I h8 psych 1001 cu boulder

Which ethical guideline would a scientist be breaking if they videotaped children, without asking their guardians, while the children were taking a test in class?


Betty took part in a study where she was told the purpose was to further examine perceptual cognitive processes. Once the study was over, however, the researcher explained to her that the study's real purpose was to assess automaticity of stereotypes. Thi

deception; debriefed

Confidentiality requires that:

access to collected data be limited to research staff

One of the ethical guidelines researchers abide by is ensuring __________, or agreeing that an individual's data should not be made public without consent from the individual.


Why is it beneficial for scientists to use systematic observation in order to acquire knowledge?

Observations provide the basic data that allow scientists to track, tally, or otherwise organize information about the natural world.

____________ is important to obtain before starting a research study to ensure people know they are involved in the study, what will happen in the study, and understand they can choose to stop participating at any time.

informed consent

Whether or not a given study has the possibility of causing harm to participants

must be determined by a review board established by the sponsoring institution

A researcher would like to determine the effect of caffeine on memory. Participants are randomly assigned to receive a caffeine pill or a sugar pill. Both groups complete a recall task that assesses their memory. However, even those who received the sugar

to help ensure that participant characteristics don't become confounding variables

An article headline claimed that "Drugs Cause Homelessness" due to a positive relationship found between homeless populations and drug use. Educated psychologists thought this might be flawed, because they thought unemployment was influencing both drug us

a third variable

Students who study for 7 hours over the course of a week will perform better than students who cram for 7 hours the night before the exam. The dependent variable in this hypothesis is:

exam performance

Researchers manipulate or control variables in order to conduct

A true experiment

The function of the myelin sheath is to

speed up the transmission of action potentials along the axon

Lisette is writing a paper for her psychology class and the topic is supposed to be the brain stem. Which of the following would be the best title for this paper

The Life Support Center of the Brain

Although Janay's brain makes up only about ____ percent of her total body weight, it uses about _____ percent of the total oxygen and calories she consumes. Janay's brain size and resource usage is similar to that of most human beings.

2% and 20%

Why are you limited to how much visual information you are able to process at any one given moment

The neurons in your visual cortex are wired in an inhibitory way.

What is the primary difference between transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)?

its NOT THIS ANSWER tDCS generates a brief electrical current in the brain by generating magnetic pulses.

The chlorine ions in the runner's nerves are moving from areas of high concentration to low concentration in a process known as _____________


Max saw that his friend was approaching and he lifted his arm to wave at her. What type of neuron moved his hand?

motor neuron

Chlorine (Cl-) is what type of ion

anion : negatively charged ions

When two neurons are communicating, the presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters that travel across the synaptic cleft and attach to what type of receptor on the postsynaptic neuron


What cell provides nutritional and structural support to the neuron?



A limbic system structure involved in memory and emotion, particularly fear and aggression.


A neural structure lying below the thalamus; it directs several maintenance activities (eating, drinking, body temperature), helps govern the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, and is linked to emotion and reward.


A neural center located in the limbic system that helps process explicit memories for storage.

lymbic system

made of amygdala hippocampus, hypothalamus and pituitary gland

pituitary gland

pleasure and reward

left hemisphere of brain

The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for control of the right side of the body, and is the more academic and logical side of the brain.

corpous callosum

a neural bridge that acts as a major communication link between the two hemispheres and allows them to function as a single unit

right hemisphere of brain

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for control of the left side of the body, and is the more artistic and creative side of the brain.

glial cells

cells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons

motor cortex

an area at the rear of the frontal lobes that controls voluntary movements and tells body what to do "pet that dog

The frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobe make up the

cerebral cortex

A couple is on their honeymoon and Jass wants to have lots of sex. However, Imis wants to watch the Olympics. What impact could that have on their sex life?

If Imis's team wins; it could increase his testosterone and sexual motivation, if they lose it could decrease his testosterone and sexual motivation.

Imagine that you could bottle hormones into spray bottles, spray them on people, and they would immediately affect their behavior. Which hormone would you bottle to get people to like each other and bond with each other more easily?


What evidence exists showing that hormones directly impact aggressive behavior?

Male mice that are castrated and not treated with testosterone prior to their sixth day of life show low levels of aggression.

Why is the term "maternal instinct" misleading?

Instincts are supposed to be innate responses. However, without the appropriate hormones, new mothers will not nurture and protect their offspring.

Which of the following is true of hormonal communication but not neuronal communication?

Hormonal messages, but not neuronal ones, can travel anywhere in the body that receives blood.

Excessive cell phone use changes our _________.

-All of the above:
dopamine rewards, posture, neural activity

The overload described here effects which of the following? (technology use)

-all of the following:
working memory, attention, motivation

On the other hand, if we use technology mindfully and efficiently, we might be able to leverage it to actually increase our mental abilities, by reducing strain on our capacity-limited ____________.


Electrode placement in which part of the brain results in the smoothest movement in a robotic arm?

postier paristal lobe

Hearing occurs, in part, when sound waves reach the "eardrum" or

tympanic membrane

Which of the following is the major difference between light and dark adaptation?

Dark adaptations happens when rods are bleached and need time to replenish.

Which of the following statements is true about taste?


Which of the following is the best definition of "Just Noticeable Differences"?


Sound quality can be divided into amplitude, timbre and pitch. Pitch is determined by the __________ of the sound waves.


Jenny's lips and fingertips are far more sensitive than her shoulders and ankles. This is an example of the way that her cortex is organized in a _______________.

Somatotopic Map

When Siobhan witnesses a car accident she senses both the sight of it and the loud sound of it. These combine to create her perception and this is an example of _____________.

Multimodal perception

Jose is walking toward Dan, who is standing still. As Dan watches Jose move toward him, a series of physical and perceptual events will occur. Which of the following is NOT one of those events?

Dan will consciously make the effort to calculate Jose's distance based on the size of the retinal image.

The importance of vision for humans is reflected in the

relative size of the visual cortex.

Lateral inhibition leads to which perceptual experience?

The edge of an object is enhanced.

Julie has sustained damage to the "what" system in her brain. She will likely have difficulty with which of the following tasks?

identifying a chair

Which of the following statements about the retina is FALSE?

