Quiz 1

which of the following clinical signs would necessitate the administration of naloxone (Narcan)?a. hypertensionb. tachycardiac. slow respirationsd. extreme agitation

slow respirations

angina pectoris occurs when:a. myocardial oxygen supply exceeds the demandb. a coronary artery is totally occluded by plaquec. myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supplyd. one or more coronary arteries suddenly spasm

myocardial oxygen demand exceeds supply

signs and symptoms of a hypertensive emergency would MOST likely be delayed in patients who:a. are older than 40b. have had a stroke in the pastc. have chronic hypertensiond. regularly take illegal drugs

have chronic hypertension

irregular respirations characterized by an increasing rate and depth of breathing followed by periods of apnea are called:a agonal respirationsb. ataxic respirationsc. eupneic respirationsd. cheyne-stokes respirations

cheyne-stokes respirations

when caring for a patient with an altered mental status and signs of circulatory compromise, you should:a. perform a detailed secondary assessment prior to transporting the patientb. have a paramedic unit respond to the scene if it is less than 15 minutes awayc. limit your time at the scene to 10 minutes or less, if possibled. transport immediately and begin all emergency treatment en route to the hospital

transport immediately and begin all emergency treatment en route to the hospital

assessment of the medical patient is usually focused on the ________a. medical historyb. field diagnosisc. nature of illnessd. associated symptoms

nature of illness

which of the following scenarios does NOT involve the presence of any symptoms?a. a 49 year old female with blurred vision and ringing in the earsb. a 61 year old female who is unconscious with facial cyanosisc. a 55 year old male with a severe headache and 2 days of nausead. a 44 year old male with abdominal pain and severe dizziness

a 61 year old female who is unconscious with facial cyanosis

After applying a tourniquet, the injury from a patient's leg stops bleeding. This is called:a. hemiplegiab. hemolysisc. hemostasisd. hematemesis


common signs and symptoms of an AMI include all the following, EXCEPT:a. SOB or dyspneab. sudden unexplained sweatingc. pain exacerbated by breathingd. irregular heartbeat

pain exacerbated by breathing

which of the following statements regarding the MOI is correct?a. the exact location of a patient's injuries can be determined by the MOIb. a nonsignificant MOI rules out the possibility of serious traumac. a nonsignificant MOI always results in patient death or permanent disabilityd. the MOI may allow you to predict the severity of a patient's injuries

the MOI may allow you to predict the severity of a patient's injuries

a 49 year old male presents with an acute onset of crushing chest pain and diaphoresis, you should:a. administer up to three doses of nitroglycerinb. obtain vital signs and a SAMPLE historyc. administer up to 324 mg of baby aspirind. assess the adequacy of his respirations

assess the adequacy of his respirations

which of the following statements regarding the pain of an AMI is correct?a. it is often described by the patient as sharp feelingb. it often fluctuates with intensity when the patient breathesc. nitroglycerin usually resolves the pain within 30 minutesd. it can occur during exertion or when the patient is at rest

it can occur during exertion or when the patient is at rest

the electrical impulse generated by the heard originates in the:a. coronary sinusb. sinoatrial nodec. bundle of Hisd. atrioventricular node

sinoatrial node

which of the following signs is commonly observed in patients with right-sided heart failure?a. flat jugular veinsb. labored breathingc. dependent edemad. pulmonary edema

labored breathing

When auscultating the lungs of a patient with respiratory distress, you hear adventitious sounds. This means that the patient has:a. an absence of breath soundsb. diminished breath soundsc. normal breath soundsd. abnormal breath sounds

abnormal breath sounds

the use of lights and sirens on an ambulance:a. is required any time a patient is being transported to the hospitalb. allows other drivers to hear and see you from a great distancec. signifies a request for other drivers to yield the right of wayd. legally gives the emergency vehicle operator the right of way

signifies a request for other drivers to yield the right of way

You and your EMT partner arrive at the residence of a 50-year-old man who complains of weakness. Your primary assessment reveals that he is critically ill and will require aggressive treatment. The closest hospital is 25 miles away. You should:a. manage all threats to airway, breathing, and circulation and consider requesting an ALS unitb. perform a detailed secondary assessment, assess his vital signs, and then transport rapidlyc. administer oxygen via NRB and obtain as much of his medical history as possibled. load him into the ambulance, begin transport, and perform all treatment en route to the hospital

manage all threats to airway, breathing, and circulation and consider requesting and ALS unit

You are attending to a 3-year-old male patient who is presenting with severe shortness of breath. His parents report that he has had a cough and cold with a low grade fever for the past two days. They became worried today, as his level of distress has increased dramatically. On assessment, the patient is sitting upright and making high-pitched noises with each breath. Based on this information, the patient is most likely suffering from:a. an inflammation of the lower respiratory tract and bronchospasmb. inflammation of the bronchiolesc. bacterial infection of the epiglottisd. viral infection of the upper respiratory tract

bacterial infection of the epiglottis