Ch 1 us history


Women's bloodline determined social status in Native American cultures. Women administered laws and rules in the tribe while taking care of children, tending crops. Men were game hunting or engaging in warfare, while home they often rested. This led the Europeans to think that the men were lazy.

Native's defense

Many Native Americans had no immunity to Europeans diseases and often would not unite as a whole to fight off European settlers. This helped the Europeans ability to further inhabit the native's land

Native civilization

Small amount of large cities formed in the Native American culture like the Pueblos of the Southwest. many of the Native Americans lived in small villages that were easily moved in climate and large game changes

Scientific revolution

Great discoveries of transportation navigation and communication after the European Renaissance of the late 1400s and early 1500s that led to the explorations of the Americas

Why did exploration occur?

The quest for gold andand territory often lead kings and queens to send explorers. religious missions also were a reason for exploration

Protestant Reformation

A powerful movement against the Catholic Church and it's abuses that Martin Luther led.

Treaty of tordesillas

A treaty signed between Spain and Portugal in 1494 decided how Columbus' discovery of the New World would be divided.


Spanish conquerors of the New World enslaved native populations using the encomienda, a labor system in which Spaniards were given land by the crowned and were obligated to care for their natives American slaves. Their goal was to gain land, gold, and silver as well as to civilize the native populations. examples of Conquistadors were Hernan Cortes, Juan Ponce de Leon, and Ferdinand Magellan

Why did British want to go to the new world?

To escape overcrowding, unemployment, and religious oppression


The first English settlement, established by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585, that mysteriously vanished


The Virginia company in 1606 gave Capt. John Smith a charter to organize a colony in Jamestown in order To find gold, Christianize the natives, and secure a passage to India. the settlers were guarenteed the same rights as their brothers overseas

French in North America

In 1524 the French came to North America and what today is Canada and the northeastern part of the United States. they establish a friendly business relationship with the natives with fur trade. they also brought disease, and guns, alcohol to the native populations. warfare between tribes worsens as the French traded among warring groups and gave guns as presents


A Protestant group that believed in the supreme power of God in that humans were naturally wicked and needed strict leadership to keep them from sin. the cornerstone of Calvinism was predestination, that the idea that God knew before person was born whether or not they were chosen to be heavenly or go to hell


Followers of Calvinism that made up the immigrants who settled in the new England colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire in the first half of the 17th century


God's chosen people who were going to Heaven, in the Calvinism Protestant religion

What enabled the Europeans to conquer the natives?

Differences of the population and cultural patterns among the tribes

What were the conquistadors looking for in America ?

Gold, glory, conversion of natives to Christianity, and a shorter route to Asia

What spurred the European exploration?

The scientific revolution

Did puritans remain members of the Church of England?

Yes, the Puritans did the remaining members of the church of England the Pilgrims did not because the pilgrims were separatists

Church of England

An Anglican church established in the 1534 by King Henry the eighth. he sought to divorce his wife but the pope refused to grant permission to end the marriage. the king was enraged, broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created the Church of England. the Anglican church was similar to the Catholic Church in most ways

Why did the Puritans protest the Church of England?

Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church were similar in many ways. the teachings of John Calvin said that they had to purify the Anglican church by ridding it of the ceremony and regalia of the Catholic Church. King James the first believed the Puritans were a threat to his power and vigorously attempted to expel them from England to Holland


A group of Puritans immigrants who felt the need to abandoned the church of England altogether and set up a new church independent of the monarchy. This group more commonly known as the pilgrims set sail in 1620 aboard the Mayflower bound for Virginia. They agreed to work for seven years for the Virginia company in exchange for the share of profits. they landed on Plymouth Bay

Mayflower compact

An agreement to set up a secular body to administer the leadership of the colony. the document set a stage for the concept of separation of church and state and the rule of the majority. Even though there is a separation between church and state, religion remained the most important aspect of the Plymouth colonists' lives

Great migration

The next wave of migrants to New England in 1629 were Puritan nom-separatists that believed that they could remain in the Church of England but they had to reform it. they set sail to the Massachusetts Bay colony in the 1630s. They searched for religious freedom and fresh start

John Winthrop

The outspoken governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony and a minister. Proclaiming that the colony was a model of Christian charity and that it would be a City on a Hill for the Christian world to see emulate. he would become one of the most influential leaders of the New England colonies

Economy in Massachusetts Bay colony

Success in fishing, timber and shipbuilding

Massachusetts Bay colony's government

Only white males were allowed to vote and through the conversion experience only Puritan members of the Congregational Church participated in public airing of sins and transgressions.


Non-Puritans who are often punished or banished from the colony altogether. example Anne Hutchinson in her belief in antinomianism, that God's chosen people did not have to obey God's or man's laws because they were already in God's record as predestined to enter heaven

Roger Williams

A minister from Salem that believed that the colonist had no right to live on the land that had been unlawfully taken from the Native Americans.he argued against church and state. He was banished from the colony in 1636 and he and his followers formed the providence of Rhode island


Dissenters that believed in the power of one's inner light or that the power of God resided in the soul of the individual. William Penn founded Pennsylvania after several were banished

Halfway Covenant

The Congregational Church was losing membership because many young Puritans did not experience the conversion experience. The halfway covenant was established in 1662 to give non converted Puritans partial membership in the church

Fundamental orders

The first constitution in Colonial America, drafted in 1639 by the citizens of Connecticut and modeled itself after the government of Massachusetts Bay colony. the document called for the power of the government to be derived from the governed

New England Confederation

Established 1643 to provide collective security to the New England colonists that were under constant threat of attacked by surrounding Native Americans

Salutary neglect

A period of time in the 1640s when the colonists were left to manage himself while the English crown was embroiled in the English Civil War. this aided the colonies developedment of colonial self-leadership and widened the distance between the ideologies of the mother country and her colonial citizens

Dominion of New England

It was established in 1686 to bring the colonies under strict royal control by King James the second. The colonies existed only for the economic benefit of the mother country and the navigation acts were instituted by the Parliament to restrict colonial trade relationships with countries other than England

Which colonies were "mixed"?

