Holes Respiratory System Chp 19

respiratory system

passages that fileter incoming air adn transport it in to the body, lungs and microscop

respiration process

exchanging gases btw atmostpher and body cells

process of respiration

external respiration
transport of gases
internal respiration
cellular respiration

aerobic reactions of cellular re psiration

ATP production
carbon di oxide gernation forming carbonic acid

gas exchange, oxygen and carbon dioxide

occur at cellular and molecular levels

upper respiratory tract

nasal cavity

lower respiratory tract

bronchial tree

nasal cavity

epithelial cells
goblet cells


enlargement airway superior to trachea inferior to pharynx

bronchial tree

branched airways from trachea to microscopic air sacs in lungs

branches bronchial tree

right left primary bronchi
secondary lobar bronchi
tertiary segmental bronchi
intralobular bronchioles
terminal bronchioles
respiratory bronchioles
alveolar ducts
alveolar sacs

alveoli provides

vital process of gas exchange twn air and blood

right left lungs

soft spongy cone shaped organs in th oracic cavity

right lung

3 lobes

left lung

2 lobes

breathing mechanism

breathing or ventilation


movement of air from outside b ody to brochial tree and alveoli

actions of air movements

inspiration/inhalation, expiration/exhalation


atmospheric press weight of air is force that moves air into lungs


force responsible for normal resting expiration form elastic recoil of lung tissues and from surface tension

non respiratory air movements

coughing, sneezing express emotiions, laughing, crying. air movements other than breathing

respiratory muscles

can be controlled

rhythmic normal breathing

involuntary act continues when person unconscious

respiratory membrane

bulk of wall alveolous consists of lalyer of simple squamous epithelium type I cells

carbon dioxide transport

blood flow through capillaries
high Pco2
CO2 transported to lungs
asCO2 dissolved in plasma
as part of compound with hemoglobin
as part of bicarbonate ion