AAPC 2- A & P

Based on word parts, what is the definition of a glossectomy?

Surgical removal of the tongue.

The root gloss- means


The suffix -ectomy means

excision or surgical removal of

A ___________ is partial or total removal of the tongue and can be performed to remove tongue cancer.


What is the term for the first portion of the small intestine?


The first portion of the small intestine is the ________.

the second portion of the small intestine is the ________.


and the distal portion of the small intestine is the _______.


Subcarinal means beneath the carina. Where is the carina located?

At the bifurcation of the trachea into two bronchi

__________ means beneath the carina


At the last cartilage of the trachea, there is a spar of cartilage projecting posteriorly from its inner face, marking the point where the trachea branches into the two main bronchi. This cartilage projection is the ________.


Which layer is the middle layer of the eyeball?


The eyeball has ____ layers.

3 layers-the retina (innermost), choroid (middle), and sclera (outermost)

what is the innermost layer of the eyeball


what is the middle layer of the eyeball

what is the outermost layer of the eyeball


Which of the following belongs to the appendicular skeleton as opposed to the axial skeleton?

Pelvic Girdle

The ____ skeleton includes the skull, hyoid and cervical spine, ribs, vertebrae, and sacrum.


The ________ skeleton includes the shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, and extremities.


What type of fracture is an incomplete fracture commonly found in children?

Greenstick fracture

A ________ fracture is a fracture where only one side of the shaft is broken, and the other is bent. It is common in children due to their soft bones. The _______ fracture is named due to the analogy of breaking a young tree branch where the outer side breaks and the inner side bends.


Based on word parts, what structure does paronychia refer to?


The root onych- means

______ is inflammation of the nail fold surrounding the nail plate.


Which suffix means breathing?


The suffix "-pnea" means _______. You can derive this from the list of definitions in the respiratory section.

breathing or respiration

Which gland secretes thyroid hormone and calcitonin?

Thyroid gland

The _________ regulates metabolism and serum calcium levels through the secretion of thyroid hormone and calcitonin.

thyroid gland...

Where is gas exchanged and moved from the respiratory system into the circulatory system?

Alveoli and capillaries

Gases are exchanged across the single cell layer of tissue comprising the alveolar sac into the pulmonary circulation. Capillaries from the pulmonary circulation are also a single cell layer thick. They form a bed around each alveoli; gas is exchanged between the __________ via the principles of diffusion.

alveoli and the capillaries

Diagnosis: Calcification left basal ganglia. Where are the basal ganglia located?

Cerebral Cortex

Documentation: The posterior vaginal fornix and outer cervical os were prepped with a cleansing solution. In this statement, what does "os" stand for?

Ostium (opening)

Diagnosis: Vesicoureteral reflux. What is this a reflux of?

Urine backflow from bladder into ureters

Hysterosalpingogram report: "Right cornual contour abnormality." Where is the cornu (plural cornua) found anatomically for this case?

Where the fallopian tubes connect to the fundus

Surgical procedure: MyringotomyWhat anatomic location is being operated on?


There was no cleft of the uvula or submucosal palate by visual and palpable exam.What is being examined?

Oral cavity

Documentation: Recession of left inferior rectus muscle, 5 mm.What anatomic location is being operated on?


Diagnosis: KyphosisWhat anatomic location does this diagnosis most often refer to?

Thoracic Spine

Documentation: Suprapatellar recess showed no evidence of loose bodies or joint pathology.What anatomic location does this refer to?

Knee (above the patella)

Colles' fractureWhat anatomic location does this refer to?


Which layer is NOT considered part of the skin?


Which chamber of the heart is considered the one working the hardest?

Left ventricle

The term pneumomediastinum describes what condition?

The presence of air in the mediastinum

Which of the following is true of the stratum germinativum?

It lies on top of the dermis and has access to a rich supply of blood.

Which part of the brain controls blood pressure, heart rate and respiration?


An ectopic pregnancy is a complication in which the fertilized ovum is implanted in any tissue other than the ____.

Uterine wall

What is vernix caseosa?

A white cheese like substance covering the fetus and newborn.

What are chemicals which relay, amplify and modulate signals between a neuron and another cell?


What is the great toe called?


Which of the following conditions results from an injury to the head? The symptoms include headache, dizziness and vomiting.


Which of the following is true about the function of the cochlea?

It transmits sound only

Through which vessel is oxygenated blood returned to the heart from the lungs?

Pulmonary vein

What is the function of the thyroid gland?

It secretes hormones regulating body metabolism and blood calcium

Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering the abdominal organs is called


The word describing the presence of blood in the pleural cavity is:


Arthritis is an inflammation of what?


A dacryocystectomy describes

Excision of the lacrimal sac

A thin membrane lining the chambers of the heart and valves is called the


Select the term to describe destruction of a nerve or nervous tissue


A projection is the path of the X-ray beam. If the projection is front to back it would be:


Adrenomegaly is defined as:

Enlargement of the adrenal gland

A Bartholin's gland cyst may be treated by marsupialization. This treatment is described as:

Create an opening to the gland and suture the cut edges to form a pouch

The term for pain in the ear is:


A diagnostic tool in sleep medicine is:


Excessive potassium in the blood is referred to as:


PRN (Pro re nata)

when necessary


is an exfoliating procedure that uses a rotating instrument to remove the outer layers of skin, usually on the face. This treatment is popular with people who wish to improve the appearance of their skin. Some of the conditions it can treat include fine lines, sun damage, acne scars, and uneven texture.


