Chapter 5- Evolution of Biodiversity


the branching patterns of evolutionary relationships
------- Determined by similarity of traits
-Morphological traits (ex: bone measurements, coloring, structures, etc.)
-Genetic similarity


a change in the genetic composition of a population over time


evolution below the species level; creating different varieties of a species
ex) grayness of species


evolution above the species level (created new genera, families, classes or phyla)
ex) finches in galopgos islands: small big beaks, large small beaks


physical locations on chromosomes within each cell of an organism


complete set of genes in an individual
ex) what makes up blonde hair


actual set of traits expressed in the individual
-->Genetic make-up vs. physical appearance
--> environment plays a role in this


temperature of sand determines gender: male/female
-> sea turtles in cooler climates more likely to be males and hotter temperatures more likely to be females
--> has nothing to do with genes, environment only
-> .5 percent of sea turtles are in florida

three ways evolution can occur

-Evolution by Artificial Selection
-Evolution by Natural Selection
-Evolution by Random Processes
ex) Mutation
ex) Genetic Drift (gene pool changes)
ex) Bottleneck Effect (pop decrease quickly low # of individuals trying to reproduce
ex) Founder Effect (o

Evolution by Artificial Selection

change in genetic composition of a population over time as a result of humans selecting which individuals breed

Evolution by natural selection

the environment determines which individuals survive and reproduce

Round up resistance

ex) sprayed chemicals on farm fields and killed all the pests --organisms that weren't being killed are surviving and reproducing--have more round up resistance organisms than ever before (artificial selection because we created lots of roundup resistance


ability to survive and reproduce


traits that improve an individual's fitness

founder effect

a change in a population descended from a small number of colonizing individuals

Geographic isolation

physical separation of a group of individuals from others of the same species
ex) forest or river

Reproductive isolation

The result of two populations within a species evolving separately so they can no longer interbreed and produce viable offspring
ex) no mating with species

Allopatric Speciation

two populations become distinct species due to a geographic barrier
ex) great wall of china new organisms because of geographic barrier

Sympatric Speciation

two populations become distinct species in the absence of geographic isolation--> in other words created new species without geographic barrier
ex) einkorn wheat and durum wheat mated and through reproduction created common wheat

Four Factors that Affect Adaptations

-Rate of environmental change
-Genetic variation
-Population size
-Generation time

Rate of environmental change

a slowly changing environment gives species more time to adapt to the changes

Genetic variation

less genetic variation means there is less change for the species to adapt to changing conditions

Population size

if a beneficial mutation occurs, it can spread more rapidly in a small population than in a large population-more survival-more reproduction

Generation time

shorter generation time increases the chance that beneficial mutations will occur within a given amount of time and allow them to spread throughout a population faster
(longer generation time harder to adapt)

Range of tolerance

organisms need a certain environment to survive and thrive in

Realized niche

the range of abiotic and biotic conditions under which a species actually lives (this determines population distribution)

Fundamental niche

ideal environmental conditions for a species


areas of the world in which a species lives


a species that can live under a wide range of living and nonliving conditions --> example is a raccoon eats garbages, animal carcasses, grass lots of things


species specialized to live in a specific habitat or to feed on small group of species--> example is a panda bear only eats bamboo


remains of organisms that have been preserved in rocks

mass extinction

a large extinction of species in a relatively short period of time --> climate change is accelerated by humans-organisms do not adapt which causes its extinction-humans accelerate changes in environment and organism can't keep up with changes