The photoreceptors communicate directly with the ganglion cells.

Pain that we experience as "dull" and/or "aching" involves which of the following?


Anamorphic illusions are/were likely involved in _______.

all options

Which of the following receptor types transduces mechanical information into neural signals?

not thermo

Which of the following accurately describes pain?

not always unpleasant

Nociceptors are always activated by which of the following?

tissue damage

Which of the following are mechanoreceptors?

All of the other options are correct.

Pain that we experience as "dull" and/or "aching" involves which of the following?

All of the other options are correct.

Experiencing stimuli as color, in people with synesthesia is most likely _________.

unconscious and innate

According to Sacks, synesthesia was long thought to be more common in females than in males.


According to Sacks, which of the following are TRUE regarding synesthetes?

In synesthetes, associations between color and other stimuli are sometimes bidirectional. For example, in color/music synesthesia, music leads to the perception of color, and colors also lead to perception of music.

According to Sacks, judgment had been studied extensively by psychologists.


All music/color synesthetes are accomplished composers and/or musicians.


Which of the following stimuli are extremely difficult to render in a manner that avoids the uncanny valley effect?

head of hair

The uncanny valley effect is an important consideration for developers of _____________.


Considering what you now know about the uncanny valley, the creepiness of which of the following creepy stimuli can be explained, at least in part, with this concept?

all of these options are correct

Potential explanations for the uncanny valley effect have involved __________.

not horror, not all

Considering what you now know about the uncanny valley, the creepiness of which of the following creepy stimuli can be explained, at least in part, with this concept?


Stimulation of photoreceptors in the retina is necessary for ____________.


Chemically, endogenous painkillers are most similar to which of the following?


The placebo effect is _________.


Which of the following is the most accurate characterization of psychoactive drugs?

Foreign substances that take advantage of normal neural functioning to alter perception, cognition, and/or behavior.

The Placebo Effect" is most closely synonymous with _______,


Based on the Placebo Radiolab episode, if humans were able to create a successful "placebo effect" in themselves, they would be able to _________.

all of the other options could become possible

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?

when we see others in pain or experience emotional pain,
some brain areas associated with physical pain are active

If I grow to like a movie the more times I watch it, this would most easily be explained using which psychological phenomenon?

mere exposure

The fundamental attribution error occurs when _______________.


If I'm a french male, and I say "all women are overly emotional" or "all germans are uptight", I would most clearly be demonstrating _____________.


We all demonstrate effects of __________, although not necessarily ___________.

stereotypes, prejudice

Imagine you're against war. You take a job at a bomb factory. After you work there for a few years, you become pro-war. This demonstrates _________________,

cognitive dissonance

The prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib demonstrates _________.


Intrapersonal phenomena concerns which class of psychological phenomena?

phenomena that occur within an individual

Which groups would memory researchers likely say would be the most susceptible to misinformation?

children and older adults

Which of the following accurately reflects the influence of group discussion on recall accuracy?

When groups discuss an event, it reduces individual recall accuracy.

It is critical to use good interviewing techniques with eyewitnesses after an event because good interviewing techniques can:

enhance the quality and quantity of information obtained from an eyewitness

Imagine that you are a memory researcher and want to learn about memory errors. You decide to meet with participants and ask them about the time they went camping with their family (even though they have never camped in their lives). At first, the partici

false memory

Judge Martinez is presiding over a murder trial, and is getting ready to explain to the jury what their role will be as they hear the case. If he wants to reduce the problems associated with memory and the legal system, which of the following should he do

Give the jury proper education about eyewitness memory and testimony.

At what point in life does one begin to construct a narrative identity?

early adolescence

Which of the following is the BEST description of a person's sense of self?

It is "reflexive": People reflect on their own identities.

Which of the following actions from a child would exemplify having a sense of self as a social actor?

expressing emotions such as embarrassment, shame, guilt, and pride

A __________ narrative is a life story that affirms one's transformation from suffering to an elevated status or state.


When considering the ways that people develop and communicate their senses of identity which of the following activities may be the most powerful form of self-transformation that human beings have ever invented.


Which of the following can be influenced with placebo?

all options

Placebo can help alleviate symptoms associated with ________.

all options

Which of these is primarily behavioral?


Which of the following is most closely associated with cognitive illusions?

not controlled cognitive or system 2

Which of the following contribute to self-stigma?

all the above

System 1 (or Type 1) thinking is __________.


_________ processes almost always require attention.

system 2

Driving involves ________ processing.

system 1, 2, and automatic

The "fast" of the two forms of thinking is _______.

not logical

Of the following, which is effected the least by limited processing capacity?

system 1

Which of the following can result from self-stigma?

all options

Free will" is closely associated with _________.

system 2

With increasing expertise, _______ decreases.

not system 2 control

Which of the following is necessary for stereotype threat to affect a person?


Stereotypes are necessary for which of the following?

stereotype threat

Patrick has sustained damage to his orbitofrontal cortex, but his twin brother, Ben, has not. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true about these two brothers?

Patrick will take more risks than Ben

Dual-process models state that people

have two ways of thinking: one is a fast and automatic process, whereas the other is slower but usually more accurate.

Which of the statements below would complete the following syllogism in a way to make it valid?: All busy people are stressed out. All professors are busy.

Therefore, all professors are stressed out.

If Tabitha believes that detective shows are more dramatic than hospital shows, then confirmation bias would make her more likely to do all of the following EXCEPT

have memory schemata that include more examples of dramatic hospital shows than dramatic detective shows

People tend to be more alert and responsive to evidence that supports their preexisting notions and beliefs than to evidence that challenges them. This effect is called

confirmation bias.

Which of the following is NOT a heuristic used in problem solving?


Many of us overestimate our own popularity. This could be because we surround ourselves with people who like us, rather than with people who do not. Therefore, it is easier for us to think of the names of people who like us than it is to think of the name

the availability heuristic.

When we encounter a highly unusual event, we are particularly likely to notice and consider the event. As a consequence

NOT the event will be easy to recall, leading us to overestimate the likelihood of this type of event
maybe: the event will be easy to recall, leading us to overestimate the likelihood of this type of event.

