Health ch. 2

health skills

specific tools and strategies that help you maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health

interpersonal communication

exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people

effective communication

clearly say what you mean, pay attention to how you say something, be a god listener

refusal skills

communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values

conflict resolution

process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving

three steps when dealing with a conflict

1) take time to calm down and think through the situation2)when discussing the conflict, speak calmly and listen attentively, asking questions when appropriate 3)use a polite tone and try to brainstorm solutions where no one looses respect. Work to resolve the conflict peacefully.

self-management skills

practicing healthful behaviors and managing stress

stress management

ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress

ways to manage stress

laughing, taking a bath, engaging in physical activity, listening to soothing music, and managing time effectively

internal influences on health

knowledge, values, likes, dislikes, and desires

external influences on health

family, friends, peers, environment, culture, laws, media


taking action to influence others to address a health related concern or to support a health related belief

decision-making skills

steps that enable you to make a healthful decision


values are the ideas, beliefs, and attitude about what is important that help guide the way you live


something you aim for that takes planning and work

two types of goals

short term and long term

action plan

a multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goals

HELP acronym

Healthful (what health risks, if any, will this option present)Ethical (Does this choice reflect what you and your family believe in)Legal (Does this option violate any local, state, or federal laws)Parent Approval (would your parents or guardians approve of this option)


those distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves

core ethical values

responsibility, integrity, honesty, and respect

role model

someone whose success or behavior serves as an example for others

three ways to demonstrate character by making a difference

at home, at school, in the community