NC Learner's Permit Study Quide- points and violations

speeding in excess of 55mph will result in how many points

3 points

a third points suspension last for

12 months/ 1 year

chances of an accident increase when bac level reaches


running a stop sign results in how many points

3 points

prearranged racing results in how ______ year suspension and the immediate ________ of the vehicle.

3 years ; seizure

after 2 traffic violations, young drivers are penalized for

1 month

following a dwi, a driver will lose his/her license for ____ month(s).

1 month

first DWI convictions results in ___ year(s) revocation

1 year

after a 2nd DWI conviction and license restoration, a drivers BAC legal limit must be


illegal passing results in how many points?

3 points

2nd points suspension period last for ____ days


speeding violation and reckless driving, his/her license will be revoked for ______ days

60 days

failure to yield right of way results in ____ points


if you refuse to take a chemical testing for drugs, your license will be revoked for _____ days

30 days; 1 month

if you're going 15 over 55mph your license will be revoked for _____ days

30 days; 1 month

failure to submit to chemical testing after immediate revocation will result in a _____ month revocation

12 months; 1 year

following too closely results in how many points

4 points

2 reckless driving charges within a year will result in a _____ month license revocation


0.15% BAC level or higher will result in the driver installing

an ignition interlock device

drivers under the age of 18 convicted of a fourth moving traffic violation will lose their license for a period of _____ months

6 months; half a year

an nc driver under the age of 21 convicted of purchasing or attempting to purchase alcohol will lose their license for ____ year(s).

1 year

what is the standard legal limit for drivers over the age of 21?


if convicted of a 2nd DWI conviction in a period of 3 years, the license will be revoked for ____ years.

4 years

refusal to submit to chemical testing results in a license revocation of _____ days.

30 days; 1 month

prearranged racing results in a ___ year revocation period.

3 year

speeding in a school zone results in how many points

3 points

running a stop sign

3 points

failure to yield

3 points

failure to maintain liability insurance

3 points

this BAC increases a driver's chances of getting in an accident (under legal limit-- 0.07%)


illegal passing is assigned ___ points

4 points

failure to yield right of way results in ____ points

4 points