Which of the following problems is well-defined?

Susan is trying to decide which route to take to the soccer game.

One plan for solving a problem would be to consider every possible option, searching for the best solution. This broad plan is

usually ruled out by the sheer number of states within the problem space

The constructive nature of memory is best captured in which of the following analogies?

memory as a storytelling

Which of the following does not draw on experimental evidence?

studies of memories inadvertently implanted by therapists

Which of the following are used in heuristic decision making?


Functional Fixedness is related to which of the following?

all options

Framing Effects can contribute to ________.

all the above

Heuristics are ecologically rational, and thus usually result in better decisions, in _________.

uncertain environments

System 1 (Type 1) thinking is ___________.


System 2 (Type 2) thinking is ___________.


Serial position effects in memory, and The Anchoring Effect in decisions, are a result of _____ control of cognition.

system or type 1

Heuristics are ________.

often helpful

Which of the following are examples of heuristics?

base rate, anchoring, representativeness, availability

When buying stock, which stocks are your "winners" and "losers" is defined primarily by _________.

how much the stocks cost when you purchased them

Which of the following is an example of manipulating the trustworthiness of a speaker?

have the speaker present his/her message as educational or objective information

Which of the following contribute to better financial decision making?

all options

During a political debate, one candidate continually avoids questions about the details of his policies. Instead, he focuses on pointing out problems that he know worry people and reassures them with a warm smile that they will be "in good hands" if he is


The ________ route to persuasion relies on superficial cues that have little to do with logic. It requires a target who is not thinking carefully about what you are saying.


Oscar would like to go to a movie without supervision. To try and get what he wants, he starts by asking his mom if he can go on a trip to the Rollercoaster Park with just his friends. When his mom says no, like he predicted, he goes on to ask if he can a

door in the face

Specific, sometimes minute, aspects of a situation that activate fixed action patterns are called __________ features.


The "Anchoring Effect" refers to _________.

all options

Cognitive overload should lead to a greater influence from ___________.

peripheral route persuasion

This strategy aims to control decisional biases by making financial decision making more __________.


Decisional biases resulting from heuristics affect _______.

political behavior, financial planning behavior, consumer behavior

Which of the 6 shortcuts for effective persuasion can take advantage of either the central or peripheral route of persuasion?

all options

Attunement (Perspective taking) is most closely related to which of the constructs from the previous video?


Clarity, as described here, is most closely related to which of the constructs from the previous video?


Which of the following criteria do not characterize personality traits?

predictiveness of future behavior

What is the social-cognitive perspective?

the interaction between people's traits and their social context

___________ is the most commonly discussed topic among strangers getting to know one another.


Which of the following personality inventories is intended primarily to identify deviant personalities?


Which of the following constructs is most closely related to learned helplessness?

NOT internal locus of control

This suggestion would best be characterized using which of the principles from the previous video?


One challenge to the trait approach to personality is that traits may not be as stable across situations as we think they are. An explanation for this instability is that personality:

NOT: is not a stable characteristic of persons

Clint is a very confident person who tends to take charge when he has been assigned to a group task. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Clint likely score high in?

I think its conscientiousness

This suggestion takes advantage of which of the following principles from the first video in this assignment?


___________ is the desire to make significant accomplishments by mastering skills or meeting high standards.

Need for achievement

Wayne likes to travel to learn about new cultures. Whenever he returns from a trip he brings home a piece of art from that culture to add to his collection. Which of the Big 5 factors of personality would Wayne likely score high in?


Walter Mischel was an important figure in the "person-situation debate" amongst psychologists. What was Mischel's side of the argument?

Traits are an illusion. People may not be consistent across situations and thus it would be fruitful to study the distinct reactions in specific situations.

On a neural level, the biggest difference between mental athletes and everyone else is that _________.

NOT all options

Which of the following refers to the hypothesis that memories fade or erode with the passage of time?


What is the major difference between classical and operant conditioning and nonassociative learning?

Nonassociative learning involves a single stimulus and conditioning involves the pairing of two stimuli or a stimulus and a response.

Relaxed attention and not thinking best characterize mental states associated with ________________.


If attention is like a spotlight, then sustained attention (vigilance) is a ________ spotlight, while selective listening is a ________ spotlight.

broad, focused

When people are aware of stereotypes about their social group as it relates to scores on intelligence tests:

Fear may undermine their performance.

Zelda has a very bad day at work, and gets yelled at by her boss for something that she didn't even do wrong! When she gets home her kids are misbehaving, but before she yells at them she takes a deep breath and realizes that she is not mad at them. "I'm

understanding of emotion

If leaders of a country are primarily interested in creating the conditions necessary for their citizens to be highly creative, what should they do?

NOT They should create prizes that reward creative discoveries.

Interest is most closely associated with which of the following?

all options

Which of the following is the most accurate analogy for human memory?

a storyteller

Psychologist Edward Titchener was displeased with the general mission of the American Psychological Association, which led him to form a new professional association. What was it called?

The Society of Experimental Psychologists

Which of the following is true of the oxytocin system?

NOT all options

Which of the following are most closely associated with reward?

NOT lateral hypothalamus

Your goal this semester to earn a 98% in your psychology course. The library, your textbooks, and your desk are all examples of _______.


Dan Ariely explains his results from his investigation in rural Indian villages in terms of ___________.

NOT drive reduction theory

In the story of the school for special education in Nicaragua, the older generations of students were unable to demonstrate _________ in the false belief task.

In the story of the school for special education in Nicaragua, the older generations of students were unable to demonstrate _________ in the false belief task.

Which of the following is an example of how people in conversation tend to exhibit similar accents and rates of speech, often associated with people's social identity?

While Adam is a native English American speaker he uses an Australian accent when he speaks to his dad who is from Australia.

According to the social brain hypothesis, the human brain has evolved over many generations so that people can:

maintain larger ingroups.

Why is it beneficial for scientists to use systematic observation in order to acquire knowledge?

Observations provide the basic data that allow scientists to track, tally, or otherwise organize information about the natural world.

