Disease Processes for Physical Assessment

UTI is most commonly caused by _________ ascending

E. coli

Signs and symptoms of _________ are frequency, burning, urgency, nocturia, hematuria, and suprapubic fullness; CVA tenderness, fever


Syphilis is caused by __________

Treponema pallidum

The primary stage of syphilis is within 10-90 days, marked bypresence of ______, a firm, ________ lesion

chancre, painless

Treatment for syphilis are ___________ but if left untreated, chancre heals in 1-5 weeks and disease progresses tosecondary stage; 3rd stage is terminal


HSV-2 in males have multiple, _______, painful _______ on tip or shaft of penis or perianal area within 3 to 5 days of initial exposure

blisterlike, vesicles

HSV-2 virus becomes dormant, resides in ____ _______and then repeated outbreaks occur _______

nerve ganglia, any time

Treatment for HSV-2?

Antivirals; not curable

HPV has _______ on penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh whichappear raised, ____, ___________-like

warts; pink, cauliflower

______________ are the only form of birth control known to decrease chance of contracting an STI BUTtheir use ____ ___ eliminate risk of infection

Latex condoms; does not

HPV vaccination available-Serial injections BEFOREsex, at age ____ , #2 in 6 months, #3 in one year


HSV-2 virus is contracted through _______


Sign and symptoms of ________ in females are multiple blisterlike, painful vesicles erupt on the vulva, perineum, cervix, or perianal area within 3 to 5 days after the initial exposure


Signs and symptoms of ________ in females are many asymptomatic; warts in genital area, nares, mouth, larynx, conjunctiva; vaginal bleeding between periods; perlvic fullness


A _____________ is a bulging in the anterior vaginal wall caused by thickening of the pelvic musculature so, the bladder, covered by vaginal mucosa, prolapses into the vagina


A ___________ is a bulging in the posterior vaginal wall caused by weakening of the pelvic musculature, so part of the rectum covered by the vaginal mucosa protrudes into the vagina


______________ occurs when the uterus protrudes into the vagina

Uterine prolapse

Fibrocystic breast have presence of bilateral, multiple, often __________, benign breast nodules and fluid filled __________ which vary in size and blend into surrounding breast tissues

painful, cysts

fibrocystic breast disease is caused by ___________ and _____________

estrogen, progesterone

Fibrocystic breast disease can happen if you have a hx of spontaneous __________, shortened menstrual cycles,early __________, late menopause

abortion, menarche

Signs and symptoms of ___________ are cyclic premenstrual pain, increased tissue density, round, elastic, defined, tender, and mobile cysts

Fibrocystic Breast disease

Fibroadenoma has presence of 1 cm to 5 cm __________ that are lobular, ovoid, or round


Fibroadenoma may occur is ____________ breasts

one or both

Fibroadenoma lesions are firm, well defined, seldom tender, and usually ______________________

singular and mobile

____________ occurs more commonly between puberty and menopause

Fibroadenoma disease

Breast cancer has firm, hard , not defined ________ that may be ____ or mobile

masses, fixed

Breast cancer masses are not usually tender and usually occur after age ____


Breast cancer masses are most often found in the ___________________ of the breast and are usually unilateral with irregular, poorly delineated borders; immobile, and fixed to surrounding tissues

upper outer quadrant

Gynecomastia is typically _________


Causes of Gynecomastia in newborns is due to __________

mothers hormones

Causes of Gynecomastia in puberty is due to ______________

hormone imbalances or medication, and alcohol, heroin, marijuana abuse

Causes of Gynecomastia in older men is due to pituitary or testicular tumors, some meds, or _________ due to naturally occurring _____________

cirrhosis, estrogens

Signs and symptoms of ____________ are unilateral or bilateral enlarged breast tissue in men


Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, progressive degenerative disease that affects the ________________ of the white matter of the brain and spinal cord

myelin sheath

Signs and symptoms of ____________ are Tingling and muscle cramping, unilateral or bilateral muscle weakness, tremor, ataxia, speech disorders, visual changes, and bowel and bladder dysfunction

multiple sclerosis

Meningitis is an infection of the meninges and typically __________


Signs and symptoms of _____________ are headaches that became progressively worse to severe, vomiting, ALOC-disorientation, or delirium, photophobia high fever, chills, nuchal rigidity


Encephalitis is when the brain cerebral hemispheres, brainstem, or cerebellum is infected, typically _____, most commonly HSV-1


Signs and symptoms of _____________ are acutely ill, ALOC-confused to coma, personality changes, seizure activity, neck stiffness, tumors, cranial nerve palsies, exaggerated DTRs, decreased sensation, and photophobia


