The Nervous System

List the levels of organization in an multicellular organism, form smallest to largest?

cells, tissue, organs, and organ systems

Nervous System

Coordinates the body's response to changes in it's internal and external environments

Integumentary System

Convets food so it can be used by cells

Endocrine System

Serves as a barrier against infection and injury

Lymphatic System

Eliminates wastes and amintains homeotasis

Muscular System

Stores mineral reserves and provides a site for blood cell formation

Reproductive System

Produces reproductive cells

Respiratory System

Brings materials to cells, fights infection, and regulates body temperature

Excretory System

removes waste

What are four types of tissues found in the human body

Epithitial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Nurvous Tissue, and Muscle Tissue

The msot abundant tissue in most animals is

Epithelial Tissue

Circle the letter of the types of tissue that cover the surface of the body and lines internal organs

Epithelial Tissue, and Connective Tissue

What is a gland

A gland is a structure that produces chemicals

f tissue that connects bone too muscles

Connective Tissue

The process of maintanining a controlled, stable inernal enviroment is called


The process by which the product of a system shuts down the system or limits its operation is refferred to as

Feed Back Inhibition

The part of the brain that moniors and controls body temperature is the


What happens if nerve cells sense that the core body temperature has droped belwo 37 degrees ferinhight

Hypothalamus speeds up chemical reactins within the body's activities

what happens if the body temperature irses too far abouve 37 degrees celcius

Hypothalamus slows down cellular activities

The human body contains

one hundred trullion cells

Levels of Organization in the Body

cells, tissue, organs, and organ systems

Nervous System

allows you too respond to stimuli exteranl

Intigumenurary System

serves as barrier against infection and injury

Respotory System

responsible for breathing

Digestive Systems

breaks down food and eliminates waste

Excatory System

eliminates waste

skelletal System

supports the body

Musculary System

allows you too move

Cuculatory System

keeps oxygen and other nutrients moving throughout the body

endocrine System

responsible for growth development

Resproductive System

produce resproductive cells

Lemplatic, Emune System

fights disease

Musculatory System

enables the body to move

Feedback Inhibition

process in where your body terns your activities on or off as needed ot maitain homeostasis

The four tipes fo tissues

Epithalial tissue, Connective Tissues, Nervous System, and Muscle Tissue

The nervous system controles and quoridnates functions throughout the body and respones

to internal and external stimuli


Transmit messages to the body through electrical impulses

Sensory Nuron

carry impulses for the sence organs to the spinal cord and brain

Motor Nuron

carry impulse form the brain and spinal cord too muscels and glands


connect the sensory and motor neurons

Cell Body

contians mucleus most of cytoplasm, metabolic Activities ocours hir caries impulseas away form cells body


carrries impulse away form cell body

Myelin Sheath

insulating membrane surrounding axon


gapes in myelin sheath Impulses jump from node to node to increase their transport speed.


carry impulses form other nurons and the enviroment toward the cell body

Resting Nuron

not transmitting an impulse

Resting Neuron

not transmittignan impulse

Moving Impulse

begins when a nuron is stimulated by another neuron or by the enviroment

Ions ove acroos the cells membran causing the inside of the cell sto necome slightly mroe positive than onhte outside. This is called

action potential

The stength of an impulse is always the same

action potential resting portential

The minumum level of an stimulus required to activate neuron is called the


The Synapse

The location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse or an electrical impulse to another cell


These are chemical used by a neuron too transmit an impulse across the synapse to another cell

What is the functionof the nervous system

responds ito internal and exteral change

What are trree types of neurons

Sensor Neurons, Motor Neurons, and Interneurons

Sensory neurons carry impulses for the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands


what is the funtio fmyelin sheath

inslualitong neuron increases speed at which nerons travel

There are more soduim ions in the cytoplasm than in the fluid outside the cell


The difference in electrical change across the cell membrane of a resting neuron is called it's

resting potential

How does a nerve impulse begin

begins whena nuron is stimulated by the enviroment

Waht are neurotransmitters

Neurootransmitters are cemicals taht send a sinal to the synapse of another cell

Describe what happens when an action potential arrives at an axon terminal

The axon potential sends an electric signal when arriving at the axon terminal

Long finers that carry impulses away form the body


Minimum level od stimulus required to activate a neuron


Controls the internal and exteral movement of the body

Muscel Tissue

Covers the surfaceof the body internal and external

Epitheleal Tissue

Cells that carry messages throughout the nervous system


Location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to a cell


Holds the orgains in place and binds body part s together

Connective Tissue

Insualting memmbrane surrounding the axon

Myelin Sheath

Carries impulses towards the cell body


The stoppping or limiting of processes

Feedback Inhibition

Receives messages for the bodies exteral and internal enviroment and then responds to it

Neurvous Tissue

Chemical used by a neuron ot tranmit an impulse across synapse ot another cell


Cental Nurvous system

which relays messages, processes information and analyzes information

Peraphal Nervous System

shch receives information forthe enviroment and relay commnads from the cental nervous system to organs and glands

Teh central nerous sysem include the nrain and the

spinal cord


are three layers of conective tissues that wrap the nrain adn spinal cord

Cereprospial fluid

acts as a shock absorber and protects the central nerovs system


is the largest part of the brain. It conrols all conscious activities and hold intelligence learning judgements