Whether or not a given study has the possibility of causing harm to participants:

must be determined by a review board established by the sponsoring institution

Operational definitions are encouraged in research in order to:

make terms used in a study as explicit as possible

Why is it beneficial for scientists to use systematic observation in order to acquire knowledge?

Observations provide the basic data that allow scientists to track, tally, or otherwise organize information about the natural world.

Whether or not a given study has the possibility of causing harm to participants:

must be determined by a review board established by the sponsoring institution

Operational definitions are encouraged in research in order to:

make terms used in a study as explicit as possible

Evidence reveals a correlation between the number of hours toddlers spend watching television and their level of hyperactivity in later childhood. What does this definitively indicate?

that there is a relationship between television viewing and hyperactivity

The famous case of Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who lived after a metal bar passed through his brain, offered insights about brain functions. Similarly, some researchers remove parts of the brain in animals to observe changes in behavior. These studies


Which of the following terms refers to a naming system; in this case, a common naming system that divides the brain into different recognized parts?

a nomenclature

The action potential in the chef's neuron was able to quickly travel from one node of Ranvier to the next so that she could move her arm away from the hot stove. What is this type of rapid transmission known as?

salutatory conduction

What type of signal directs the synaptic vesicles to release their neurotransmitters into the synapse?


What evidence suggests that male zebra finches (a type of bird) sing the most when their blood testosterone or estrogen concentrations are high?

Castrated birds sing less but will resume singing if they are treated with testosterone or estradiol.

Why is it inappropriate to refer to androgens as "male hormones" and estrogens as "female hormones"?

Testosterone is often converted to estradiol in nerve cells and behaviors typically considered to be masculine may be affected by estradiol.

Hallucinations associated with altered states of consciousness, such as drug and pathological states, are best described as ___________.

perception in the absence of sensation and any physical stimulus.

The sense of smell is sometimes referred to as a "chemical sense" because __________.

chemical stimuli are transformed into electrical signals

The primary visual cortex is located

at the part of the cortex that is farthest from the eyes.

Which of the following characteristics is NOT used to diagnose visual stimuli by neurons in the visual system?

Which of the following characteristics is NOT used to diagnose visual stimuli by neurons in the visual system?

The social touch hypothesis suggests that the sense of touch and _______ are functionally related?

NOT pain

Which of the following top-down sources of information help shape the experience of pain?

Not all options

Potential explanations for the uncanny valley effect have involved __________.

not ambiguity

Mesmer and other mesmerists eventually began to "magnetize" trees, and subsequently these magnetized trees were able to cure people of all the problems that mesmerists were able to help people with. Which of the following would most likely enhance the cur

The patient should be present when the tree is initially magnetized.

When an individual reflects on her sense of self as an embodied actor whose social performances may be construed in terms of more or less consistent self, upon which aspect of the self is she reflecting?

the "social actor

When considering the ways that people develop and communicate their senses of identity which of the following activities may be the most powerful form of self-transformation that human beings have ever invented.


People who were part of the group planning the Bay of Pigs invasion were afraid to voice concern about the plan, to avoid lowering morale. They were most likely demonstrating ___________.


If I find myself a group in which everyone shares my opinion that the Denver Broncos are the greatest team in sports.
After an hour of discussion, I'm convinced that they're actually the greatest team of all time. I may be demonstrating ________.

NOT group polarization

In a 1978 study by Loftus, Miller, & Burns, participants were asked what they saw during a slideshow depicting which of the following events?

a car driving and hitting a pedestrian

When you feel that you know the name of a famous actor-you can even imagine her face and think of movies she has starred in-but you cannot quite remember her name this is an example of the _____________ effect.

tip of the tongue

Heuristics are strategies that

sometimes risk error in order to gain efficiency

The four-card task provides an example of how

poor we are at reasoning about conditional statements.

I can easily think of the names of several dishonest politicians, so I'm certain there are a lot of dishonest politicians!" This is an example of a judgment relying on

the availability heuristic

When we encounter a highly unusual event, we are particularly likely to notice and consider the event. As a consequence

the event will be easy to recall, leading us to overestimate the likelihood of this type of event.

Uncritical trust in authority can lead to significant problems for several reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Authority figures quite often have hidden agendas that must be protected against.

Tracy enters a car dealership interested in buying a new car. Immediately she is greeted by a salesman offering her water or soda and a cookie. The salesman is likely relying on what social norm to help persuade Tracy to buy a car?


Introversion" and "Extroversion" are important constructs associated with which of the following theoretical characterizations of personality?

all options: The MBTI, The big 5, and psychodynamic theory

Renette has been trying to paint her bathroom for 3 weeks now, but she has made almost no progress. Every time she paints a wall, she uses a magnifying glass to ensure that the job is "perfect." If there is even the slightest imperfection, she will strip


Dr. Andorski is working with a client whom he believes suffers from a personality disorder, but the symptoms do not fall clearly within the diagnostic criteria of any of the ten personality disorders. According to DSM-5, which of the following would be th

He should diagnose the client with Unspecified Personality Disorder (UPD)

Extroverts have a greater affinity for _________ than Introverts.


Which of the following would be the most accurate term reflecting the opposite of conscientiousness?


Which of the following may be the most accurate way to view personality disorders?

as a pervasive pattern of thoughts and behaviors that interfere with functioning

Because people suffering from ego-syntonic personality disorders are comfortable with their selves, they rarely seek treatment for their conditions. Which of the following is one such condition?

schizoid personality disorder

How is the Psychopathy Checklist- Revised completed?

NOT People fill out self-report questionnaires.

Which of the following statements about the Antisocial Process Screening Device is correct?

The APSD is completed by parents or teachers.

Which youth tend to be tested for psychopathy and why?

Youth who have committed crimes or with conduct problems are tested to determine who is at the highest risk for greater conduct problems in the future.

What do people who receive high scores on the interpersonal-affective factor of the PCL-R tend to be like?

They tend to be narcissistic and low in fear.

What is "meanness" as described in the Triarchic model?

dominance and self-confidence

Which of the following personality distinctions is in part a result of genetic predisposition?


Which of the following personality distinctions is supported with at least some evidence for differences in neural activity or neural structure?


The construct of "personality" is most closely related to which of the following?


