Multinational Management Mid Term


the study of communication through body movement and facial expression


the area of communication that deals with conveying messages through the use of eye contact and gaze


communicating through the use of bodily contact


the study of the way people use physical space to convey messges

intimate distance

distance between people that is used for very confidential communications

personal distance

in communicating, the physical distance used for talking with family and close friends

social distance

in communication, the distance used to handle most business transactions

public distance

in communication, the distance used when calling across the room or giving a talk to a group


the way in which time is used in a culture

monochronic time schedule

a time schedule in which things are done in a linear fashion

polychronic schedule

a time schedule in which people tend to do several things at the same time and place higher value on personal involvement than on getting things done on time


the use of color to communicate messages