Ch 15

10% plan

10% of registered voters from 1860 in Southern states take oath to the Constitution to be loyal and accept the emancipation proclamation
Forms basis of constitutional convention ->republic -> request to rejoin union via congress

Wade- Davis Bill

stricter; 50% (majority) take iron-clad oath aka only those who didn't help rebels (unable to be honest)
Aid rebels in anyway- lose political voting rights
Punish S
Vast majority of Congress voted; Lincoln vetoed (didn't address bill)
Turned into executiv

13th Amendment

Jan 1865, prohibited slavery

Andrew Johnson

Democratic running mate in '64 election w/ Lincoln, took over presidency after assassination; resented S by growing up poor/ illiterate before rising in society via politics didn't think 10% was enough punishment forced plantation owners + formers soldi

Black Codes

how former Confederates elected into government attempted to bring back slavery

Freedman's Bureau

created in 1865 to provide food + assistance to free slaves

Civil Rights Act of 1866

precursor to 14th Amendment; had federal government gain responsibility over national citizenship rights vs states who restricted blacks (ex. Refusal to testify within judicial system)

14th Amendment

Federal rights over states for citizenship
1. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
2.clause- guarantee black male voting rights (indirectly)
a. Any state to refuse would lose seats within House proportionate to votes lost
3.clause- oath ->violated

Radical Republicans

very anti-slavery; wanted S to be punished; attempted to ensure 50% majority iron-clad rules

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Divided S into 5 military districts, each under command of union general; established requirements for re-admission into Union

Tenure of Office Act

required Senate consent for removal of any fed official who required Senate approval to enter office

15th Amendment

didn't allow states to revoke voting rights based on race, color, or "previous condition of servitude

American Woman Suffrage Association

only focused on women's right to vote

National Woman Suffrage Association

revolved around women's rights and focusing on the issue of federal suffrage Amendment


where free blacks rented tools and supplies in agricultural occupations from their former owners; better than gang-labor system; whoever since they started out penniless, most resulted in being in a constant state of perpetual debt

Hiram R. Revels

elected to Senate to fill Jefferson Davis' Mississippi seat; recruited African Americans to join union army


S whites who supported Reconstruction


N whites who were opportunistic meddlers

Civil Rights Act of 1875

full and equal" access to jury and public transportation/ accommodations, ignoring race

Liberal Republicans

civil service reform, smaller gov, restricted voting rights, and S resolution


(1871) murderous campaign across the S against reconstruction; allowed President to use force to remove conspiracies depriving citizens their right(s) to vote

U.S. v. Cruikshank (1876)

African American farmers murdered by ex-Confederates; Supreme Court ruled that it is the state's responsibility to ensure that voting rights are allowed (and yet weaponized parties such as the Klan and others were able to seize political power)