Unlike Freud (psychoanalytic theory), Gordon Allport (trait theory) emphasized ____________ to try to explain human behavior.

personal characteristics

Unlike psychoanalytic theory, trait theory emphasizes the influence of parameters in the ________ to explain human behavior.


Of the following, which are more closely associated with trait theory [Allport] than the other theoretical approaches to personality described in this video (Psychoanalytic [Freud], Psychodynamic [Freud's students], Social-Cognitive [Bandura], & Humanisti

minnesota & the big 5

Which of the following is detracts the most from the efficacy of the MBTI as compared to the "Big Five"?

relies on relatively small set of discrete personality types

People with antisocial personality disorder usually ________.

are aggressive

Cluster B personality disorders are associated with _________.

all options: bipolar, substance abuse, depression

Psychopathy and Sociopathy can be distinguished based on _________.


All psychopaths and sociopaths qualify for the DSM diagnosis of _________, although only a subset of people who qualify for that diagnosis also meet criteria for psychopathy or sociopathy.

antisocial pd

Ego-syntonic disorders are not associated with _________.


Worried", "Fearful", and "Avoidant" are words used to summarize the characteristics included in which of the following clusters of personality disorders?

cluster C

Wild", "Dramatic", and "Impulsive" are words used to summarize the characteristics included in which of the following clusters of personality disorders?

cluster B

Weird", "Odd", and "Eccentric" are words used to summarize the characteristics in which of the following clusters of personality disorders?

Cluster A

This model is most similar to which of the following models of personality?

the big 5

Which of the following personality disorder clusters from the DSM was not covered in greater depth in either the second or third video in this assignment?


Which of the following groups of psychologists would be most opposed to the assumptions and methodology of behavioral genetics?

NOT Gestalt psychologists

Which of the following examples would demonstrate the influence of nature on one's success?

a football player is born with the genes to be very tall, very fast, and quite muscular

Fitness in evolutionary psychology refers to:

reproductive success

While survival is important, it is only important if it contributes to reproductive success. These differences in heritable attributes are also known as _____________.

natural selection

Researchers have found that men generally are more likely than women to be willing to consent to sex with strangers and to require less emotional investment for sex to occur. From an evolutionary perspective this is likely because:

The investment cost of a pregnancy is much higher for a woman than a man.

The field of behavioral genetics, as described so far, relies primarily on ________ methodology.


Polygenic scores can be used to predict ___________, meaning that our genotype is associated with that phenotypic trait.

all options

The phenotypic trait that the Belyaev researchers used for selective breeding was _________.


This new research focuses on which of the following levels of analysis?


What makes the comparison between domesticated and wild foxes more useful for scientific and statistical investigation than the comparison between modern dogs and wolves?

all options

______ are the basic information that is passed along in DNA that tells cells and molecules how to "build" an organism and how that organism should behave.


Lonnie needs to make a long business trip back to of Minnesota but is uncertain of when to leave. According to the weather report, there is a big storm starting that he may encounter. The cost of deciding to leave later will make him late for his meeting

error management theory

While survival is important, it is only important if it contributes to reproductive success. These differences in heritable attributes are also known as _____________.

natural selection

The experience of jealously leads heterosexual men to be more likely to protect their mates and guard against rivals, which increases their reproductive success. This statement is best reflected by which of the following psychological perspectives?

evolutionary psychology

When Marissa went skiing for the first time she felt confident she could handle the slow of the medium difficulty runs. When she rode the chair to the top, however, the slope appeared much steeper and she became worried. This is an example of:

visual descent illusion

Which of the following are potential therapeutic targets of epigenetic approaches that have not yet been achieved?

all options

The genome sequence is ______, whereas the epigenome is ______.

static, dynamic

Epigenetics" refers to the influence of _______ on _______.

phenotype, nature

One epigenetic mechanism that had been identified directly affects _________.

NOT the genetic sequence

There is evidence of epigenetic influences on which of the following biological functions?

NOT cell signaling

Adolescents drink more __________.

NOT all options

The risky behavior of adolescents are best explained with reference to ____________.

NOT all options

Which of the following cognitive functions are not fully developed in the adolescent brain?

NOT inhibition

Over the course of the lifespan of a given individual, adolescence is the time when ________ is highest.

reward sensitivity

Over the course of the lifespan of a given individual, adolescence is the time when ________ is highest.


Over the course of the lifespan of a given individual, adolescence is the time when ________ is highest.


Activation of the Dopamine reward pathway, in the Nucleus Accumbens, by cute stimuli suggests that cuteness is _________.


Neoteny is associated with _____.

all options

Which of the following parts of "baby schema" are most similar to the Japanese concept of Kawaii, which was introduced in the previous video?

large head relative to body

The independent variable that is manipulated in this experiment was the _________.

cuteness of the baby

Which of the following is an example of a dimorphous expression?

all options

Who is most closely associated with the idea that the influences of experience can be passed to offspring?


Which of the following refers to the mechanisms associated with the genetic transmission of information that was acquired through experience?


This definition of epigenetics is more _________ than the definition offered in the previous video.

focused on mechanism

Epigenetic mechanisms most directly influence which of the following?

gene expression

Experience can influence the phenotype of offspring through _______ mechanisms.


CRISPR operates most directly on __________.


Which of the following is associated with the tendency of adolescents worry more about being cool that other age groups?

underdeveloped cognitive control network

The construct of "measured rebellion" is most similar to which of the following concepts from the first video?

ironic detachment

The construct of "rebellion" here results most directly from which of the following concepts from the second video?


The construct of "measured" here results most directly from which of the following concepts from the second video?

mere exposure effect

The false-belief test is used to evaluate children's ability to __________.

infer mental states of others

Which of the following cognitive tasks is the most complex?

recognizing intentionality

Which of the following cognitive &/or behavioral functions are impaired in individuals who are diagnosed with autism?

All of the other options are correct.

These type of neurons fire in a monkey's brain when he engages in an action or witnesses the same action

mirror neurons

Which of the following is an example of a social domain for which theory of mind is critical?

All of the other options are correct.