The middle colonies of New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware were economically socially and religiously mixed

New Amsterdam

Established by the Dutch in 1623 it was an economic center for fur trades from the Hudson Valley. after fights with native Americans, the English gained control of new Netherlands and It became New York. It's social structure resembled that of feudal England in terms of land distribution


William penn established this colony in 1681 as a haven for Quakers. It was not as a holy experiment sought to explore the establishment of a liberal state while advertising to attract a wide array of potential settlers to the Colony. It promised land and religious freedom and democracy it used nonviolence it created a great relationship with the Native American surrounding the colony with a vast trade network. New Jersey and Delaware also quaker colonies

John Rolfe

Influential leader in the Virginia colony introduced tobacco to the farmers it became the number one cash crop. To derive a profit from tobacco farmers had to grow large tracts of the crop in the plantation system was developed

Labor shortage in the south

High death rate due to disease and climate coupled with a low birth rate and lack of women in the region. to solve the crisis landowners began to use the head right system and indentures servitude and slavery to encourage immigration to the region

Indentured servants

For every passage of an indentured servant a landowner would receive 50 acres of land. the servants were bound by the indentured until their passage was paid back in the form of labor usually in the term of seven years.

1660 house of burgesses

Before the 1660, Africans arriving in Virginia were deemed to be indentured servants but in 1660 the house of Bergesses set of series of laws that made specific distinctions between blacks and whites. from this point on current black servants in their offspring were considered lifelong slaves


The second Chesapeake colonies Founded 25 years after Jamestown. King James in 1634 gave a portion of land to Lord Baltimore to create a haven for Catholics. King James used the proprietary colonies as a way to protect his influence in the Chesapeake region. he also believed that the haven for Catholics could turn a profit for the crown

Act of toleration

To ensure religious freedom in Maryland Legislature passed the act of toleration in 1649 that would guarantee religious freedom to all Christians. Anyone who did not praise Christ was sentenced to death.


Established in 1660 by Charles the second. They were established to supply the sugar plantations of the west Indies with food but soon rice became the major cash crop. It was to the Carolinas at the slave codes from Barbados was first introduced thus institutionalizing black slavery in America for many generations


The last of the British colonies founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe. it was a place for thousands of debtors to be sent from overcrowded jails in London and it served as a buffer state between Spanish in Florida and the precious rice and indigo plantation economy of South Carolina

Bacon's rebellion

In 1676 Nathaniel bacon capitalized on the complaints of his fellow backwooders by mobilizing them to form a citizens militia. local natives were attacking them and the government was doing nothing to protect the backwooders. This rebellion signaled the problems of social division, resistance on the part of the colonists against loyal governance, and most importantly the difficulty of controlling former indentured servants. This led to an increase in the demand for slaves

Pueblo revolt

In 1680 the natives of New Mexico were not allowed to practice their religion and revolted against the Spanish it was the first major native revolt that made the Spanish flee and lose control of one of their Land grabs for many years

Glorious revolution

King James the second was over thrown from the crown of England and Mary and William of Orange took the crown and reduced the policies of the dominion of England and restricted the colonist ability to establish a self rule and created a better relationship with the colonists

Democracy in middle colonies compared to northern and Chesapeake

New England cities and towns are governed in a democratic manner. The other colonies were largely authoritarian, with rule coming from the landed classes or church elite

Colonial populations

Mass migration and high fertility rate increased the population to 2.5 million in 1775- 20% were African slaves


Existed in the years of the English colonies and became more apparent as the 17th century came to a close. The influx of more Affluent immigrants and the further development of the plantation economy in the south fitter increased the gap between rich and poor.

Elite in New England an middle colonies

Were merchants. 90% of colonies were substance/ tentative farmers

Middle colonies social structure

Did not have the same social rigidity as New England and south. -middle class enjoyed diversity, acceptance, and tolerance

Gender responsibility

Men- labor outside of the home. Women- responsible for care of home/children, had few rights or legal resources but were protect by their husbands


Colonies existed solely to provide raw materials and a marker of consumers for the mother country

Triangular trade

New England provided timber, fish, and manufactured goods to the Caribbean islands- in exchange for molasses that can produced into rum in New England- the rum was taken to Africa in exchange for slaves which would be taken to the colonies

Great awakening

In 1734 a religious fever spread across the colonies. John Edwards was credited by giving sermons like sinners. Churchgoers were told that god was angry with the sinners of the earth and only those who obeyed gods word would be free from damnation

New light

Preachers crisscrossed the colonies speaking to large crowds about the fire and brimstone eternity all sinners would face off get did not confess their sins publicly

How did the great awakening affect America?

It claimed a common experience among the colonists. It set divisions within the Protestant religion. Ex Methodist baptist

City on a hill

A covenant with god. Pilgrims had a shared sense of purpose- initially communistic society

Puritan outsiders

Banished those considered truly dangerous ex Anne Hutchinson and roger Williams