Chapter 6 Territories and Treaties


the fact of being an owner


to talk back and forth until they could agree


an agreement reached by each side giving up something they both want


a written agreement between two groups


is a land region owned and ruled by a country- it is not yet a state


the top leader of a territory or a state

what did the British and Americans decide about who got ownership of the land in the Northwest?

the British and Americans decided who got the land by talking. The Americans ended up getting San Juan Islands and British got Vancouver Island and the land north of the line.

Why was Oregon Country made Oregon Territory?

The Oregon Country became Oregon Territory because they wanted railroads, schools, and an army to keep them safe. People in Oregon sent letters to the U.S. leaders asking for help -- they listened and and said they would help

How did Great Britain and the United States decide who got ownership of the San Juan Islands?

Great Britain and America decided who got the San Juan Islands by talking it out. The Americans ended up getting the San Juan Islands


points of view


problem between two or more groups o people- sometimes the conflict ended in war


a meeting where a group of people try to decide what to do


land set aside for Native Americans- no one else could live there


the settlers wanted to make a profit, or money, from the land


logs sawed into boards- settlers sold lumber from forests


land that is good for growing crops


to bring as a higher stage of education and culture


to drive away danger or attack


give up

How did the Indians feel about the land? How did the U.S. government feel about the land?

The Indians felt that they were getting forced onto a reservation. The Indians fought back, but ended up surrendering

What were the purposes of the many treaties signed?

The purpose s of all the treaties being signed were to get the indians off the land so the americans could keep it

What were some of the problems caused by moving Indians to reservations?

Some of the problems caused by moving the indians to the reservations were that they could die or starve or maybe even freeze

gold rush

a rush to a new gold field in hopes of getting rich


a very long thick nail


to treat other people badly just because they are different


a group of people living near each other in a place


a good chance for progress or advancement


referring to a minority group

Why did logging become such an important business for Washington?

logging was an important business for Washington because they needed the wood to build houses and to burn for fires-- people from california also came to chop trees

What events in Washington made immigrants want to move here?

Imigrants moved to Washington because they came for jobs, gold, and freedom.

List some of the countries immigrants came from and the reasons they came to Washington?

Some of the countries Immigrants came from were Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, Whales,Germany, Russia, Italy, France, Greece, and Croatia. They came because they wanted gold and better jobs

Name the groups of people who wanted to claim the Northwest.

The British and the Americans-- they compromised and britain got everything north of the 49th latitude, America got everything south of it

Describe what the Oregon Treaty was and the changes it made.

The British and the Americans made the treaty- they compromised and britain got everything north of the 49th latitude, America got everything south of it

Complete the sentence using details from the chapter. Explain why you completed the sentence that way: Indian reservations were_______________ places.

small and not fertal places

Compare the Yakima War to the Nez Perce War.

In the Yakama War the Indians were angry and attacked the gold seekers. They wanted to fight for their land- while in the Nez Perce War, the Indians tried to escape to Canada without fighting. The U.S. soldiers went after them and attacked them right befo

Imagine that gold and silver had never been discovered in Washington. How might our state's history have been different?

If gold and silver hadn't been found life would have been different because not as many immigrants would have come and the wars between the Indians and the Americans may not have happened

Do you think immigrants were happy to call Washington their new home? Why or why not?

I think Immigrants were happy to call Washington their home because their were better jobs, better hunting, and gold and silver. They also had more freedoms if they moved to Washington.