Which of the following is the best example of a measure of psychophysiology

NOT crying

Dana observes children on the playground. Every time one of them helps another she records notes. This is an example of a:

research method

One potential problem with researching skills is that people can improve on those skills each time they are tested. This is known as:

the practice effect

Researchers might expose a baby to an image of a face until they become bored and look away. And then present a new image to attract the baby's attention. This is a study of __________.

involuntary response

Which of the following best describes the purpose of Institutional Review Boards:

NOT they evaluate instructors to ensure high quality lectures and research

Julee's mom has noticed that her daughter has been especially good at resisting the cookies in the kitchen so she doesn't spoil her dinner each night. Julee knows if she can wait until after dinner she can eat two cookies. This successful experience of mo

effortful control

Peer relationships are an important part of children's social development. Peer acceptance is a source of affirmation and _____________ whereas peer rejection is a source of bullying and victimization.


Theory of __________ refers to a child's growing understanding of how another person's mental states can affect that person's behavior.


Infants develop a confidence regarding the sensitivity and responsiveness of their caregivers. This security of attachment has been recognized as a cornerstone of social and personality development for which of the following reasons?

Knowing a child's attachment predicts his/her emotional intelligence, strength of friendships, and positivity of one's self-concept.

According to Baumrind, the __________ parenting style is marked by low expectations and control combined with low warmth and responsiveness.

NOT authoritarian

Adolescence is marked by ______ changes.

All of the other options are correct.
social, cognitive, physical

Marcia's stage model of development differs from Piaget's in its focus on ________.

all options
cognition, identity, childhood

Last year, Anna was an athlete at school, and mostly hung out with other athletes. This year, she's started hanging out with the theater kids. She can't decide what identity feels right to her. Anna is experiencing ______.

identity moratorium

In adolescence, parental monitoring becomes more ______.

NOT proximal

Which of the following change rapidly during early adolescence?

NOT All of the other options are correct.

Sheila believes she is more mature than when she was an adolescent, but is still not quite a full adult. This is known as __________.

NOT focusing on self

In Piaget's terms, this child is in the ______ stage of development.


Based on his performance on these tasks, which of the following is this child most likely to be able to demonstrate?

object permanance

In economically developed Asian nations, how many romantic relationships has the average unmarried man in his mid-twenties had?

NOT 3 or 1

In economically developed nations fifty years ago, at what age did most men begin their full-time career?

NOT early teens

During what time period did emerging adulthood begin to develop as a life stage in industrialized countries?

the last 50 years

What is the name of the cultural system that emphasizes the duties that one has toward others?


What is the name for education or training that occurs after the completion of high school?

tertiary education

It is 1966 and Mrs. Williams just had her first baby. How old is Mrs. Williams most likely to be?


People in their 20s in Asian countries may experience conflict between their culture's collectivism and which aspect of emerging adulthood?

NOT instability

Sally has had 4 major career changes in the last few years and moved 5 different times. What characteristic of emerging adulthood is Sally experiencing?

NOT feeling in between

In Europe and Asia, emerging adulthood is longer than in the United States due, in part, to the financial support of the emerging adults' __________.


What do emerging adults do that, according to Erik Erikson, used to be part of adolescence?

explore their identity

In economically developing nations, what group in society is beginning to see an emerging adulthood life stage occur?

urban middle class

Emerging adulthood is characterized by possibilities, instability, self-focus, identity exploration, and ______________.

feeling in-between

In what nation would it be considered taboo for an emerging adult to cohabit with a romantic partner before marriage?

south korea

Which of the following would be sufficient evidence for a childhood behavior disorder diagnosis?

NOT hyperactivity

Which of the following are empirically supported school-based treatments for ADHD?

reinforcement and punishment

Which of the following may not meet the definition of a psychiatric disorder?

all options

Risks are associated with __________ stimulant medication.

all options

Which of the following are necessary to meet the definition of a childhood behavior disorder?

NOT all options

Which of the following is true regarding ADHD?

none of the options
only in children
only in adults
causes problems in school

Which of the following are among the treatments for childhood behavior disorders?

all options
behavioral treatements
parent management training
pharmacalogical treatments

Which of the following is sufficient for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder?

none of the options

Which of the following are among the neural structures that are together classified as "the social brain"?

all options
fusiform gyrus (FG)
posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS)
orbital frontal cortex (OFC)

fMRI measures __________, whereas EEG measures ___________.

oxygen consumption, electricity

Which of the following is necessary for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder?

NOT All of the other options are correct.
I think its impaired social functioning

People diagnosed with ASD sometimes suffer from impairment in _______.

NOT general cognitive ability

Unlike Piaget's stages, Kohlberg's stages focus on ________ development.


Unlike Piaget's stages, Erikson's stages focus on ________ development.

psycho social

This helplessness is associated with which of the following concepts from a previous video assignment?


The deficits exhibited by feral children demonstrate that human contact is necessary for the normal development of _________.

all options

The famous case of Genie Wiley provided evidence for _________ in ________ development.

all options

Danielle's case demonstrates the importance of human contact for normal _________ development.


It's important to be cautious when interpreting cases of feral children, such as Danielle Crockett and Genie Wiley, because feral children are generally often ________, which is also partially responsible for cognitive, behavioral, and emotional deficits.


This helplessness is associated with which of the following concepts from a previous video assignment?


Both Charles Darwin and Paul Eckman suggested that many expressions of emotion are _________.


Experiencing negative emotions can be beneficial, although unpleasant. Which of the following is the best example of the function of a negative emotion?

Negative emotions, such as worry, help motivate people to prepare for the future.

Awkwardness is a complex state that likely involves which of the following?

all options

subjective well-being is influenced by which of the following factors?

NOT citizenship

Examples of top-down causes of subjective well-being include:

personality, outlook, and resilience

Which of the following best describes the relation of money to subjective well-being?

Money can boost happiness, but it does not guarantee it, and can interfere with happiness if a person values money too much.

An example outcome of high subjective well-being includes:

a stronger immune system

What part do negative feelings play in subjective well-being?

Negative feelings are functional and should be experienced as appropriate but only some of the time.

Amy is very excited for the day of her wedding. On that day she experiences a spike in happiness and this feeling lasts for about a month. After that she returns to her "normal" levels of mood. What is this an example of?


