Chapter 12: DNA Technology

Recombinant DNA Technology

A set of laboratory techniques for combining genes from different sources into single DNA molecule


The use of organisms to perform practical tasks

recombinant DNA

A molecule carrying DNA from more than one source

Transgenic organism

A host that carries DNA acquired from a different species

Genetically Modified Organisms

An organism that carries recombinant DNA


A harmless variant or derivative of a pathogen that is used to prevent an infectious disease


small circular DNA molecules that are separate from the much larger bacterial chromosome


DNA carriers that move genes from one cell to another

Restriction enzymes

enzyme that cuts DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

Restriction sites

Places where DNA are cut

DNA ligase

The pasting enzyme that makes union permanent through connects DNA pieces into continuous strands by forming covalent bonds between adjacent nucleotides

Genomic library

The entire collection of cloned DNA fragments in which the starting material is bulk DNA from whole cells

Nucleic acid probe

radioactively labeled nucleic acid molecule used to tag a particular DNA sequence

Complementary DNA

single-stranded DNA that is complementary to messenger RNA or DNA that has been synthesized from messenger RNA by reverse transcriptase


The scientific analysis of evidence for crime scene investigations and other legal proceedings

DNA fingerprinting

A procedure that analyzes a person's unique collection of DNA restriction fragments

Polymerase chain reaction

A technique by which any segment of DNA can be amplified (cloned)

Genetic marker

A chromosomal landmark whose in inheritance can be studied

RFLP analysis

The comparison of the set of restriction fragments produced by DNA from different individuals

gel electrophoresis

A method for sorting macromolecules primarily on the basis of their electrical charge and length

Gene cloning

The production of multiple copies of a gene


the science of studying whole genomes

Repetitive DNA

Nucleotide sequences present in many copies in the genome


the ends of chromosomes

Human Gene Therapy

A recombinant DNA procedure that seeks to treat disease by altering an afflicted persons's genes