Chap 23


What type of seizure has involuntary jerking and loss of body tone resulting in falling forward, often occurring when falling asleep or awakening?

1, 2, 3, 4

Nursing care of a patient who just had a seizure includes which nursing intervention(s)? (Select all that apply.)1. Assess for injuries.2. Check the glucose level.3. Reassure and reorient the patient.4. Provide uninterrupted periods of sleep and rest.5. Provide a 24-hour sitter.


A nurse determines that the appropriate problem statement for a patient with status epilepticus would be Potential for injury due to seizure activity. An appropriate expected outcome would be:1. everyone will stay calm during the episodes.2. the caregiver will stay with the patient during the episodes.3. the patient will be free from any injuries associated with the seizures.4. standing orders will be obtained to medicate acute seizure episodes.


Which patient statement indicates a need for further teaching regarding the prevention of seizures?1. "I need to avoid situations that could potentially trigger a seizure."2. "Alcohol can lower the seizure threshold."3. "I must avoid becoming overly fatigued and should pace activities."4. "I am less likely to have seizures during menstruation.


A man and his wife are sitting in their pajamas in the living room when the man cries out. He attempts to rise from his chair, but he falls when he discovers the left side of his body has become paralyzed. The left side of his mouth and his left eye are drooping. What should his wife do?1. Help him stand and walk to the car. She can drive him to the hospital, because it is only 3 miles away. He will receive care more immediately than if the wife calls an ambulance.2. Sit with him for an hour to see if his condition resolves. If it worsens, she should transport him to the hospital.3. Call 911 immediately. The emergency team will be able to assess him, give supportive care, and transport.4. Assess the man's pulse and breathing. If he is in no immediate cardiac distress the wife can help the husband change into street clothes before driving him to the hospital.


What type of seizure is characterized by unconsciousness, continuous muscle contraction, and sustained stiffness?

Petit mal

What type of seizure is characterized by a brief loss of consciousness lasting less than 30 seconds with no post-seizure confusion and minimal loss of postural tone?

Status epileticus

What is a continuous seizure or a series of seizures lasting for more than 30 minutes during which there is loss of consciousness?

Infantile spasms

What condition is characterized by delays in neurologic development resulting in abrupt jerking and contracting of the head and neck that begins at 2 months and resolve by 2 years of age?


What is a neurological disorder caused by recurring seizures?


What type of seizure results in a loss of posture tone causing a drop-and-fall action?


What condition is characterized by a rapid rise in body temperature in children 6 months to 6 years of age resulting in tonic/clonic seizures lasting less than 15 minutes?

Simple partial

What type of seizure is it when abnormal electrical activity occurs in one hemisphere of the brain with no loss of consciousness and lasts less than 30 seconds?


What type of seizure is characterized by a brief loss of muscle tone and a brief loss of consciousness?

Grand mal

What type of seizure is characterized by abnormal electrical activity simultaneously occurring in both hemispheres of the brain and then moves from the cortex to the brainstem?

Complex partial

What type of seizure is characterized by impaired consciousness lasting up to 5 minutes and post-seizure confusion?


What is an abnormal discharge of neurons in the CNS causing sudden involuntary movement for a limited time?


What type of seizure occurs when muscles contract in a rhythmic repetitive jerking motion?

brain, oxygen

Seizures may occur anytime the __________________________ is deprived of __________________________.

conscious, body muscle

During a grand mal seizure, the person usually loses __________________________ and __________________________ tone.


In partial seizures, __________________________ is not lost.

0.9% saline solution


affecting both sides of body

Generalized seizures are characterized by:___________________________


Loss or Impairment of acquired motor skills


Unsteadiness or lack of coordination


Inability to recognize an object by sight, touch, or hearing


Reduced sensation on one side


difficulty speaking, garbled speech


Impairment of or difficult speech


paralysis of one side of the body


Double vision


Muscle wasting


Loss of ability to communicate by either spoken or written word

a more serious neurological event may occur

Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) are warnings that __________________________ and the patient should be evaluated by medical personnel.

to smile, shrug shoulders, repeat what you say

When a stroke is suspected, ask the person __________________________, _____________________________________________, _________________________, and answer a simple question.

slowly, rapidly

The symptoms of a stroke caused by thrombosis occur __________________________, whereas those caused by embolus occur __________________________.


The results of lumbar puncture in a patient who has had a subarachnoid hemorrhage will show __________________________ in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

severe headache

The patient with a leaking cerebral aneurysm often presents with __________________________________ ____________________________.


During a seizure, it is important for the nurse to observe:1. the type of aura the patient experiences.2. where movement occurs and how it progresses.3. the quality and rate of respirations during the seizure.4. the position of the patient's arms and legs during the seizure.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

During a grand mal seizure, you could expect the patient to experience: (Select all that apply.)1. loss of muscle tone.2. tonic-clonic movements.3. automatisms.4. absence for a few seconds.5. possible urinary incontinence.6. unilateral movements of limbs.


Hydrocephalus is a complication after an intercerebral bleed because:1. blood in the cerebral ventricular system interferes with the resorption of CSF.2. excessive amounts of CSF are produced after an intercerebral bleed.3. excessive hormone production increases the production of CSF.4. the ventricles become blocked by blood clots.


A post-CVA patient is experiencing motor difficulties on the right side of the body. You know that:1. the accident occurred on the left side of the brain.2. the accident occurred on the right side of the brain as the patient experiences the deficit of the same side as the insult.3. it was caused by a subarachnoid hemorrhage.4. because the motor symptoms are on the right side, there will be no bowel or bladder dysfunction.


One of the best things for building the self-esteem of the neurologically impaired person is:1. to establish small, accomplishable goals.2. time to adapt to body changes.3. a way to be a productive member of society.4. contact with friends and family.