Prt 266 midterm

define sports

council of europe 2011; all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organized participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels

define sport management

study and practice of all people, activities, businesses, or organizations involved in producing, facilitating, promoting, or organizing any sport-related business or product

associated spending

money spent by sport participants, spectators, and sponsors

discretionary funds

money left over after necessary expenditures (food,water,ect)

underrepresented groups

people who traditionally have not been hired in sport management positions (women, people of color, people w/ disabilities)


bulilding relationships with people

workforce diversity

age, race, sexual orientation, working together in an organization

organizational culture

workplace values, norms, and behaviors that produce patterns of behavior unique to an organization

principled decision making

basing decisions on the six pillars of character

Six pillars of character

1. trustworthiness
2. respect
3. responsibility
4. fairness
5. caring
6. good citizenship

professional preparation

the courses and experiences that you can expect in your undergraduate curriculum and beyond

professional attitude

how to present a professional image, follow the fundamentals of business etiquette, develop ethical and critical thinking skills, and enter the world of work and be comfortable and productive there

career planning and management

purposeful steps that you can take and helpful resources available to you as soon as you contemplate entering the world of work

field experience

hands on learning, students gain professional experience in an org while receiving class credit

mock interview

practice interview to rehearse your responses to questions they might ask you

explicit norms

formally communicated rules that govern behavior to group members.

implicit norms

unstated or informal rules understood and practiced by members of an organization


system of rules and conventions that regulate social and professional behavior

work ethic

set of values based on desirable workplace characteristics


indicators or what you consider most important to desirable

job content skills

specialized knowledge or abilities needed to fulfill specific job duties


a person who assumes the risks of a business or enterprise

vertical integration

company's expansion by moving forward or backward within an industry; expansion along a product or service value chain

horizontal integration

occurs when a company adds new products and services to its organizational structure


act of adding new products to the company's product mix, thus diversifying the company's product offerings

decentralized organization

act of developing separate divisions, sub companies, or departments that focus on certain tasks or products of the company and can be run autonomously

watershed events

events or developments in an industry that cause significant changes throughout the industry

reason why" advertisements

advertising that tells consumers why they should buy a certain product

market share

ranked position in a market determined by the percentage of a company's product sales in that market

emotive advertising

advertising that attempts to appeal to consumers' emotions

age of organization

period of time, 1880s and 1890s, during which companies began to organize and market sport to specific markets, such as youth


product or service moves from producer to consumer

battle of the sexes

tennis match billie jean king vs. bobby riggs


social entity created to coordinate the efforts of individuals with the intent to achieve goals

economies of scale

savings originating from the mass production of goods and services

economies of scope

maximization of resources used throughout an organization


all elements outside the boundary of the organization that have the potential to affect all or part of the organization


involves the examination of populations, including such elements as size, births, deaths, migration, and aging


the extent to which goals are achieved


the extent to which goals are achieved using the fewest possible resources

organizational structure

formal system of task and authority relationships that control how people coordinate their actions and use recourses to achieve organizational goals.

organizational design

process by which leaders select and manage aspects or structure and culture or the organization


process of working with and through individuals and groups to accomplish org goals


managers acting in symbolic and ceremonial ways.


managers that scan the environment for information about trends and events that can affect the organization

disturbance handlers

managers in the role of responding to unexpected situations that might disrupt the organizations normal operation.


the process of influencing the activities of an individual or group in an effort to achieve a goal in a given situation

behaviors centered on tasks

primarily concerned with the technical or formal aspects of jobs and considering followers primarily as the means for accomplishing the organization's goals.

behaviors centered on employees

concerned with interpersonal relations, meeting personal needs to followers, and accommodating personality differences among followers.

managerial leadership

the combination of management and leadership into a coherent, integrated concept.