quiz 1


-The concern of humans is humans-Embraces concept of free choice-Personal relations are the meaning of life-An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.


-Every observation is repeatable-Behavior is determined by factors or others, not by ourselves-External things affect your life; you have no controlWestern medicine is driven by determinism


A now defunct theory that specific mental abilities and characteristics, ranging from memory to the capacity for happiness, are localized in specific regions of the brain.


Responsible for your own fate

4 tenants of humanism

-Happiness and productivity - socialization, communication, creativity-Self determinism- responsible for own fate-Audacity, freedom, reason


-Question everything-Test your own theories

Hippocrates - His view of the "seat of intelligence

-Said the brain was the seat of intelligence (and sensation)-Discovered that nervous system was set up contralaterally

Causal relationship versus a correlation

-Correlation does not = causation-A correlation between two variables does not imply causation.

Does the sun rising cause the rooster to crow?

-the rising sun may be an indicator that it's time to crow, but if for some reason a rooster can't see the first light of day, its body will likely signal them anyway.

What is a diagram model?

- the heart of engineering, especially diagrams-These diagrams are of input-output and parameters can be described by equations and parameters Show cause and effect relationships

What is the "God Complex?

-Western medicine physicians have been led to having a God complex-Request special considerations-Leads to patients not being involved in their own care


-Break into pieces-Doesn't look at whole picture at once; looks at pieces of problem