is a skin condition that causes small blisters and dry, itchy skin. It usually develops on fingers, hands and feet. It is also known as dyshidrotic eczema (DE), acute palmoplantar eczema or pompholyx


is a type of eczema that causes tiny blisters to develop across the fingers, palms of the hands and sometimes the soles of the feet. It can affect people of any age, but it's most often seen in adults under 40. ________ can sometimes be confused with similar-looking conditions.


is an infection of the bone, a rare but serious condition. Bones can become infected in a number of ways: Infection in one part of the body may spread through the bloodstream into the bone, or an open fracture or surgery may expose the bone to infection


is a common office test used to assess how well your lungs work by measuring how much air you inhale, how much you exhale and how quickly you exhale. _____ is used to diagnose asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other conditions that affect breathing.


common cold-swelling of the nasal passages and the back of the throat. Your doctor may also refer to this as an upper respiratory infection or rhinitis. A virus or bacteria can cause it.


is a procedure done to remove fluid that has built up in the sac around the heart (pericardium). It's done using a needle and small catheter to drain excess fluid.


sac around the heart

atrioventricular block

is a type of heart block that occurs when the electrical signal traveling from the atria, or the upper chambers of the heart, to ventricles, or the lower chambers of the heart, is impaired. Normally, the sinoatrial node (SA node) produces an electrical signal to control the heart rate.


Surgical incision of lymphatic vessels.

immune thrombocytopenic purpura

is a blood disorder characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood. (Platelets are cells in the blood that help stop bleeding). A decrease in platelets can cause easy bruising, bleeding gums, and internal bleeding.


cells in the blood that help stop bleeding


inflammation of the tongue.


a surgical procedure in which one or both testicles are removed

spermatocele (spermatic or epididymal cyst)

is an often pain-free benign cyst that occurs close to a testicle. The cyst forms in the epididymis. The epididymis is a coiled tube behind each testicle. The cyst is filled with fluid and may contain dead sperm.


a coiled tube behind each testicle.


surgical removal of one or both ovaries; ovariectomy.


inflammation of a fallopian tube and an ovary.

vesicoureteral reflux

is when the flow of urine goes the wrong way. This condition is more common among infants and young children. Urine, which is the liquid waste product from your body, normally flows one way. It travels down from the kidneys, then into tubes called the ureters and gets stored in your bladder.


is a disease of the kidneys caused by damage to the small blood vessels or to the units in the kidneys that clean the blood. People who have had diabetes for a long time may develop this.

choledochal cyst

are congenital conditions involving cystic dilatation of bile ducts.(bile duct cyst)

adrenocortical insufficiency

is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce adequate amounts of steroid hormones, primarily cortisol; but may also include impaired production of aldosterone (a mineralocorticoid), which regulates sodium conservation, potassium secretion, and water retention.


surgery to repair droop eyelids, removes access skin muscle and fat.

bullous myringitis

is a type of ear infection in which small, fluid-filled blisters form on the eardrum. These blisters usually cause severe pain. The infection is caused by the same viruses or bacteria that lead to other ear infections.


is a surgery to remove all or part of the vagina. It is usually used as a treatment for vaginal cancer. ____ is also used as part of some types of female-to-male sex reassignment surgery.




incision, cutting


surgical creation an opening


inflammation of an organ


surgery to remove ovaries and fallopian tubes












calculus or stone



nail infection


creation of a hole in the trachea


increase in white blood cells (especially during infection)

removal of all or part or the tongue

are congenital conditions involving cystic dilatation of bile ducts. (bile duct cyst)


provider visually examines the inside of the bladder/ urethra


beneath the skin

subcutaneous tissue

(hypodermis) NOT A LAYER OF SKIN composed of fatty/adipose tissue


multiple tissue types formed together to perform a specific function for the body ex. heart

organ system

a collection of body parts depending on one another to achieve a mutual objective. ex cardiovascular system.

standard position

upright, face forward position w/ arms by side and palms facing outward, feet parallel and slightly apart.

anatomical position

superior (head)^inferior (feet) V


skin hair nails CPT includes breastsbody temp regulation, fluid balance, sensation

dermis (bottom)epidermis (top)

subcutaneous layer

below dermis, composed of fatty tissue

layers of skin

epidermis (top), dermis (middle), subcutaneous (bottom)

root, nail bed, lunula, nail plate, cuticle, perionchia, hyponychium, free edge


under nail cpt 11740

muskuloskeletal system

system of bones, joints, muscle, tenons, ligaments.provides movement, strength, form, protection, heat.Bones form skeleton which supports the body, provides mechanism for motion and protects vital organs. Production factory for blood cells and store calcium phosphorus and magnesium sulfate.

long bones

found in limbs, longer than they are wide, tubular. Femur

short bones

shaped like a cube (cuboidal) carpal bone, wrist, tarsal, ankle

sesamoid bone

shaped like a sesame seed, patella,tendons and joints, ball of foot

flat bone

cross-sections is flat spongey-skull- ribs

irregular bone

bones that do not fit into any other classification of bone; examples are vertebrae and pelvic bones


flexible connective thats non vascular. no blood flow, matrix made of chondrocytes collagen, and cells proteoglycins.


articulating surfaces, provide connection between two or more parts of skeleton, classified by type of connective tissue and articulating surfaces. most are synovial.

3 types of joints

fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial

human skeleton

2 parts axial and appendicular. axial skull spine ribs sternum sacrum protects vital organsappendicular shoulder girdle pelvic girdle exteremities