What standards do researchers measure life satisfaction by?

whatever standards the individual participant thinks are most important for a good life

Having sufficient social resources helps support individuals' subjective well-being. Which of the following is the best example of these resources?

having a friend you can turn to in times of need

Which of the following are similar, in evolutionary utility, to the basic, universal set of emotions?

pain, embarassment, awkwardness

When you drink spoiled milk or put a rancid piece of cheese in your mouth, you may spit it out before you have any cognitive awareness of why you are feeling disgusted. From an evolutionary perspective, this demonstrates which concept?

Emotions help us act with minimally conscious awareness

Emotions serve a cultural function. One such function is

to guide how people ought to feel in various situations

John is a Canadian having dinner with his friends from China. He openly shows both his enthusiasm and his anger about various topics as they speak. John notices that his friends smile and nod but that they do not display strong emotions. This is an exampl

cultural influence on emotion norms

When Christa gets angry, she gets motivated to become productive so that whatever is making her angry can be overcome. She also notices that whenever she is angry she gets very warm and starts to perspire excessively. These psychological and physical chan


When she notices that her girlfriend, Ellana, seems particularly quiet, Bess starts gently asking her what is wrong. After a while Ellana shares that she is having some problems in their relationship and this leads to a very constructive conversation abou

signal value

Cynthia smiles when her friend tells her a joke. She also smiles when her boss gives her criticism. Even though Cynthia might not actually be feeling happy, she knows the _______ rules of her work environment. In other words, she knows when emotions are a


Studies of emotional responding tend to focus on three facets of emotional response. Which of the following includes one example of each of those three facets?

Physiological: how fast one's heart beats; Experiential: whether one reports feeling happy; Behavioral emotion display: whether one is smiling

Temperamental factors have a more powerful influence on ____________.

actual affect

Today in class, your professor handed back your tests and to your excitement, you earned a perfect score! Unfortunately, your best friend, who is also in the class, failed the exam. If you are from ______, you are more likely to also feel a degree of worr

east asia

According to the affect valuation theory, __________ factors shape how a person ideally wants to feel, while __________ factors shape how a person actually feels.

cultural, temperamental

began dating, people would talk


Self consciousness is in part a result of _________.

all options

When Myrl and Becca began dating, people would talk about them quietly behind their backs. The conversations centered around the fact that Becca was judged to be highly attractive while most people thought that Myrl was relatively plain-looking. In this i


Why does proximity seem to promote relationships between people?

Because proximity promotes familiarity.

In the model of Robert Sternberg, what kind of love is marked by passion, commitment, and intimacy all at the same time?

consummate love

Martin has been trying very hard to be friendly with Jeannie, but she just seems distant to him. Although he's never done anything wrong to her, he finds that he no longer has an interest in being friends with her. It appears that the lack of ________ fro


Caring, closeness, and emotional support are all parts of the ________ component of love.


This video, summarizing Adam Anderson's theory of facial expressions of emotion is that the primary purpose of the universal set of basic emotional expressions is ________.

changing sensory and ...

Which of the following is not a synonym for "wanting", in the context of affective neuroscience?

NOT Nbehavioral activation

Which of the following neuroscience methods are not possible in humans, because of ethical considerations?

all options

Which of the following neural structures/areas is/are part of the "desire system"?

NOT amygdala

Which of the following are involved in the experience of "liking"?

all options... pleasure, orbitofrontal cortex,
nucleus accumbens

Which of the following are examples of organisms?

all options

This is an example of which of the following concepts from previous course content?

all options

Paradise Engineering" may be doomed to fail because it ignores ________.

the evolutionary .....

Unlike sadness or melancholy, depression is not _________.


________ is the neurotransmitter most commonly associated depression?


Serotonin improves depressive symptoms most directly by promoting ________.

creation of new neural connections

The beneficial effects of both ketamine and psilocybin for depressive symptoms are likely due, at least in part, to ____________.

creation of new neural connections

In China, 4700 years ago, mental illness was thought to be caused by an imbalance of _______.

yin and yang

Bella's doctor treats her mental illness by asking her to recall and relive traumatic events from childhood. This treatment is known as the ________ method?

NOT biopsychosocial method

In Europe and the US in the 19th century, proposed causes of mental illness fell into which two categories?

psychogenic and somatogenic

Marco's doctor believes mental illness is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. How will she most likely treat Marco's depression?

NOT electroshock therapy

In the year 1800 in Europe, Bill was experiencing hysteria: he had become blind, but he had no physical reason to be so. His doctor diagnosed him with an imbalance in his magnetic fluid. How was Bill most likely treated?


Freud treated patients with hypnosis and psychoanalysis because he believed that mental illness was ________.


Dr. Flynn, a present day psychiatrist, uses the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Ed. (DSM-5) to

diagnose mental illness

Today, mental illness is often treated with psychotherapy and medication. These treatments reflect what two categories of causes of mental illness?

NOT psychogenic and psychoanalysis

Pinel and Pussin revolutionized the living conditions of people with mental illness in an approach known as ___________.

traitement moral

What is the most common type of delusion experienced by people with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder?

persecutory delusions

Christopher has the idea that a secret government organization is hunting him. His belief is hard to change even in the presence of conflicting information. This is an example of a _________.


Parisa has schizophrenia and regularly experiences hallucinations. According to the research, which type of hallucination is most common in people who have schizophrenia?

NOT olfactory

Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia are classified as "cognitive"?

memory impairment

Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia are classified as "negative"?

flat effect

Which of the following are points of evidence that D2 dopamine receptors are not the only neural difference associated with schizophrenia?

all options

Which of the following is one way in which delusions differ from normal, everyday thought processes?

Delusions are hard to change even in the face of conflicting information.

Leanora recently found out that she had been awarded a scholarship to the graduate school that was first on her list. Upon receiving the news, she did not smile or show any emotion, and just said, "well that's good," sighed, and walked away. This lack of

flat affect

In Powell (1998), which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia are described?

disorganized thought

In Powell (1998), which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia are described?


In Powell (1998), which of the following problems associated with schizophrenia are described?


