Domestic Violence Directive (LP-51-17)

Three Main Types of Protective Orders (Time Frame and Issuance)

1. Emergency Protective Order
- 72 hrs
-Magistrate or Judge Issues
-Victim/Ofc. Petitions
2. Preliminary Protective Order
- 15 days
-Judge Issues
- Victim Petitions
3. Permanent Protective Order
- 2yrs
- Judge Issues
- Victim Petitions

Domestic Relationships

A. Spouses (Whether residing in the same house or not)
B. Former Spouses (Whether residing in the same house or not)
C. Persons with child in common
D. Parents, children, step-parents/children, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, half-brothers/sisters (regardless if the person resides in the same house).
E. Mother/Father/Son/Daughter/Brother/Sister-In-Law who reside in the same house with the suspect.
F. Persons who cohabit or who, within the previous 12m, have cohabited and any children of either whom, at the same time, resided in the same home as the suspect.

DV Call (Officer Involved)

1. Separate and speak with both parties
2. Determine injuries to either party
3. Call supervisor to respond
4. Do not begin the investigation, maintain order and wait for supervisor.

DV Call--Arrive and Person Says Everything is Fine at Door and Won't Let You In (Received 911 call from wife)


DV Paperwork

1. DV Worksheets
2. Victim/Witness Statements
3. Lethality Screening
4. Strangulation
5. Victim Witness Advisory Sheet
6. Medical Records Request
7. ICR
8. Witness Subpoenas
9. Criminal Complaint
10. CCRE to determine if 3rd/subsequent offense.
11. 911 Tape Request
12. Obtain EPO from magistrate
13. Casebuilder

Where is the paperwork, not already in ICR builder, forwarded?

Scan to the DV submission folder