankful for my career.)

.gün geçmiyor ki

Where are you off to?

nereye gidiyorsun? nereye böyle?

come around(v)(I'm sure she'll come around to our view eventually.=

to change your opinion about something, or agree to an idea or a plan that you were againstfikrini değiştirmek ve önceden karşı olduğu şeyi kabul etmek

social butterfly

Someone who is VERY social and easygoing; can be either a male or a female. Usually these people don't belong to a particular group, but rather jump from one group to another. They are somewhat accepted in all of them, but don't really have any deep friendship connections in any of them.

extravagant(a)(/ɪkˈstræv·ə·ɡənt/)(I felt very extravagant spending £200 on a dress.She's got very extravagant tastes.)

spending a lot more money or using a lot more of something than you can afford or than is necessary

babble on smt(v)(bæb.əl/)(Momma babbled on and on about how he was ruining me.)

If someone babbles, they talk in a confused or excited way.evelemek, gevelemek


parmesan peyniri

laugh smt off(v)(/læf/)(She tried to laugh off their remarks, but I could see she was hurt.)

to make yourself laugh about something unpleasant in order to make it seem less important or serious:şakaya vurmak, gülerek geçiştirmek

hick(n)(informal,disapproval)(He is an obnoxious hick....a crummy little hick hotel.)

If you refer to someone as a hick, you are saying in a rude way that you think they are uneducated and stupid because they come from the countryside.taşralı, köylü, kasabalı

laid back(a)(a laid-back style of teachingHe's very laid-back.)

very relaxed and not seeming worried about anythinggamsız, aldırış etmeyen, umursamayan