It is divided into lieft and right hemispheres. The left side controls the hemispheres side of your body, while the right side controls the

analytical mathematical

It is said that people whoare more right brained tend to ne left. While people whoare moer left brained tend to be right and



is the 2nd largest part of the brain. It is found in the back of the skull . It coordinates and balances the muscles.

brain stem

connects the brain and spinal cord

They are responsibel for blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and



receives messages for sensory organs a nd sends them to body temperature


is the control center for hinger, thirst, fatiguw, anger and body temperature

Teh spinal cord is the main comminication link

between the brain and the rest of the body

It processes


There are about 31

pairs of spinal nerves

The peripheal nervous system is located outside the

spinal colume

The two parts of the peripheal nervous system include

censry division and motor divion

somatic nerves system

regualtes activites that are under conscious control

autonomic nervous system

reglates activities that are automatic or involuntary

What is the functionof the central nervous system

The central nervous system takes in informatin and converts it into messages

Teh cenral nervous system consists of the brain and the

spinal cord

Is the following sentence true or false

Three layer so connective tissue known as meninges protect the brain and spinal cord

The brain and spinal cord are bathed and protected by

cerospinal fluid


Receives and relays messages formthe sense organs


Cordinates and balances the action of the muscles

Brain stem

Regualtes the flow of information between the brain and rest of the body


Receives and relays message from sense organs


Controls hunger, thirst, fatigue, anger, and body temperature

The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by a band of tissue called the

brian stem

Identify the four lobes of the brain

Cerebrum, Thalamus, Hypothalmus, and the Cerebellum

Is the following sentence true or false

The felft hemisphere of the cerebrum controls the body's left side is false

Is the following sentence true or false

The outer surface of the cerebrum is called the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex is true

what is gray matter, and where is it found

Gray matter is brain tissue and it is found all over the brain

The two region of the brian stem are the

Cerebrim and the Cerebellum

Name tow examples of a flex

sneezing and blinking

What is the advantage of a reflex

A reflex allwos athe body to respond to a reflex when predictors are near as in case of hunting

Curcle the letter of each choice that is part of the peripheral nervous system

cranial nerves, spinal nerves, ganglia nerves, and spinal cord

Circle the letter of each activity that is controlled by the somatic nervous system

lifting a finger, wiggling the toes, pilling foot away form tack

What does the autonomic nervous system regulate

regulates activities that are codomatic

Why isit important to have two systems that control the same organs

The two different systems of the body conrol the body when it is in a unconious state

sensory resepters

react to cetrain stimuli such as light or sound

Waht are sensory receptors

The body receves two senses like light and sound

List the five general categories of sensory receptors

pain recepters, thermorecepter, mechanoreceptors, chemoreceptors, and photoreceptors

Which category of sensory receptors are sensitice to touch, sound, and motion

cimicecracular conals

circle the letter of each sentence that is true about the structures of the eye

light enters theyese through the cornea, the anteriror chamber is filled with vitreous humorm the pipil changes insize tolet mre or less light enter the eyem and the lens focuses light onthe retina

Where are photoreceptors located in the eye

Imner layer of the eye

What do photoreceptors do

take pictures of immages aroundt hem

Is hte follwoign sentence true or false

Cones are extremely sensitive to light, but they do not distinguish different colors that is false

How do impulses travel form the eyes to the brain

blood vessels

List the two sensory function of the ear

sound and mosion


is any sunstance not food that changes the structure and functuion of the body

Is the follwoign sentence true or false? Adrug is any illegal substance that changes the structure or function of the body


Is the folowing sentence true or false? Amoung the most powerful drugs are the ones that cause changes in the nervous system, especially ot the brain and the synapses between neurons


How can drugs disrupt the functining of the nervous system

Synapes that are key relay stations neurotransmitters may shut off or become disfintional


increase blood pressure


decreases heart rate


acts on pleasure center of brain


reduces pain


causes lung damage


destroys liver cells

circle the letter of each choice that is depressant drug

cocaine, and amphetamine

an uncontrollable craving for more of a drug is known as


cocaine causes the sudden release in the brain of an neurotransmitter called


How odes drug use increase the transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS

HIV may be caused by people wh use the same needle too inhect a drug like heroin. When someone becomes poor after an addiction they begin too rely on what they can too obtain the drug witch could include using the same surringe too inject the drug

Is the follwoing sentence true? The most widley abused illegal drug is marijuana


What is fetal alcohol syndorm or FAS

FAS or Fetal, Aclohol, Syndrome is averiety of burth diffects too the fetals.

Epitheleal Tissue

covers the surface of the body

Connective Tissue

Holds the orgains in place and binds body parts together

Nervous Tissue

Receives messages from the bodies external and internal environment and then responds to it

Muscle Tissue

Controls the internal and external movement of the body

Feedback Inhibition

Process in which products stop or limit a process


Cells that carry messages throughout the nervous system


Carries impulses towards the cell body


Long fibers that carry impulses aray form the cell body

Myelin Sheath

Insulating membrane surrounding the axon


Minimum level of stimulus required to activate a neuron


Location at which a neuron can transfer an impulse to a cell


Chemical used by a neuron to transmit an impulse acrossa synapse to another cell