In Weiner (2003), the delusions involving being the only person who could decipher codes in text and conversation is a _________ of schizophrenia.

NOT negative symptom

In Bayley (1996), the author suggests that _________ is an important but neglected part of treating schizophrenia.

NOT psychotherapy

The doctor wanted to know how many people in the US had a particular disease. This is known as the disease's _________.


In the general population, what is the prevalence of dissociative disorders?


According to the Post-Traumatic Model of dissociation, all individuals with dissociative diseases must have had what at some point in their lives?

a significant traumatic experience

Almost immediately after falling asleep, Cristina could not move. Then, she started hallucinating that someone evil was in her bedroom. Cristina is experiencing _______.

sleep paralysis

Traumatic events may lead to a loss of memory known as __________.


Which of the following is true of schizophrenia?

its treatable

Which of the following is true of schizophrenics?

none of the options

Which of the following are potential symptoms of bipolar disorder?

all except hallucinations

Patients diagnosed with _______ experience full mania.

bipolar 1

This patient demonstrates which of the following characteristics of a manic state?

all options

Which of the following characteristics of manic states does this patient exhibit here?


Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is associated with which of the following?

all options

Which of the following symptoms of mania does this patient exhibit?

all options

When Herschel Walker was successfully playing in the NFL, if his interpersonal functioning was unimpaired, he would not have qualified for a disorder under DSM V criteria, despite his other symptoms.


This fMRI investigation of DID shows changes in neural activity in the hippocampus, which you already know is associated with memory. These investigators found evidence of differences in neural activity __________.

during the switch between personalities

This EEG investigation found evidence of differences in neural activity __________.


Individuals suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD) are less likely to feel what emotion than people without SAD?


Patrick is terrified of spiders. His therapist has him imagine seeing a spider; touch a picture of a spider; and, later, actually hold a spider. Patrick's therapist is using

exposure therapy

Excessive anticipation and fear about being in a situation with other people is known as ___________.

social anxiety disorder

Which of the following is not a dissociative disorder?


How will a person with social anxiety disorder respond to praise?

NOT by becoming angry

Anxiety and fear both may have symptoms that are behavioral, emotional, and

Not social

Before making a phone call, Noah practices what he wants to say so that he doesn't embarrass himself. This preparation is one type of __________.

NOT anticipatory action

The process of responding to situations by managing feelings appropriately is known as ______.

emotion regulation

Filipe is worried about an upcoming work presentation. If he has regular levels of anxiety about the situation, when is his anxiety most likely to peak?

right before the presentation

Gina suffers from social anxiety disorder, but she has to give a presentation to a large class of university students. When she looks into the crowd, what does she most likely see first?

angry faces

Which term refers to the tendency to think that a "bad" thought is equal to a "bad" action?

thought-action fusion

Cory has an intense fear of flying and endures flights with extreme distress. Although she knows her fear is irrational, it is overwhelming and uncontrollable. Cory most likely suffers from:

specific phobia

Anxiety disorders are thought to emerge from "triple vulnerabilities." Which of the following is NOT an example of one of those vulnerabilities?

Zoe's small physical build makes her predisposed to feel the world is overwhelming leading to anxiety.

In addition to experiencing panic attacks, which of the following is a criteria for a person to be diagnosed with panic disorder?

NOT embracing internal bodily or somatic cues

Which of the following is/are behavioral patterns that can be present in OCD?


Which theory proposes that stressors which disrupt daily routines can trigger relapses in mood disorders?

social zeitgeber theory

For the previous six weeks or so, Carlton's co-workers have noticed that he has seemed very sad much of the time. He has also stopped going to team lunches and stays in his office on his own far more than usual. However, in the last few days, he has seeme

bipolar disorder

Stuart loves to play golf. He typically plays 2 or 3 times a week. Lately, he has been feeling down and has lost interest in the game, and has asked his friends to find someone to play in his place. This loss of interest and pleasure in an activity that S


Russell has been suffering from the symptoms of a major depressive episode for the past three weeks, and his symptoms have included both hallucinations and delusions. Which specifier would be added to his diagnosis of a major depressive episode?

psychotic features

The earliest anti-depressant medications were __________.

monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

Which of the following terms refers to the process through which a drug can increase the enzymes produced by the liver?

enzyme induction

Mr. Shannon suffers from Parkinson's disease and his symptoms have been getting progressively worse. His neurologist suggests that he begin taking ________, a medication that will increase synthesis of a specific neurotransmitter in his brain.


__________ are chemicals produced by a neuron that are used for communication with another neuron.


The action of an antagonistic neurotransmitter can be most accurately compared to a(n) ___________.

NOT electric wire

Psychopharmacology can best be defined as:

the study of how drugs affect the brain and behavior

Psychodynamic therapy has largely replaced psychoanalysis. Which of the following is a characteristic of psychodynamic therapy that distinguishes it from psychoanalysis?

Psychodynamic therapy looks at client problems while paying attention to the context of her social life.

Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with psychoanalysis?

there is a lack of empirical support for its effectiveness

The main disadvantage to person-centered therapy is that the treatment is primarily based on unspecific treatment factors such as _________________________, without considering specific treatment factors to directly target the mental problem.

client centered therapy

Which of the following techniques are associated with psychoanalysis?

free association

The main disadvantage to person-centered therapy is that the treatment is primarily based on unspecific treatment factors such as _________________________, without considering specific treatment factors to directly target the mental problem.

establishing a good relationship with the patient

Which of the following forms of mental health assistance address the stigma surrounding mental illness?

not psychoanalysis

Which of the following forms of mental health assistance could help make the unconscious conscious?

not cognitive behavioral therapy`

Which of the following can involve dissociative symptoms?

k holes

DMT may interact with __________.

All of the other options are correct.

_______ is the neurotransmitter most closely associated with the activity of DMT.


In one study, meditation resulted in growth of which of the following neural areas?


Which of the following are important for getting more people help for depression and mental illness more generally?

all options

Depression differs from sadness, melancholy, or just "being depressed", because it is not ___________.


Which of the following was once called "multiple personality disorder (MPD)


Moods differ from emotions in that they are __________.


Depression is __________.


In the preceding analogy, "software" refers to ____________.

genetic predisposition