Duolingo Food

yo como el arroz

I eat the rice

yo como el pollo

I eat the chicken

yo cocino la fruta

I cook the fruit

yo cocino el az�car

I cook the sugar

t� comes la fruta

you eat the fruit (familiar)

t� comes el queso

you eat the cheese (familiar)

t� cocinas el pescado

you cook the fish (familiar)

t� cocinas el huevo

you cook the egg (familiar)

ellos comen la manzana

they eat the apple

nosotros comemos la manzana

we eat the apple

ustedes comen la pasta

you eat the pasta (plural)

�l come una manzana

he eats an apple

ella come una manzana

she eats an apple

nosotros comemos la carne

we eat the meat

nosotras comemos el lim�n

we eat the lemon (feminine)

ellos comen un lim�n

they eat (masculine) a lemon

ellas comen fresas

they eat strawberries (feminine)

ustedes comen la pasta

you eat the pasta (plural)

ustedes beben el jugo

you drink the juice (plural)

ellos beben el jugo de naranja

they drink the orange juice (masculine)

ellas beben el jugo de manzana

they drink the apple juice (feminine)

yo no bebo cerveza

I do not drink beer

nosotros bebemos cerveza

we drink beer

ustedes cocinan la naranja

you cook the orange (plural)

usted cocina una naranja

you cook an orange (formal)

yo no como queso

I don't eat cheese.

�l no come queso

he doesn't eat cheese

ella no come queso

she doesn't eat cheese

ellos cocinan la carne con cebollas

they cook the meat with onions (masculine)

�l cocina la carne

he cooks the meat

�l cocina el almuerzo

he cooks the lunch

ella cocina un almuerzo

she cook a lunch

�l come el tomate

he eats the tomato

ella come la sopa

she eats the soup

ustedes comen las fresas

you eat the strawberries (plural)

hay fresas en el men�

there are strawberries on the menu

yo como el almuerzo

I eat the lunch

nosotros cocinamos la cebolla

we cook the onion

ustedes cocinan una cebolla

you cook an onion (plural)

ella cocina la cena

she cooks the dinner

hay salsa en el pescado

there is sauce on the fish

hay sopas en el men�

there are soups on the menu

hay comida mexicana en el men�

there is mexican food on the menu

no hay sal en la sopa

there is no salt in the soup

el hombre cocina papas

the man cooks potatoes

la mujer cocina papas

the woman cooks potatoes

el ni�o cocina una papa

the boy cooks a potato

la ni�a cocina la papa

the girl cooks the potato

yo bebo agua

I drink water

nosotras bebemos vino

we drink (feminine) wine

ella bebe leche

she drinks milk

ustedes beben agua

you (plural) drink water

ellos beben leche

they (masculine) drink milk

usted bebe jugo

you (formal) drink juice


to eat


to drink


to cook