A spinal cord injury is trauma causes injury to the spinal cord, followed by cord compression from bone fragments, hematoma, or material from the disks which leads to ____________


Signs and symptoms of a ________ depend on the level of injury, numbness and paralysis from downthat level down: quadriplegia, paraplegia

spinal cord injury

A spinal cord injury can cause Autonomic dys/hyperreflexia: Urinary __________, constipation, paralytic ileus, _____________, hypothermia, and bradycardia

retention, hypotension

Seizures have a sudden discharge of ___________ activity in brain


Signs and symptoms of _________ range from tonic-clonic where pt falls, convulses and loses consciousness to a blank facial expression that may be accompanied by movements such as repeated blinking or rolling of the eyes, or lip smacking and minor myoclonus of the upper extremities or neck


What are the two causes for a cerebrovascular accident?

Thrombus or hemorrhage; either leads to ischemia

Signs and symptoms of a _______ CVA are paralyzed right side, impaired speech and language, slow performance, visual field deficits, depression, and impaired comprehension


Signs and symptoms of a ______ CVA are paralyzed left side, spacial-perceptual deficits, tends to minimize problems, short attention span, visual field deficits, impaired judgement, and impulsive


Alzheimer's have ____________ tangles, neuritic plaques, and amyloid angiopathy


Signs of symptoms of ________ are memory loss, irritability, impaired judgment, not able to recognize or remember how to use things, wandering, circular speech patterns, increased DTRs


What are the 5 A's of Alzheimer's?

1. Amnesia2. Aphasia3. Agnosia4. Apraxia5. Anomia

A traumatic brain injury is a low or sudden jolt to head-trauma, typically caused by _______


Signs and symptoms of a ______________ are Pain, changes in memory, cognition, sensation, changes in motor function

traumatic brain injury

Parkinson's is a degeneration of ____________ producing neurons in substantia nigra in basal ganglia Lack of dopamine causes s/s


Signs and symptoms of _________ are resting tremors of face, jaw, hands, arms, legs; bradykinesia; rigidity; postural instability (trunk forward flexion); shuffling gait; mask like face; weakness, finger pill-rolling tremor


Children fall and fracture ________; Adults fall and fracture hip or _____

clavicle, wrists

Fracture risks include ____________, family hx, use of corticosteroids, cigarette smoking, ______ DM, ETOH, and ________

osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis

Signs and symptoms of ______ are pain, malalignment, shortened or deformed limbs, swelling, muscle spasms, open wounds, blood loss


_____ shows fracture. Medical management is alignment (reduction) and fixation


Be sure to assess _____ for fractures


A sprain is trauma to a ________ (up to and including torn ligament)


A strain is trauma to _________ from violent contraction or excessive/forcible stretch


Signs and symptoms of _______ are pain, heat, discoloration, and localized swelling in the affected area. Moderate to severe sprains are marked by joint laxity, reduced ROM, and limitation of function.

sprains and strains

Contractures is fibrosis of connective tissue in skin, _____, muscle, or a joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint


Signs and symptoms of ______ are decreased ROM; joint is "stuck" in position


Dislocation is a __________ separation of the bone from the articular surfaces of the joint


Subluxation is a _______ displacement of the joint


Signs and symptoms of a ________ are Pain, crepitus, inability to move the joint, change in length of extremity, instability, ecchymosis (common bruise)


Osteoporosis has low ______ mass


Osteoporosis is often __________


A typical first sign of osteoporosis is __________ collapse on bending over and sudden lower ____ pain that radiates around the trunk;

vertebral, back

For osteoporosis inspect for curvature of spine "Dowager's ____"; Palpate vertebrae for pain to assess for osteoporotic fracture (most common between __ and __

hump, T8, L3

Osteoarthritis is ___________, noninflammatory, progressive disorder of movable joints that is associated with _____ and accumulated trauma

nonsystemic, aging

Signs and symptoms of ___________ are Deep, aching joint pain or "grading" joint pain during motion, following activity and relieved by rest; reduced mobility; deformities of distal interphalangeal joints-Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes


Rheumatoid arthritis is _______, progressive, _______ disease characterized by recurrent inflammation of connective tissue

chronic, systemic

Signs and symptoms of __________ are morning joint stiffness (pt needs to "limber up"), symmetrical joint pain with swelling, warmth, paresthesia of hands and feet; fatigue, malaise, low- grade fever, weight loss, anemia, anorexia; later: deformity, limited ROM, rheumatoid nodules

rheumatoid arthritis